A day after the election, regardless of who won, your job is to return to what is YOUR job

A day after the election, regardless of who won, your job is to return to what is YOUR job

It was time for self-reflection today. I am almost done with it.

I have come to the conclusion that it is time to pay attention to what I can control, what is within my control, and give little or no attention to what I can’t… where emotions would run high, fear, anger, concern… for me.

I noticed something today about some of the most successful people I know… which might help you…

Can you guess at how they might have responded to the election?
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Experience junkie? Spending all your money on courses?

Experience junkie? Spending all your money on courses?

the experience junkieI used to be a course junkie. I have recovered… This morning’s incident is a good indicator…

I found myself this morning unable to connect. Connect to Source…

When I closed my eyes, I was buzzing…

I muscletested: Am I tired? The answer was “yes”. Shall I rest? The answer was “yes/no” Shall I meditate? The answer was “yes” Shall I meditate for five minutes? “yes”

I closed my eyes, and within seconds I had this huge upheaval, with lots of tears.

Now, what the heck is that about?

I didn’t forget that I have been downloading the Day of Power energy over the past 36 hours… and whatever is there, spiritually, can spill out, and be gone… really fast.

I don’t care what was in that sob. It’s gone. I also don’t look at my poop and wonder what was in it… unless I do… lol.

But you? are you still a junkie?
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All my life I tried to not sound arrogant. The more I tried the more people thought that I was arrogant.

baby duck tryingAll my life I tried to not sound arrogant. The more I tried the more people thought that I was arrogant.

Why is this?

I could not answer this question until this afternoon.

I have been walking up and down the hill. I get into conversations, and I have noticed that people are not hiding from me any more. Actually they seem to enjoy talking to me.

Today I talked to an 80 year old man who I thought was shallow… He actually shared his depth with me, and I appreciated and acknowledge that.

He said how refreshing that was to be acknowledged for his depth instead of his brilliance, meaning his PhD and college professor status. 1
Continue reading “All my life I tried to not sound arrogant. The more I tried the more people thought that I was arrogant.”

What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?

What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?

EPSON scanner imageMany people ask what Einstein’s saying means: You can’t solve a problem on the same level of consciousness that created it…

This article should clue you in. You see a problem differently on different levels. On the level where you see it “as a problem” is the level of consciousness that created it. Continue reading “What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?”

What Does It Say About You That You Have A Pet?

having a petThis article will upset many. Just please know, that if you are getting upset, it is indicating that your vibration is very low, and the anger is a smoke screen to avoid seeing it, and avoid being seen as such. As a pet owner, you are, probably, priding yourself of giving life to a pet, but the reality is much more sinister than that.

Consciousness is going to cost you something… a delusion? An illusion? Being asleep and oblivious? We shall see.

Another reason it is important for some of you to read is this: if you want to become and Expanding Human Being, if you want to raise your vibration, then you need to be effective. In order to become effective, you need to act on what’s real, on what’s so, instead of action on some delusion, some fantasy… like Don Quixote.
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Human DNA, DNA upgrade… What the heck is a DNA upgrade?

Human DNA, DNA upgrade… What the heck is a DNA upgrade?

dna upgradeHuman DNA, DNA upgrade… did you get it? Did you want to get it? What the heck is DNA upgrade?

For most of my life I knew I did not care. But no matter how bad that felt, I still could not care. I thought I was the worst person alive, a bad bad bad person. I was sure everybody else could care, only I could not.

I didn’t know, that caring was not part of my DNA.

But as I was raising my vibration, at some point I experienced caring. In a way I invented caring.

Maybe I wasn’t the first person to care, but I was now part of a very small minority. The people who can care, who can love, who can respect. But I still didn’t know I was different. I thought I just became like everyone else, finally. Continue reading “Human DNA, DNA upgrade… What the heck is a DNA upgrade?”

Self-reflection through books, movies… tough

Self-reflection through books, movies… tough

This is a very personal, very self-reflective post, I am not trying to teach anything. If you learn something, I am happy. But I am not writing it to teach. With that said… here it goes…

I have reduced my “work-load” to the degree, that I now often find myself with nothing to do.

I responded by making a list of things to do when there is nothing to do. I think this is the first time for a list like that: my life has been busy. Until now. It is not that I could not do a thousand and one things to grow my business, make myself fit, enjoy myself: it is just not on the schedule, so they are not part of “what there is to do…”

So my place is still a wreck, I still have tons of stuff I would not want to take with me if I wanted to move, so there could be a lot of things to do, if I just put them on my list.

Instead of that, I bought a book to read; it passed my picky muscletest. 1

It’s a book about a teenager. WTF? What was I thinking? But I trust my muscletest, so I kept reading it. It didn’t make sense why I “had to” read it until the very end. The end was so unexpected, that I was jolted out of my calm, and into a turmoil.
Continue reading “Self-reflection through books, movies… tough”