Talk Back To Me: On responsibility of earning the knowledge

A student writes:

Sophie –

I watched Jurassic Park for the first time since it came out last night. There was a scene that stopped me short and I repeated multiple times. I pasted the scene below.

To me this is yet another example of a truth that has popping up all around me since first beginning to understand the distinction while reading your website a number of months ago.

Knowledge must be earned through direct experience. Earning requires discipline and commitment – 2 things I have spent much of my life avoiding. It is my responsibility not contribute to the drivel and lies by offering only what I have experienced myself.

Continue reading “Talk Back To Me: On responsibility of earning the knowledge”

Vibrational Review: Grabovoi, Arcady Petrov, Pranic Healing

A reader asks: Can you give a vibrational review on Arcady Petrov (personal: 170, 4% truth) and Grigori Grabovoi (personal: 190, teaching: 220, 20% truth level.). They are both Russian Authors. You can find their work in Amazon. They supposedly have learned how to regenerate body organs like teeth and in fact are teaching people how to do it.

I have done research on the internet and after I was sure I was connecting to the right person, my vibrational measures are in parentheses next to the person’s name. Read my review of Pranic healing on the bottom

Although 220 vibration is respectable (Grigori) he was about 80% off, and made sweeping generalizations… He is in prison now, if I understand it correctly.

Our usual “scheme” is being repeated here: a relatively competent person with relatively high level of consciousness tries to teach an ambitious lower consciousness person, no success, and then that person will teach other people of what he can’t do… Brilliant scheme to dupe millions of people who want to get well, or have children, parents, spouses, siblings… the devastation is terrible.

Of course, there is always the inevitable few percentile that just because they have “hope” they pull themselves out of the self-perpetuated illness and have a turnaround. The is a predictable side-effect of any healing modality, good or bad.

Between you and me, you get more results from my innocent audios infused in your drinking water, the Heaven on Earth, the Unconditional Love Activator, or even “just” the Water Energizer… Guaranteed.
Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Grabovoi, Arcady Petrov, Pranic Healing”

Self-Discipline And WillPower are The Path To Grace & Ease

Self-Discipline And WillPower are The Path To Grace & Ease
Why Do You Need Self-Discipline And Will-Power To Achieve Higher States Of Consciousness? The Path To Grace and Ease

A ‘normal’ human is weak, weak willed, and behaves in a pleasure seeking way.

A ‘normal’ human, when asked why they do what they do, they always have a because. Their whole being is effect: they are never the cause of their own action, their own feelings, their own thoughts.

The world of humans is an interplay of cause and effect. Rare humans are the cause of their actions. They are in higher states of consciousness. They don’t need an outside cause: they act as their own authority.

To go from ‘normal’ human, meaning weak willed and pleasure seeking, ordinary consciousness, you will need to develop capacities that are not taught in school, and they are not even encouraged.

When I first learned this whole distinction, responsibility, or said in another way, being a cause, the occasion was being late. I was late, and I had good reasons: I started late, the weather, the train schedule, the cab driver, the elevator… a slew of reasons.

The trainer suggested that I become cause of my being late. I tried, ‘I am late because I am forgetful…’ but as he explained, I mean the trainer, that would still be something other than me being the cause. If it is an internal and inherent weakness that causes something, I am still a victim, I am still an effect.

It took a long time, but the speaking that expresses being totally the cause of the result was, ‘I am late because I am late.’ or in my case ‘I am late because I started out late… all the rest are just excuses.’

This was a huge revelation to me. In the three years following this discovery I accomplished nine years worth of work, and went from a low-paid architect to a magazine owner, a magazine publisher with staff. It was amazing.

Then, of course, I got sloppy and victimized again, and my life has been an alternation of being cause, and being a victim.

You need self-discipline and will power to stay cause. Just because you know what you are supposed to do, what you are supposed to notice, what you must be aware of, you won’t, unless you have a well-developed self-discipline and will-power.

Both practically help you forego the desire to bail out, to escape, to go the easy route.

You don’t go from an undisciplined prince or princess to a disciplined person. The world does not prepare you for that: a disciplined person is a threat to society: it rocks the boat of mediocrity and complacency.

I have a few clients who are either in the military or retired from the military. Even the military doesn’t care about you being self-disciplined: they just want you to do what you are told to do, like a machine.

Those military types are the least disciplined of all my clients… a total disaster.

So, how are you going to go from ‘normal’ to highly disciplined? You know that the meaning of a discipline is teaching, and a disciple is someone who can be taught.

As long as you are undisciplined, no matter what I do, and no matter what you do, the results will not be forthcoming.

And because a normal human is blind to its own behavior, its own ego, you need outside help to be able to see yourself.

The tools that I offer are energetic and cognitive.

Energetically, my harmonize your vibration audio is your best choice, if you are normal.

Cognitively, I recommend that you find out what is your soul’s correction, so you can actually direct your awareness at something that will change you in the right direction.

UPDATE: now there is a specific Avatar State audio to address self-discipline.

Go and try the Self-Discipline Activator

What is it costing you that you procrastinate? What is it costing you that you stay the same?

What is it costing you that you procrastinate? What is it costing you that you stay the same?

What is it costing you that you procrastinate? “What is your current mindset costing you?”

