The more popular something is, the more likely that it is low vibration, and not true.

The more popular something is, the more likely that it is low vibration, and not true.

Why? Because the majority is always wrong.

In most cases majority/minority is an extreme proportional inequality: 98-99% to 1~2%

The other extreme is: 90% to 10%, meaning: the “good, productive, true” is never higher than 10%.

There was an Italian economist and sociologist Vilfredo Pareto (1848–1923) who noticed this pattern: that the distribution of income, brain, etc. is not even, not equal, but grossly unequal.

They call this the Pareto’s Principle or the 80-20 principle, but if you are a stickler for precision, like I am, you will know that my numbers are closer to how it is than 80-20. Continue reading “The more popular something is, the more likely that it is low vibration, and not true.”

Long winter may be the secret of high achievers

Long winter may be the secret of high achievers

dante infernoThis article is about using guidance, but not for its truth value, but in spite of its truth value. 1

Tai’s 67 steps program coupled with my coaching is the perfect growth program.

It’s not because of me, it is not because of the steps either but because of its structural essence.
Continue reading “Long winter may be the secret of high achievers”

The cruise ship that got caught in the storm

cruise-ship-wavesSometimes I know what I want to talk to you about, and yet I don’t quite know what to say, I don’t quite know how to say it.

One such thing is your relationship to money.

I have been watching people and their spending habits for 30 years.

Either myself, or my clients have always made a living when you, people, considered your (discretionary?) income sufficiently secure to spend it.

In the middle of the month, when most credit card bills are due: no one spends any money, except a rare individual.

It wouldn’t be an issue if this were the same across the world, but it isn’t.

People in other countries are not living from credit card bill to credit card bill.

So, I didn’t know how to address this, what to teach, what exactly to say. Then I saw this video clip of this cruise ship caught in a storm…
Continue reading “The cruise ship that got caught in the storm”