The Brain That Changes Itself Needs You To Teach It First to perform the new action by doing it hundreds of times…
In his book, The Brain That Changes Itself, Norman Doidge, a medical doctor, deals with the physical activities, and problem solving abilities of your brain.
In that he says, and shows with valid examples, you find out that the brain demonstrates a certain plasticity, as far as how you can see, feel, or move your body.
Is there an alternate reality? Are there paradigms where a version of you has a different life?
These and such questions have been coming up in conversations, movies, and books lately.
My answer is: I don’t know. I only know what I experience, everything else is Tree of Knowledge stuff… and I don’t teach Tree of Knowledge stuff, hearsay at best.
The next question is: what happens when you practice paradigm-jumping in order to get guidance?
Paradigm jumping is not my invention, I bought a program and learned it there. I do one thing differently: I connect to Source and jump. Why is that different? Because when you are connected to Source you are out of your thinking mode. You can’t connect to Source from the mind… and you can’t get any useful information from jumping if you stay in the head.
Emotional breathing is one of the possible causes of your weight gain
Breathing should be controlled by your physiology, but because in “modern” man the mind has taken over most of your physiology, your hunger, your breathing, your sex, your breathing has also been controlled by your mind.
Mind contains your thoughts and your feelings. It is true that you have bodily feelings, just like any living being, but it is the mind that decides for you what they mean.
The mind is a meaning making machine. And lately its main, self-assumed function is to say if something is negative or positive.
Let me give you an example: you sit at your computer and you suddenly have a stab of pain on the right side of your chest.
So, the question is still: what is the self, the self that you honor when you talk about integrity? Integrity is being true to your self…
What is the self that you esteem in self-esteem. (Esteem means ‘hold in high regard’)
What is the self in self-expression? What is the self that is through and through in authentic self? What is the self that pursues its purpose?
You have no answer, and neither have any real and useful answer the videos on youtube, or philosophical books. What they do is create more confusion, lump the self together with ego, or with consciousness… well, they are all confused puppies, sorry.
So what is MY answer, and why is it more valid than famous people’s “answer”? Why is it, that wherever you look, there is verbal and real confusion, and no one has an answer.
I have posted a video on youtube on the Tangerine Technique, and the very first part, the most essential part of the Tangerine Method of Connecting to Source. If you get this part wrong, you don’t connect. It is really simple.
Now, if you watched the video, you now know that in order to connect to Source, in order to raise your vibration, you need to be able to get into and stay in theta brainwave state.
According to my experience, people continue thinking after they put their attention to their tangerine spot, which means that at best they are in alpha state, at worst they are in beta state. In beta state your mechanical, linear, busy mind is running the show. There is no thinking, only having thoughts, 99% of them repetitive, unproductive, and mostly negative activity, many call self-talk, or internal monologue.
You will need to practice this a lot. The goal is to be able to live in that space. Real creative thinking comes from that deep and slow space of Theta. Real thinking is not busy mind. Real thinking, which most people never do, is a theta mind state phenomenon. You could watch real thinkers, while they are thinking. Not when they talk about thinking: talking about is beta state.
Really nice and really loaded title, would you agree? It means that you are not who you were meant to be. You are someone else, and that flies in the face of determinists.
Determinists say that your life is scripted, and you have no choice about it. You choose what you have in store for you. You have no free will.
Want to steal a Jewish trick for prosperity? Read my article: How Can A Yarmulke Help You To Get Rich?
I once read a book that was teaching Jewish values, the values that made so many Jews wealthy, so many Jews high achievers, so many Jews Mensch, which is Yiddish for a righteous human being.
This article is about stealing a Jewish custom, that looks silly to steal, yet, unbeknownst to Jews made them special and specially favored, judged by all the achievements: and that is the custom of wearing a skullcap, also called yarmulke or kipa.