Updated: Soul Correction #28: Soul Mate…

Updated: Soul Correction #28: Soul Mate…
soul mates soaring together in a synergistic fashionSoul Correction #28: SOUL MATE

Update: Having worked with two more soul mate people, I am seeing something additional: you cannot find your soul mate if you have a preconceived notion of what that looks like.

But if this is your soul correction, then no one is good enough for you, because you have an expectation, an agenda, and everyone will fall short. Even you will fall short of your expectations of how YOU should be. Continue reading “Updated: Soul Correction #28: Soul Mate…”

Playing Freecell As A Spiritual Practice: Soul Correction and Fulfilling Your Soul’s Purpose Becomes Possible Now!

freecell as a spiritual practice Playing Freecell as a spiritual practice

One of the issues that plague humanity is their unawareness or misunderstanding of Soul.

I won’t go back to the whole creation story again, you are probably sick of it… lol.

Just let’s re-iterate the fact that humanity is the host for the soul and the vehicle for its correction.

Now, imagine a vehicle that you operate energetically, but the steering wheel is held by someone strong at cross purposes with you.

Your chances of getting where you want to go are minimal. Right?

Continue reading “Playing Freecell As A Spiritual Practice: Soul Correction and Fulfilling Your Soul’s Purpose Becomes Possible Now!”

What do you do with your horoscope? Believe it?

What do you do with your horoscope? Believe it?

My horoscope for this week, and what did I do with it? Let me ask you: what do you do with your horoscope?

It’s Wednesday, and I headed off to Free Will Astrology for my weekly horoscope.

Virgo Horoscope for week of January 19, 2012

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Three famous actresses formed the British Anti-Cosmetic Surgery League last year. Rachel Wiesz, Kate Winslet, and Emma Thompson say they believe people should be happy with the physical appearance that nature gave them.
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What Are You Raising When You Raise Your Vibration?

What Are You Raising When You Raise Your Vibration?
What Is The Vibration That The Map Of Consciousness Measures And What Is The Vibration That The Gurus Are Talking About?

What Is Vibration? What Do The Numbers Mean? How Do You Raise Your Vibration? Is The Guru Of Your Choice A Vampire, A Cult Leader, A Slave-Driver? You’ll Find Out Inside…

This issue is fraught with controversies. So let’s take a look. The truth will set you free, but it will first piss you off!
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Burning Bridges, Tr.’s Cough, 2012 Dividing Line

Burning Bridges, Tr.’s Cough, 2012 Dividing Line

conversations with Source Conversations With Source

Connecting to Source on the 3rd Level really does feel like going home. Even though there is nothing to see there… but there is definitely a presence, and that presence knows you are there. It knows you personally. It knows you.

Today I had a lot of issues: Tr., associating with people who don’t agree with me, being on the right path, and how I am going to accomplish that people do the work.

Heavy issues. I will share some of the conversations, just to give you a taste of how it goes:
Continue reading “Burning Bridges, Tr.’s Cough, 2012 Dividing Line”