Respect: look again… but this time differently

Respect: look again… but this time differently

In the movie, Stranger Than Fiction, our hero is doing what he is doing, unconsciously.

When Harold Crick, the hero of the movie, starts hearing the narrating voice in his head…

…what the voice says takes him out of his unconsciousness and makes him conscious

…his usual way of doing things, going through life like a drone, and this changes his life.
Continue reading “Respect: look again… but this time differently”

Reality doesn’t care about beliefs. So why do you?

Reality doesn’t care about beliefs. So why do you?

You can make-believe it happens, or pretend that something’s true.
You can wish or hope or contemplate a thing you’d like to do,
But until you start to do it, you will never see it through
‘Cause the make-believe pretending just won’t do it for you. ~ Mr. Rogers Neighborhood

Children get it that make-believe is not satisfying, so maybe you can too.

It is about reality vs unreality. Unreality: imagination, make-believe, and should that is as unsatisfying as eating broth with a fork. Continue reading “Reality doesn’t care about beliefs. So why do you?”

Words, hands, facts, numbers. Which is your bailiwick?

Words, hands, facts, numbers. Which is your bailiwick?

One of the emails I never fail to read, and never fail to benefit from in some way is the Monday Morning Memo.

What I like about it, and you probably would hate, judging from many YOUR choices which of my emails to read… What I like most about the Monday Morning Memo, is that it is a sideways view. Sideways from my view.

And as every sideways view the Memo shows the world different from ordinary. Just differently enough so it enriches. Enriches my world, allows me to be happier, more productive with more ease. So it delights me.

I really really love that. My insides purr. Continue reading “Words, hands, facts, numbers. Which is your bailiwick?”

Happiness is an inside job, visible from the sideways view

Happiness is an inside job, visible from the sideways view
Reality can only be seen from the sideways view…

And therein lies the reason why humans, the species hasn’t evolved for tens of thousands of years.

The inability for humans, for homo sapiens to grow, evolve, is a fact because 98% of all humans can’t or won’t even attempt to look from the sideways view. Continue reading “Happiness is an inside job, visible from the sideways view”

Seeing sideways… looking sideways… visual field

Seeing sideways… looking sideways… visual field

Look sideways… meaning: see things sideways… not only straight ahead.

This is what Future Self suggested to the three entrepreneurial students on the call and later to me. Continue reading “Seeing sideways… looking sideways… visual field”