Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your teeth

Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your teeth
Trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth. ~ Alan Watts.

Lots of people like this quote. They like it because few people are even able to go one step further than thinking of defining themselves from their minds.

One of my students tried. He said: ‘I work for this and this company. I am intimate and loving.

Now, let me ask you: why define yourself? For what purpose?

Blog-Social-ExpectationsDo you think that matters? Do you think that different purposes will result in a different definition?

If I ask you to describe yourself so when I come to our meeting place I can recognize you, if you don’t say anything about your height and such, I will surely think you as a moron and cancel our appointment.

If you want to be a driver for me, and you talk about your job at blah, I will not even answer your email.

My current driver was the only one out of 250 applicants who defined herself saying ‘I am punctual, I am a decent driver, and I am good company…’ I hired her without asking any more questions. She was intelligent enough to look at the question as ‘what will be my experience with you driving me to places?’

She used three different verbal tools to communicate to me what to expect

  1. promise
  2. assessment
  3. declaration

She promised to be punctual. She assessed her driving as decent. And she declared to be good company.

The last one, the declaration, now became her core identity in our relationship. I don’t continue riding with her because she is punctual. Nor because she drives decently.

I ride with her because she has a commitment to be good company.

And she has been… in spite of some potential glitches. Amazing.

define_yourself_by_felisy-d5067hjYour core identity is a commitment.

It’s a vow. It is the flag you carry. Ultimately it is what defines you.

At this point…

At this point your core identity is your thinly veiled hidden nature that you hope won’t come out. Like belligerent, like nasty, like ‘when it gets tough I’ll leave’, like ‘I’ll do everything to dupe you’. ‘I’ll argue with you.’ ‘I think I am smarter than you.’ ‘Hey, I’ll get my money’s worth. Not in value but in being a time-suck.’ etc.

Before we can CREATE a core identity that will serve us, we need to tell the truth about the hidden identity, so we can manage it. It’s the mud through which we need to go through to reach the solid rock, so we can build something worth building, in spite of the mud.

And when the mud shows up again, we can say to it ‘I know who you are… go back where you came from’

Your assignment in developing your brain, developing your thinking is to define yourself to

1. a potential mate
2. a potential teacher
3. a coach in a project
4. a project leader who considers you making part of the team
5. a head hunter
6. a talent scout
7. a friend wanting to mooch on you

Do not lie. Say only facts or promises/declarations that you can keep.

How to do this assignment that it becomes a self-growth, self-developing exercise?

Imagine scenarios where you are taken into scenarios where your behavior/attitude is important.

  1. how will you be if you are caught exchanging intimate words with your ex?
  2. how will you be if your new mate/your boss/your teacher yells at you?
  3. Who/how will you be if you are accused of not carrying your weight in the new team?
  4. how will you be if someone asks you for something that is beyond what you promised?
  5. how will you be if someone asks why you are not sharing your wealth?
Lots of confronting scenarios mean lots of learning, growing experience.

If you don’t like how you have been in a similar situation, invent a new way of being, and test it out in your imagination. If you like it, become that kind of person.

Make sure that these are not silent movies: the words are important. The words reflect your attitude, your hidden Self.

One of my students suddenly inherited money. She is now encountering, in her real life, situations that in the past had a predictable outcome.

Saying no is a problem for many of us, saying no gracefully and with authority is something you need to learn, you need to practice.

You won’t become an independent powerful person overnight. If you have been a door mat, a people pleaser, a victim, a bully, a despot, you will need to practice ways of being of an independent powerful person. It won’t be easy.

define-yourselfIf you just read this article,

If you just read this article, but have no intention to do the practices, please do yourself and me a favor: GO AWAY. Do not poison the air on my blog any more.

Go to Christie Marie Sheldon or Teal Scott… they are perfect for you.

For those of you who can’t decide. Or if you are unclear… I am having other posts coming: this is the most important skill you can learn.

If you are having a difficulty, but are COMMITTED to become a person, start with the Reality Challenge. It will take you to a place where this exercise will be the next logical step.

Vibrational reviews Abdy Electriciteh, Val Tignini, and Mohammad Eshtehar

Vibrational reviews Abdy Electriciteh, Val Tignini, and Mohammad Eshtehar

Most of the reviews were written at students’ and clients’ request.

Here is one:

“How interesting that my vibration is so low. I have been working with Abdy Electriciteh , Val Tignini, and Mohammad Eshtehar.? I have had wonderful experiences with them and the energy is strong.
I have had dreams most of my life that tell me messages. So now…. very confusing!!!”

The client’s vibration is 100. So let’s see what is her “gurus” doing in the area of vibration.

Remember: vibration is the degree to which you are growing in the direction the DNA gives you… towards the next evolutionary phase: human being.

Dreams and experiences probably mean: you are decorating your cave… not moving out of it.
Continue reading “Vibrational reviews Abdy Electriciteh, Val Tignini, and Mohammad Eshtehar”

Teal Swan, John Assaraf, Omharmonics… reviews

Teal Swan, John Assaraf, Omharmonics… reviews

Teal Scott aka Teal Swan aka Teal Bosworth must be making waves again… Frequency paintings

teal-swan-frequency-paintingCan these paintings raise your vibration automatically? Of course not. It is another greed: raising your vibration… without work… hah, gotcha! lol Continue reading “Teal Swan, John Assaraf, Omharmonics… reviews”

Authority: have you given it away?

you hand over the authorityIn your life you live as if you had no authority over your life.

