Most people look in their mind.
The mind is an organ that is unsuited to answer a question like this.
One of the major moves of the mind is comparison. After all it’s a computer. Is A bigger than B? The mind is perfectly capable of comparing those. What it never does, and therefore YOU mind-person never do, is ask the question: is that a relevant measure? Will the comparison of A and B show me a relevant picture?
If the mind or you asked that question, EVER!, you’d find that most of the questions that the mind asks are irrelevant AND are suggested by the DARK SIDE.
What am I calling Dark Side here? People? Entities? Government?
I am calling Dark Side the phenomenon that was started by a few people. The purpose of the phenomenon is to take you out of the present where you can be in touch with your origin, your magnificence, your creator nature, the Earth, nature, your Self.
Take you out for what? For their own monetary and political aspirations.
I am reading a book and I am fascinated and appalled at the same time.

It talks about advertising, scientific advertising, as habit-forming and habit-exploiting moves on the masses.
It can create addictions, exploit addictions.
I am in a bind. I have a product, the Heaven on Earth, and I want people to buy more of it. Why? Because it is good for them.
So when I read that book, the part where it talks about how they sold Febreze, an air freshener, I had an insight.
Just like them, I have been doing it all wrong.
Febreze, originally, had no smell. It was a clear odorless liquid that you could spray on anything and it would absorb all kinds of odors into itself, kitchen, grease, smoke, skunk (lol), cat urine, wet dog… you name it.
The product didn’t sell. People didn’t want to fix those smells. Why? Beats me, I guess they were used to it. Considered it a part of life to stink… lol.
When the marketing research people visited the people that got sample bottles of Febreze, it was always in the back of some closet.
The marketeers went back to work. They were desperately looking for cue and reward, what is the basic of hooking someone on something.
Example: Some 40 years ago I was depressed. Nothing special, but I was more depressed than usual. The doctor of the office I worked at prescribed shots for me. I got my first, and the next one was scheduled for 10 am the next morning.
Continue reading “Abundance: where do you look to decide if you have it? A revolutionary thought.”