Being judgmental is connected to your health number

Being judgmental is connected to your health number
  • One of my students got offended when I suggested that she does her homework instead of having excuses. She left and she stopped visiting my site… I felt the ‘F… you’ from her… When I asked if she was angry, she said… ‘No, I just need to grow thicker skin…‘ Her health number is 7%.
  • One of my students took two years to finally get employment. In her last job she felt judged… for being different. She is Chinese in a predominantly White country. Once I adjusted her diet… she is flying. She went from 10% to 50% in her health number.
  • Another student is judgmental and doesn’t listen. She lives in systemic judgment of black OR white… even in the areas of food, marriage, children, smart… not a single step outside of it. Her health number is 7%.

Continue reading “Being judgmental is connected to your health number”

Why you get depressed… I think I nailed it

Why you get depressed… I think I nailed it
Depression comes and goes in my life.

Oftentimes and a depressed mood, a hopelessness, a futility starts mixing into my life.

It is hard to sleep, or hard to get up, or both.

Nothing changes and everything changes.

I have been watching it with curiosity. Curiosity tinged with worry… it is not pleasant to be depressed. Continue reading “Why you get depressed… I think I nailed it”

Your vibration and your worldview. What do you expect?

Your vibration and your worldview. What do you expect?

Your vibration and your worldview… are you expecting to raise your vibration without changing your worldview?

I wrote this article eight years ago. It is good, but it still misses the mark. It misses the mark in seeing what is at the root level of humanity’s misery.

It is true that humanity can’t see people, can’t see persons, can’t see you as a person. Not even themselves.

But that is not the root level issue. Continue reading “Your vibration and your worldview. What do you expect?”

Who do you like? Who do you love? Who is the one loving?

Who do you like? Who do you love? Who is the one loving?

WHO IS IT that your puppy loves?Or here is another question for you: Who are you?

If you asked back: What do you mean? you did the smart thing. Because the question: who are you? can be asked from so many vantage points, we can spend hours exploring that. Continue reading “Who do you like? Who do you love? Who is the one loving?”

What is your numbnut/moron score? How would you know?

What is your numbnut/moron score? How would you know?

I am sure you think you are clear. The stuff you say, the number of words you use accurately in a language gives away your level of clarity… And it’s low. I measure it as the 10th measurement in the Starting Point Measurements.

When I say clarity, I mean every area of life… including health as you’ll see later in this article.

Now, why is this important? Because your clarity is what defines whether your actions, your reactions, your emotions are going to be in line with reality or not.

Whether you’ll be astute, or a numbnut. or anything in between. Continue reading “What is your numbnut/moron score? How would you know?”

Why you want to be the stupidest person in the room

Why you want to be the stupidest person in the room

Oscar Wilde wrote, ‘…one has to choose between living one’s own life, fully, entirely, completely—or dragging out some false, shallow, degrading existence that the world in its hypocrisy demands.‘ The world demands that you always try to be the smartest person in the room…

I saw something today that can be important to for you to learn, because I don’t think you know. It is against everything you have ever thought…

Because it comes from intelligence, not from smart.

Being the stupidest person in the room is the most intelligent move you can ever make… Continue reading “Why you want to be the stupidest person in the room”

What is the reason people don’t do much with their lives?

What is the reason people don’t do much with their lives?

success-will-never-be-a-big-stepI am in the middle of the Water Energizing Challenge, and that gives me an unprecedented insight into people I didn’t want… 🙁

I am seeing something I didn’t expect, but that is what I am getting: stinginess.

Holding back, dealing thing out in thimbles instead of buckets, love, work, faith, service, energy, everything. For one’s own self, and for others, for life.

Result: No abundance.

Abundance is the opposite of stinginess. Abundance means abandon, flowing, largeness… there is more where that came from. Energy, love, effort, faith… joy!

Even how you laugh: hahaha… but I hear you holding back. Scarcity shows in every movement, everything you do. Continue reading “What is the reason people don’t do much with their lives?”

Find the Growth Method That Matches Your Personality

Find the Growth Method That Matches Your Personality

There are two big categories of humans from the aspect of personal growth.

  1. sheep, victim, the effect… not in action, hoping, praying, visualizing, etc.
  2. the climber

Climber can be someone who climbs the Tree of Life… and can be the type of person I want to talk about in this article. The politician. The ruthless user. The win-lose type of person. The either/or person who cannot even imagine, tolerate, or stomach the you AND me model of thinking.

Why do you want to know them? Because you need to know evil intimately to fight evil. Both outside and inside.
Continue reading “Find the Growth Method That Matches Your Personality”

Can you be sick and be well at the same time?

Can you be sick and be well at the same time?

what-i-wantSome days the DS energies are stronger than others. Today is one of those days.

The energies can effect the emotions (just like the ones in the Heaven on Earth! just the opposite way: make them stronger instead of weakening them), other days the energies are like physical pain… if you imagine someone using a voodoo doll to torture you, by proxy.

I have an appointment at 3 and I need to decide if I should cancel it.

I connect to Source, and I muscletest: “Am I going to be well at 3?” The answer is yes. I know that the question was “illegal”, I am not allowed to divinate, ask questions about the future. Hm… I ask another question: “Am I OK now?” and the answer is yes.

I laugh and laugh and laugh. It’s funny.
Continue reading “Can you be sick and be well at the same time?”

How your past self is creating your future

How your past self is creating your future

There is a Landmark Education distinction that no one gets…

It has a huge overlap with the distinction ‘you live in a world of your own design’.

This, the ‘you live in a world of your own design’ is somewhat like the Law of Attraction: you attract what you are… but much deeper. It is BEING that, not feeling, or thinking only, though you may feel and think it as well.

But thinking and feeling don’t create being… the reverse, the opposite is true. The thinking and the feeling come from your being.

The overlapping distinction, ‘you are a clearing for’ is almost the same, but has a funnel like feeling to it.

Continue reading “How your past self is creating your future”