Authority means: the power to call the shot. The power to make decisions, the power to have them carried out. The power to evaluate, accept or reject.

You have been instructed by family, schools, government, medical establishment, legal establishment, and gurus to hand over your authority to everyone and their brother.

You’ve been an idle mouthpiece to all these authorities. Not a single independent thought, not a single argument.

What do I mean? I mean the practice of looking who is speaking.
Continue reading “Authority: have you given it away?”

Vibrational Reviews: Lisa Nichols’ Creative Visualization

Vibrational Reviews: Lisa Nichols’ Creative Visualization
  • Lisa Nichols and creative visualizationI like Lisa Nichols. Maybe the only self-improvement person I actually like. Why do I like her? Because she feels real to me. Does that mean that what she teaches work? No, it doesn’t. Does that mean that she has high vibration? No, it doesn’t.Her personal vibration was 200 a week ago, and is 170 today. What happened? She has expected her launch with MindValley to go better… I am guessing, I have no connection to Lisa Nichols.
  • What does a dip in vibration like this mean?

    It means that Lisa Nichols, at least as far as her business goes, lives fully on the horizontal plane, and poor success in a product launch is now effecting her. Should it? No…

    This was one of the last barriers to inner peace that I managed to pull: making my feeling and inner peace depend on my numbers, on my results, on my feedback. It rendered me a dog that is wagged by its tail. It was horrible… Now that I am rid of it, I have reliable 24/7 inner peace.
    Continue reading “Vibrational Reviews: Lisa Nichols’ Creative Visualization”

Hope, Lemuria, Channeling… or how to be joyous, content, and have peace of mind

ring-tailed-lemursHope is eternal, and so is stupidity.

Hope means: I don’t want the truth. Hope means: I prefer to dream. Hope means: It will be given to me. Hope means: If it is to be it must come from some place other than here, because I sure won’t move a finger to make it happen.

Do I sound angry? Bitter? Yeah… I am having a bout of bitterness here… lol. It comes, predictably, every 2-3 weeks, I know some sense into myself, and then I am good for 2-3 weeks.

I am talking about having your well-being, your happiness, your peace of mind depend on other people’s behavior.
Continue reading “Hope, Lemuria, Channeling… or how to be joyous, content, and have peace of mind”

Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths

Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths

There is no light without darkness and there is no darkness without light. If darkness ever takes over for a moment, in that moment light will be reborn. Continue reading “Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths”

Marketers are storytellers, often liars… Healers, teachers, gurus, are marketers. And they are liars if their stories are lies…

healers are marketersOne of my favorite books is Seth Godin’s ‘All Marketers Are Liars.’

Now, this book isn’t teaching not to believe everyone’s story, it teaches how to craft your story so people that are like you, that people that are easily fascinated, will become your fans.

In the industry of healers, gurus, psychics, ascension people, the stories are more important than in any other industry.
Continue reading “Marketers are storytellers, often liars… Healers, teachers, gurus, are marketers. And they are liars if their stories are lies…”

Morality, morals, conduct befitting a high vibration person

Morality, morals, conduct befitting a high vibration person

Morality, morals, conduct befitting a high vibration person

People can’t hear what you say, ever. They “hear” what they think you are saying. What you said went through a set of filters, stuff was taken away, stuff was added.

I, sometimes, get a comment here and there, that reflect it more than others. Mikolaj’s comment is an example: “She’s married and a mother right now, no hiding there, as far as I know. Why the ‘before’?”

The article she is commenting on is my second review of Teal Scott Bosworth. I revisited her, and found, for the second time, that her life-story that explains how come she is an indigo child, is a fabrication.

Now, she may be an indigo child, Source doesn’t seem to know about indigo children, so there you have it.

She may have special abilities that don’t show up for me, but what she doesn’t seem to have is the ability and the results she promises.
Continue reading “Morality, morals, conduct befitting a high vibration person”

Vibrational Review: Teal Scott revisited: the question is: is she a liar? is she a fraud? is what she does or teach does for you what she claims it will do?

Vibrational Review: Teal Scott revisited: the question is: is she a liar? is she a fraud? is what she does or teach does for you what she claims it will do?

I am getting requests to remove or change this article through legal services hired by Teal.

I am dumbfounded what about the article that does her wrong… Moshe Dayan famously said: I don’t care what people say about me, as long as they spell my name right it adds to my mystique…

So I have re-read this article, added some stuff… Updated her vibrational measure… whatever.

And given that she has made herself a Wikipedia entry, now I also know her date of birth, so I know that her soul correction is Sexual Energy… the energy I call on/off, and the attitude of the person I also call on/off… and the highest capacity to be personally offended… My younger brother has stopped talking to me because I dared to tell him what i thought about him… Cannot take the truth.

Read my newest article on Teal Scott, Teal Swan… Teal Scott revisited: Personal vibration: 150. I am asked, again and again: is she a liar? is she a fraud? is what she does or teach does for you what she claims it will do?

190 thousand pages in two years, wow. If you put Teal Scott in quotation marks in your google search box, that is how many pages are by her and about her.
Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Teal Scott revisited: the question is: is she a liar? is she a fraud? is what she does or teach does for you what she claims it will do?”