Living powerfully. What will it take to defy the odds?

Originally posted 2011-03-12 09:34:07.

Living powerfully. What will it take to defy the odds?

Living powerfully, what will it take to defy the odds?

Do you live powerfully? If the answer is yes, then I can tell you that you have a strong self-esteem.

What is your self-worth?

And I don’t mean how much you want to make an hour, a day, a week, or a year. What you want has nothing to do with self-worth! Continue reading “Living powerfully. What will it take to defy the odds?”

Are you deserving? Or even your pets deserve more than you?

Originally posted 2008-12-01 11:30:07.

Are you deserving? Or even your pets deserve more than you?

your cat is more deserving than youMany of us don’t bother to ask for more, or to challenge our status quo, or to dream bigger because we don’t feel like we deserve it. We feel, at the core, that we are “wrong.”

When we feel “wrong” in speaking up or fulfilling a deep need, it’s because we are getting in touch with something that wasn’t accepted in us when we were younger, or in a past life. For example, when people who weren’t allowed to feel joy start feeling joy, it confuses them, and even makes them uncomfortable. That’s why we sabotage ourselves.

Today, get in touch with what feels wrong to you. Give yourself permission to feel right.

Another aspect of this “being wrong” or “being the wrong one” is that we put everyone’s need before ours.

I developed that characteristic over time.

Just a week ago I had two cats. I spent more money on their food than my own, spent more time worrying about their well-being than about mine. Continue reading “Are you deserving? Or even your pets deserve more than you?”

Reframing: What do you consider your higher power?

Frame: Your higher power? 1

Back in 1988 I had an emotional meltdown. I suddenly remembered things from my childhood.

I was suggested by someone in Landmark Education that it would be beneficial for me to join an ACOA group. Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families.

I did. I had clear signals that I belonged. #1 of the identifying features of ACOA people is “I don’t know who I am”. 2

Anyway, an ACOA group is not a fun place. Continue reading “Reframing: What do you consider your higher power?”

Are your vibration, your starting point measurements just a bunch of numbers?

I am interested in deciphering the relationship between numbers, scores in your Starting Point Measurements.

I can see, that without a comprehensive and accurate understanding of what causes what, what is cause, what is effect, you may not know how to change the “geography” of your life. You will be stuck where you are… or only move accidentally… so I do see the urgency in this move.

I am expanding the scope of the work I put into measuring your Starting Point Measurements to Enlightenment, to becoming a human being, even though this work more than doubles the time I have to spend with it. Eventually I’ll raise the price, but not yet.

Why? For one, I want to know. But more importantly, instead of giving you a bunch of numbers, maybe I can make them useful… What and idea, right? lol.

So here is the first group of numbers that I have analyzed: Continue reading “Are your vibration, your starting point measurements just a bunch of numbers?”