The Sight that gives people like Warren Buffet the edge

Some weeks are like this: I do something, see something, write about something important, and on Monday Roy Williams’ Monday Morning Memo echoes it.

This is the case this week… You know when you manage to do something whose time has come? Gratifying, rewarding, like the Universe nods in your direction.

Roy Williams, the Wizard of Ads, has the capacity of The Sight wide open. 50%. But just like me, he doesn’t know it’s a capacity, he doesn’t know it’s DNA, he thinks everyone has it… And most of what he writes delights the people with sight, and eludes the people with the capacity of The Sight still closed.

His article about the Elbs, the Exponential Little Bits of change will make no difference for you or your actions unless you have your DNA capacity of seeing the consequences of your actions opened… or open. You know that something makes no difference when you nod and keep on reading… or when you don’t even nod… lol. Continue reading “The Sight that gives people like Warren Buffet the edge”

Be Unreasonable? Huh? What IS unreasonable?

A second phase activator, Being unreasonable came up on the first live session of the Second Phase Activator series.

There was a confusion on what the word means…

In the “pedestrian world” where we live, the word “unresonable” is used to mean pushy, grabby, going for it, and irritating.

Continue reading “Be Unreasonable? Huh? What IS unreasonable?”

Guilt, shame, and panacea

Here is something that we can all learn from. It happened to me. When? Today.

I have ordered a portable washing machine, apartment size, and it was due today by Fedex. I left a note on the door downstairs asking the Fedex person to bring it upstairs: with my broken heart I didn’t see myself dragging it up to the second floor.

The Fedex person delivered it and left it before the door of the house… in fact he or she sneaked up to the house: I didn’t even hear the truck… OK… I didn’t hear the truck… the rest: I made it up. Oops.

There I was with this big bulky box… outside on the stoop. Continue reading “Guilt, shame, and panacea”

Worldview: are you trying to build a life on misery?

what is your worldview?If you ever decided that you wanted to live your life in a particular way, successful, joyful, productive, fulfilling, you would want to CHOOSE a worldview, a worldview that COULD create the perfect foundation for that type of life, the life of your choosing.

But you never decided… and you never chose. You have a worldview, or maybe a worldview has you…

Worldview is a particular interpretation of life, of creation, of power, of choice, of freedom. Of other people, of nature. Of what is important and what isn’t. Of what is agreed upon and what isn’t.

Depending on the worldview, only certain actions and certain things can be present. It’s like a stage in a play: you can’t put there stuff that doesn’t belong. That doesn’t have a role… On the stage, if there is a gun there, you can be sure it will be used during the story. I read that somewhere about Chekhov’s plays… Continue reading “Worldview: are you trying to build a life on misery?”

You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive

lying-to-continueYou can’t fix being human

..that is one of the disappointing things you learn when you do work with me. I won’t feed you baloney like “you are a spiritual being having a human experience…” and other garden variety horse manure.

The other half-sentence is just as disappointing: “you can’t get out of this life alive…”

These two half-sentences address 70% of the popular delusions of humanity.

When you internalize these truly, when you start to be energized by them then your vibration will jump 50 points or more. Continue reading “You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive”

You don’t love yourself. You don’t respect yourself.

A little understood aspect of integrity that screws up your integrity…

Integrity is between you and you. There are things you do with other people, but integrity is an inside job… if you don’t like what you did, if you don’t think you did a good job, it doesn’t matter what other people think… you are not happy with yourself. Continue reading “You don’t love yourself. You don’t respect yourself.”

Why getting well is so difficult for us…

There is never a better time to experience what you experience, than right when you experience it.

This morning I was hit with a strong feeling of despair, loneliness.

I didn’t have time to hang out with it, I was in the middle of something. I wanted to shoo it away, and I also wanted to indulge in it.

But then I decided to just feel it, acknowledge it, and let it go. I paid attention to what it said… nodded, wept a little, and let it go. 1

Is this familiar to you? I didn’t think so. You don’t know who you are, and you don’t want to find out.

There are many reasons you don’t know yourself.

One of these reasons is that you resist your emotions.

Continue reading “Why getting well is so difficult for us…”

Unless you can lose, you can never become a winner.

Unless you can be with being knocked out, you’ll never become a boxer

Talking, reading, listening to someone talking doesn’t cause transformation. In 99% of the cases you hear what you have always heard… and nothing shifts.

I keep my Hungarian (my mother tongue) fresh and alive by listening to Dr Popper, in Hungarian.

He died a few years ago, but there are hundreds of hours of live videos, and many books, I haven’t counted, but many videos.

If they could use the video to cause themselves a transformation… I would be really happy

Continue reading “Unless you can lose, you can never become a winner.”

That sadness, that grief… what is that about?

I don’t know… I am still crying. 1

The mini-series I watched is called River… we could have called it Riveting… because it is. For me…

River is a police detective. His long time partner, Frankie gets murdered: shot from a moving car River didn’t see, doesn’t know who shot her.

River sees and talks to, converses with dead people, especially Frankie. The love is tangible between them, between River and Frankie. The story isn’t about being a psychic, afterlife… not any of that… please continue reading, without preconceived notions, or you’ll miss what’s important to you.

The story is about River’s investigation into her death, and into her life.
Continue reading “That sadness, that grief… what is that about?”

Your Dark Side: Desire To Receive For The Self Alone, Cutting Your Nose In Spite Of Your Face

All religions are against selfishness. All parents, all people tell you that you are a better person if you are about others rather than being about you.

The problem with this universally accepted principle is that we actually don’t know what we are talking about. It seems that what we are asked is to be selfless, to give up our selves, our self-interest.

