Energies Part 4: Designer and Source energies

remembering all-of-itIn this article we’ll talk about the source of the many energies, and examine what they do.

  1. Energies that come from Source, from All-of-it, generate harmony.

    If you read the description of all the energies I embed in audios or in water, all of them are elimination type energies. None of them give you anything that’s not already there.

    What is between you and between being in harmony with All-of-it is man-made

    Continue reading “Energies Part 4: Designer and Source energies”

Like a White Peacock. do things for the love of doing things

side-peacockI love reading. My favorite books tear down the proverbial curtain of the Wizard of Oz.

And my favorite activities… you could guess, are when I can tear down the curtain… and actually show the naked reality of things…

I find delight in it. Continue reading “Like a White Peacock. do things for the love of doing things”

A life worth living or peak experiences: choose!

Turning Point: Create a life worth living

People are looking for higher consciousness, they are looking for the peak experience.

No one, it seems, in the area of spirituality, is looking for a great life.

People that are looking for a great life are busy creating a great life.

People who are looking for higher consciousness are people who are not willing to do much anything for a great life, but are willing to keep on being a seeker.

The question is: is it possible to turn a seeker into a producer of a great life?

Continue reading “A life worth living or peak experiences: choose!”

Are you a seeker? I have news for you… Seekers don’t…

seekers don't find

seekers don't findFirst off: whatever you chase, runs from you… so stop chasing… Start finding.

Second: Do you have The right vehicle, the right timing, and the right you?

You may have found it all… and yet… nothing is happening.

And here it is why Continue reading “Are you a seeker? I have news for you… Seekers don’t…”

Does Your Life Lack Meaning? Purpose? Organizing Principle?

According to some statistics, 30% of humanity lack meaning in their lives.

I think that this statistics is off by a lot. It’s more like 91%… according to Source. Continue reading “Does Your Life Lack Meaning? Purpose? Organizing Principle?”

Reframing: What do you consider your higher power?

Frame: Your higher power? 1

Back in 1988 I had an emotional meltdown. I suddenly remembered things from my childhood.

I was suggested by someone in Landmark Education that it would be beneficial for me to join an ACOA group. Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families.

I did. I had clear signals that I belonged. #1 of the identifying features of ACOA people is “I don’t know who I am”. 2

Anyway, an ACOA group is not a fun place. Continue reading “Reframing: What do you consider your higher power?”

Are you Frank or Matt when it comes to Self-Actualization

spiritual seeker

Frank and Matt: the two types of spiritual seekersI am republishing this article from four years ago… because even though it doesn’t say fixed mindset and growth mindset it is about that…

Frank and Matt… the two archetypes of seekers in all areas of life. relationship seekers, weight loss, prosperity, mindset, spirituality… seekers are seekers!

I got an email in my inbox from a marketing teacher of mine today.

I liked the subject line. I followed the link. I found a fascinating article.

It is about marketing, or better said, two types of marketers, two types of seekers of success, one is Frank the other is Matt.

Frank and Matt are two different types of marketers. But… Continue reading “Are you Frank or Matt when it comes to Self-Actualization”

Are you a Seeker? Restless, anxious, never quite there?

siddhartha_1004There is a deep human need to make our lives controllable. To be in control. To be certain. To be safe.

And there is this deep human need to see more, be more, feel more, have more, experience more.

They point to opposing directions, and they tend to jerk you back and forth.

It’s an oscillating structure.

Like every oscillating structure, the tension between the two extremes cannot be resolved, there is no ess… the battle will continue as long as… let me address that later.
Continue reading “Are you a Seeker? Restless, anxious, never quite there?”

How to benefit from my articles? See them as instruction

webinar1I love writing articles. I can do audios. But unless I can have a one-on-one conversation with you, I can’t dispell the myths, the “already always” cognitive biases, what you think you know, your prejudices about yourself or about the world…

So, with that said, I’ll like to start something, that will most likely be a flop, but at least I want to test it… maybe it can be a success… who can predict?!

When I write an instructive article, like two of them this week, I can feel that you are left with not enough instruction to help you. I am very sorry about that… by the way.

So the idea is to schedule a time where you can come and have those issues discussed in the article, overwhelm, integrating your life, getting unstuck, etc. weekly.

open-micTalk to me webinar tomorrow

By the way, this new webinar on Fridays is in addition to the monthly Open Mic… Talk to me opportunities. The next such opportunity is tomorrow, last Wednesday of the month, 4 pm my time… which is New York time. That is 1 pm Pacific, 9 pm UK, 10 pm Europe, and midnight in Mauritius… If you want to come, just register to the subscribers’ site, and you’ll be enrolled in the webinar automatically. You’ll get a confirmation from gotowebinar, the webinar software company…

Continue reading “How to benefit from my articles? See them as instruction”

The 3 Categories Of Gurus Mirrored In The 3 Types Of Seekers

guru-worshipThere are three categories of gurus and three types of seekers that fit each other as glove and hand

Guru Category 1. The Hopeful Path:

Naive, pliable, hopeful. Hoping that what you are doing is going to take you out of the misery: having feelings, and a constant battle inside between the aspects of a human being, each pulling in a different direction.You really really really want to be enlightened! Really… lol. But you know you aren’t. There is shame and guilt and sadness in your emotions, and often anguish: the fear of being caught. Ultimately you “do” this spirituality stuff to get away from being human. You fail. There is no escape… you are human, with all that comes with that territory. Continue reading “The 3 Categories Of Gurus Mirrored In The 3 Types Of Seekers”