Living powerfully. What will it take to defy the odds?

Originally posted 2011-03-12 09:34:07.

Living powerfully. What will it take to defy the odds?

Living powerfully, what will it take to defy the odds?

Do you live powerfully? If the answer is yes, then I can tell you that you have a strong self-esteem.

What is your self-worth?

And I don’t mean how much you want to make an hour, a day, a week, or a year. What you want has nothing to do with self-worth! Continue reading “Living powerfully. What will it take to defy the odds?”

Weight, relationship, money you desire… are you stuck?

Originally posted 2011-01-10 20:30:44.

What does it take to attract your desire?

In January, people make resolutions, that address some of their deepest desires.

Weight, relationship and money are the three most frequent wishes, and most of them never go anywhere, no change, and yet another year makes hope lost a little bit more, confidence lost a little bit more, self-esteem lost a little bit more.

Why would this be? Continue reading “Weight, relationship, money you desire… are you stuck?”

Regrets, Resentments, and other vicious Life-Killers

Originally posted 2009-03-10 11:30:07.

Regrets, Resentments, and other vicious Life-Killers

(quoted from daily kabbalah tuneup) Regrets, I’ve had a few … How many of us are stuck in ruts because we cling to past slights, traumas, missed opportunities, and betrayals? The best way to let go and move forward is to acknowledge and accept those negative things you did (or had done to you) as steps on the path that brought you to where you need to be today. Continue reading “Regrets, Resentments, and other vicious Life-Killers”

We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional

We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional
We are in the midst of the Drink your food challenge.

I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know what will happen… what spiritual, what intellectual, what personality issues will be driven up.

Here is what I am getting: people find themselves in the GAP. The gap between who they think they are, and who they are proven to be by the challenge.

This article from 2018 will shed a lot of light on what’s going on. Continue reading “We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional”

Will Practicing Compassion Make You A Better Human?

Will Practicing Compassion Make You A Better Human?
How To Raise Your Vibration? Become A Better Human Being, Practice Compassion

What is gooD? wHAT IS the definition OF GOOD?

The first question that you should ask when I suggest you become a better human being, is ‘what do you mean: better?Continue reading “Will Practicing Compassion Make You A Better Human?”

From inflated self to humbling self. Counterintuitive. Works

From inflated self to humbling self. Counterintuitive. Works

They‘ don’t just talk much about your desire, to whip it up, about your why, and about goals, they also talk an awful lot about your self-image. They want you to create a self-image that is like god… perfect… flawless… blah blah blah.

Oh, and they call it self-esteem.

Esteem or estimating is guessing the value of something. Underestimating, overestimating… But value is not real. It always in the eye of the beholder. It’s not intrinsic to the subject.

They suggest that overestimating your value will be good for you. Bah humbug. Continue reading “From inflated self to humbling self. Counterintuitive. Works”

Pretty but useless. Talented but not amounting to much

Pretty but useless. Talented but not amounting to much
There is a science to create worthlessness, embedded in your life script

Yesterday during our Context Workshop I shared each participant’s picture with others… if we were on zoom everyone would have known how everybody else looks, but I do my workshops on gotowebinar… because it works for me. Continue reading “Pretty but useless. Talented but not amounting to much”

My amazon best seller is now out and is a best seller

My amazon best seller is now out and is a best seller
amazon best sellerMy amazon best seller is out.

The book I co-authored. I paid a thousand bucks to be part of that project.

First it was exciting. There was also fear, ‘am I good enough?’. Then a whole month where my attention was stolen by the topic of the book (The Entrepreneur Code) and every article I wrote, every conversation went to the topic… entrepreneurship.

Then I wrote six different article-length chapters, and discarded them all. Continue reading “My amazon best seller is now out and is a best seller”

Remembering the future… or how to cause self-trust?

Remembering the future… or how to cause self-trust?
self-trustRemembering the Future…

This methodology is revolutionary… but let’s not get ahead of ourselves…

What future? What remembering? What can it do? What is self-trust? Is it the same as self-esteem?

Continue reading “Remembering the future… or how to cause self-trust?”