Selfless can mean two things, both are a crime, a sin 1 , a horrible thing giving you a horrible life:
  • 1. We now have and know no self. This is a widespread phenomenon 2 in this day and age, and I was a victim of this phenomenon for many decades.

I literally did not know what I liked, what I wanted, what turned me on, what floated my boat, what I was excited about, what would have I wanted.

I knew fairly well what I didn’t like, but just like with everything, there are a thousand ways to miss the bulls eye, but only one way to hit it.

Knowing who you are, what you want, what turns you on, what ticks you off, what your preferences are, what your values are is mandatory, if you want to be on the path to become a human being.

Without that you are just unconscious sheep. 3

  • 2. Giving up your own life, on your own life, on your own interest, on your own enjoyment, on your own fulfillment… for others’ life, interest, enjoyment, fulfillment, whatever…

You cannot be a human being giving away your own life: it is against your nature, you are suppressing your nature, and anything suppressed will get its due: you either will go crazy, sick, or raging angry at the most inopportune times.

It is only your ego, the one that says: “but I am good…” enjoys it.

Human Being, (not just by looks and physiology, but by consciousness,) a Human Being, takes 100% responsibility for his physiology, for his needs, and takes care of those, without abusing anyone, without taking away anything that belongs to someone else.

A real Human Being does not suppress: instead uses his intelligence to express the needs, fulfill the need at appropriate times and in appropriate places.

You need to own that you are built on animal body, and consciousness, nothing will change that.

Making your nature wrong kills you, kills your body, kills your spirituality, but feeds your ego.
Unless you are Self-ish, your life won’t matter. Your self-expression will be pretentious and fake, or non-existent. Your creative powers will be un-expressed, unused, or frittered away.

Now, let me talk about something that no one talks about: another price of suppression: ego.

Ego, in its eagerness to make you special, make you successful, is doing a horrible number on you.

All Soul Corrections deal with this very issue: I am going to explain it here.

Desire to receive for the self alone is what modern psychology calls ego. Ego desire. Being right, making the other wrong, dominating, avoiding domination, avoiding responsibility, and all the other ego moves. 4

Instead of being Self-ish, (knowing who you are, knowing what is your unique expression, knowing what you need and what you want, without EVER violating another’s right for the same) you have suppressed Self-ishness, and now you feel justified to trample on other people’s rights, interfere with their lives, or withhold what you would naturally give them.

I can see this clearly in conversations, namely in all podcasts, all Playground partner calls… It is so obvious to me, so invisible to the offending person.

Most of your life is about gaining power over others… a clear violation of the base law which is: you can have anything you want without taking away another’s right for self-determination, for fulfilling their purpose, to earn their living, to live in peace and happiness.

Your main ambition in life seems to be making people miserable, upset, feel bad about themselves, get sick, lose the will to live.

I mean it. This is your main occupation, your main, albeit hidden purpose in life, unless you are Self-ish.

When you are Self-ish, you are busy creating, you are busy Self-expressing, or just living.

People suffer servitude, or animosity around you, and you pretend that you have nothing to do with it.

You won’t really do anything else, lest they have some fun, some benefit, feel like they can just live their lives. No, you won’t allow that!

Let me give you a recent example:

I have recently released a revolutionary audio recording, called Harmonize The Planet. Originally it was meant, like the name suggests, for harmonizing the planet. I asked people to join in and I was collecting a “donation” to be able to make a difference in the world.

Making a difference in the world is something very important to me, given that humanity has accelerated the pace with which it is destroying life on the planet. And there are not a lot of people whose activity can make a difference in that arena. I was excited that I could create something, and I thought that people will be excited to be able to contribute. After all this is OUR planet. And I supposed that my readership consisted of high-minded people.

Then something unexpected happened: the audio turned out to be doing two other things, on the level of the individual, things I didn’t know it would do or even could do..

  • It turned out to be an effective antidote for the common anguish and anxiety… Trust me, I had tried everything before, and nothing worked like this audio.
  • The second thing that it does is even more valuable. You see, to go to the next evolutionary level, humans need to use the mind as a tool, instead of being used by the mind… like puppets.

People use their minds to understand things, to listen, to see, to see what they feel. The mind is not a suitable tool for that, so people are completely cut off from reality, and the culprit is the predominance of the mind.

This audio, The Harmonizer, shuts up the mind. It creates a welcome pause, a silence, in which the Beyond can talk to you, in which you can contemplate who you are, in which you can feel your feelings, listen to your inner guidance, hear what others are saying, or just rest.

The audio cost a pittance, but only my students were buying it.

When I muscletested why other readers don’t buy it, I got that people resent that they have to pay for others’ benefit. They’d rather stay anguished, or riddled with a busy mind, lest others benefit from what they are doing.

Now, whether they are thinking of their mother-in-law, their “best” friend, I don’t know. I know one thing: if it benefits another, as well as them, they don’t want it.

Here is another example:

Some 25 years ago I had a lover. Every time I wanted to have sex, he refused. He said he felt used. He said that I was asking for it because it was good for me.

What he could not see, did not see, is that he, a man, always enjoyed sex, whether I did or not. But he preferred that he was the only one enjoying it.

Somehow it made him feel better if he was the only beneficiary of the “act.”

The people that say: no, “I won’t buy the Harmonize The Planet audio, because it also helps others,” are just like this one-time boy friend of mine.

A direct result of pretending all your life to be generous and selfless… while you withhold yourself and wish everyone dead around you, so you can finally have your day.Get your Harmonizer audio

PS: Misery loves company, the crab bucket are examples of desire to receive for the self alone. Each soul correction has their unique way of sucking the life out of life… maybe I should write an article about that. Do you know what is your soul-correction?