Who you are can be expressed in a sentence… what’s your sentence?

Who you are can be expressed in a sentence… what’s your sentence?

Watch this video.

The first part, where he brings examples of the sentence: if you tune in deep inside you, you may be able to come up with your sentence, and then you can design your life around it.

That sentence will be your functional expression of your life’s purpose. It is akin a strong wind that you lean into when you “do” your life.

Good luck.


Want to know mine? From 2010?
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Trim Tab, the counter cultural tool of winners


TrimmedBoat_bigYou want to raise your vibration? Want to be happy, fulfilled, harmonious, in balance, at peace? This may be the most important article you can read.

Without this tool you have a rough ride, with this tool… your ride is smooth. 1

One of the most counter-cultural distinctions that came from Buckminster Fuller is the trim tab, or small actions that turns big ships.
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Soul Correction #39: Diamond in The Rough

soul correction diamond in the roughA diamonds in the rough looks like a piece of rock. If you don’t expect it, you will treat it as a rock. Or a shard of glass

But if you are willing to go beyond the surface, you will be rich. Few people ever do that. Not with themselves, not with others, not with anything in the world.

Their shallow view of the world makes their life shallow, and they will go for every glitter, every shiny object. Because they are unwilling to go beyond the top layer, the visible layer.
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Evolution, social genes, and brain plasticity

stoneageYour social genes haven’t changed in the past 200,000 years. They are still the same as when humans were hunter gatherers, the stone age. Social genes are the genes that define behavior.

Where do we see this? Hunter-gatherers were not adventurous. They didn’t go hunting again, until they had to. They preferred to share, to be nice to each other, that way they didn’t have to risk confrontation. This lived in clans, hunted in clans, and followed the leaders.

They judged everything by their first impression of it, or by prejudice: they didn’t experiment, didn’t stop to think, didn’t give second chances. A wolf in sheep’s clothing would be accepted as sheep.

And yet, this bunch of scared followers now live in cities, drive cars, study at universities.
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Soul Work – are you doing it?

Goodbyes-are-only-for-thoseMy students say that I am harsh. That I don’t see the best in people. That I’d catch more flies with honey…

Yeah, I know. Flies love honey… but I am looking to talk to people who aspire to go to the next level of human evolution, and those people are not flies. They are not scared away by reality: they know it will take taking a hard look at reality that is not pretty…

I am a realist. Rob Brezsny is an optimist… he has a lot of honey… yet, a realist finds the work in what he says, and loves it. 2

Rob Breszny writes: While walking in San Francisco, I passed the Pacific Heights Health Club. The sign out front said, “Birthday suits tailored here.” It was a witty reference to the idea that working out at a gym helps people get their naked bodies in good shape. I’d like to interpret the sign’s message in a different way, and apply it to you. The time is right for you to get back in touch with your raw, original self, and give it the care and the fuel and the treats it has been missing. Who did you start out to be? What does your soul’s blueprint say about who you must become? Home in on your source code and boost its signal.

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Is the love that you feel a good guidance for your life?

There is a saying I like: you can feel your way through life.

Is that feeling an emotion?

Question: Is the love that you feel a good guidance for your life?

If there are at least 10 comments, YOUR answers to this question, I will tell you what is Source’s take on this…

Now, comment. Let me know what you think so we can see if you and Source are in alignment, OK? Please…

You can comment anonymously, without anyone knowing your name… by putting anon into the name field. But please use your real email address, or I won’t count your comment as part of the minimum 10 I need…

And you want to know this answer!

The answer to this question will sort out your question: why you aren’t living your soul’s purpose… and how you could.

OK, please comment. Click on the red arrows below!

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Some people drive me crazy. Can you recognize yourself?

Some people drive me crazy. Can you recognize yourself?

It seems that what they do is so intolerable for me, that I can barely contain myself. The desire to just smack them is so strong, I have to physically restrain myself.

What do they do that I can’t tolerate?

They deflect.

Their deflection has several forms: Denial-Deflection-Discredit.

    • one says: “touché” whenever I call her on her “s-h-i-t”
    • another one listens to what I am saying, but he smirks, so I know that he is only humoring me.
    • the third says, every time I ask if she got what I am saying: “I am listening”

Continue reading “Some people drive me crazy. Can you recognize yourself?”

How to find your direction?

the calling

Summary: One of the most frequent questions people ask or think is: what is my soul’s purpose? what am I supposed to do with my life? How to live on purpose to get fulfillment, and a sense of life well lived? This article contributes the purpose part…

If you want to do this exercise correctly, you need a distance to see the forest for the trees. With distance comes “Witness” and you begin to see, without the constant chatter of the Mind, that tries to tell you what you should see to look good, to be good, to be socially acceptable, to conform to your own expectations of what’s good… all misleading. Your job is to see what is so, not what should be so.

With distance you see even the time-line. Tendencies, trends, inclinations. You can see what was important and what wasn’t. 3
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Are you on the right track… integrity… compass… conscience. Is there such a thing as a path?

right-path-2The biggest issues that I see students deal with are around the fear of taking a wrong step.

The underlying belief, the underlying assumption is that the soul’s path, your life’s work is a straight line and unless you are on that line, you are off.

This is a very debilitating belief. 4 It is perpetuated by the ego: the ego wants to minimize your investment, and maximize your gains, and it fancies itself to know what you should do.

In the case of life path, what’s next for you, etc. questions, it opts to no action, no change… after all the ego’s job is to keep you safe, and safe, when the ego looks, is mostly staying the safe. You have survived until that point, after all. The ego is interested in looking good and surviving.

The ego’s interest and the soul’s interest are diametrically opposed. The soul wants you to move, to take risks, to have a learning experience. But most importantly, the soul wants your life, your activities, your path to have a direction.
Continue reading “Are you on the right track… integrity… compass… conscience. Is there such a thing as a path?”

On Procrastination: part 2: the hold-back forces.

On Procrastination: part 2: the hold-back forces.

what-holds-you-backNow that we have seen that what is underneath procrastination is the fact that we are still more, much more interested in avoiding unpleasantness, humiliation, etc. than moving towards some purpose.

And avoiding unpleasantness, will, at best, keep you the same… no movement.

From the pdf of the last procrastination article, we saw, that unless you can invent a yummy enough goal, something important enough to go for, you will not be able to move from dead center. Bottom line: procrastination is not a behavioral issue, it is a perfect illustration of physics: if the energies on a body are in balance, the body will not move, unless it was already in movement before the balance.
Continue reading “On Procrastination: part 2: the hold-back forces.”