Or maybe even a better way to ask: what are you not getting out of your life, given that you procrastinate?

No one can tell you that… but whatever you are resisting, whatever you resist doing, has all the power.

There are people, myself included, that consciously not do a lot of things. I don’t do much house work, but I am not procrastinating. I don’t obsess about it, I have made a decision to not do it, or do as little as I can get way with, and I am fine about it.

If I were procrastinating, my mind would be on hold about that thing which I am not doing, and I would not be fully available to do what I am doing instead: I would be doing everything “instead” and not fully, not joyously, not with power. Why? Because my power would be tied up in what I am not doing.

Once you give yourself permission to not do the thing at all: you are free. You take complete responsibility for what other people say, etc. and that’s that.

But it takes almost as much courage to declare to not do something as it takes to actually do it.

You are suspended between heaven and hell… a victim of your own cowardice.
Continue reading “What is it costing you that you procrastinate? What is it costing you that you stay the same?”

Are you a moocher, a looter, or a producer?

Are you a moocher, a looter, or a producer?

Each of these is a distinction, moocher, looter, producer. Your belonging to one of these categories can be considered a sliding scale or a pregnant/not pregnant absolute, depending on your capacity to look at existence and not feel compelled to lie.

Mooching and looting is being on the side of Death. But let us not jump ahead.

How do you find out if you are a moocher or a looter? Continue reading “Are you a moocher, a looter, or a producer?”

The Self-Healing Course: questions about it

The Self-Healing Course: questions about it

hands-on-energy-healing self-healing courseThe first Self-Healing Course is starting on February 5. That’s a Tuesday.

So far the people who signed up are the people who know and trust me: students that have done courses with me. Interesting, especially considering that about half of the regular readers of this site came searching for information on the Healing Codes, and roughly the other half came searching for information on Christie Marie Sheldon. So, I assumed that they were interested in healing… we shall see.

Here is some hype-free information:

1. You need to learn to connect two different ways to be able to use Source Energies to heal. This training alone is worth the price. Why? Because anything that you do while connected, actually starts to work. Theta Healing, The Healing Codes, Reiki… add your own favorite healing modality here. Even chiropractors do ten times better work if they connect while they do their job.

I write faster and better articles or copy. I cook better meals. I coach a lot more effectively.

I hear that sex is incomparably better while connected… I have not tried that, sorry. You have to believe the hearsay…

You cannot muscletest and trust your results unless you are connected while doing the muscletesting.

Enough reasons for learning to connect?
Continue reading “The Self-Healing Course: questions about it”

Could an Avatar ever cause Peace on Earth?

Could an Avatar ever cause Peace on Earth?

avatar nickelodeon teaching by proxyAfter watching all the Avatar series quite a few times, I saw that an Avatar is just one person. Without the Team Avatar and the country rallying for the cause, the Avatar is defeated before he starts.

There have been Avatars in the history of humanity. As Avatars all failed.

The job of the Avatar is to fight and usher in a long period of peace. But it cannot be just a good idea of the Avatar: it needs to be an idea whose time has come.

The Judeo/Christian idea of an avenging Messiah is way out of sync with how it works. Without the majority rising up with the leadership of the Avatar or Team Avatar, the result can only be slaying the Avatar, and that’s that.

I’ll put in here, instead of my own words, two people’s words: Osho and Art Williams. Osho, a failed Avatar, Art Williams, a successful business man whose crusade was successful, in terms of business. Osho talks about why it could not succeed, can’t succeed, Art Williams talks about how to succeed as an Avatar.

Very long, but worth reading. Will it wake you up? Not likely… but maybe one or two of you. If you have been feeling that life is senseless and have been seeking some purpose to life, Art Williams words will give you a glimpse of what’s missing.

Question to Osho: Why is humanity so willing to walk the path towards global suicide?

Osho – The reason is clear. People have become clear that their life has no meaning, that except misery, nothing happens; except anxiety, anguish, life has nothing to offer.
Continue reading “Could an Avatar ever cause Peace on Earth?”

The Path to Enlightenment: an inside affair?

The Path to Enlightenment:  an inside affair?

I love movies where humans seem to be endowed with supernatural capabilities. They are fun, and they give hope to people. For me they show the possibility of being a human being, shows me what’s possible, what kind of being is possible for human beings.

Hope in those supernatural beings, like in all saviors, allows humanity to be wretched, to buy time, to live below its potential, to live in hate, to live in pretense, to live in unreality, to never have to take responsibility for who we are and how we are. Continue reading “The Path to Enlightenment: an inside affair?”

Anger, Resentment, Disappointment: How To Liberate Yourself?

Anger, Resentment, Disappointment: How To Liberate Yourself?

A few years ago, (maybe 3?) I went over the list of people I was angry at, or disappointed by. I made an all-out attempt to liberate myself from the bondage anger or disappointment creates.

Anger, resentment, disappointment: all symptoms of ego/mind, all symptoms of thinking of the future and feeling threatened. Look at how the Indonesian Mimic Octopus makes sure that they don’t fall prey to having any reason for anger, etc. But humans are not as intelligent: they willingly put themselves in that position… Don’t forget to read the rest of the article once you are done watching the video Continue reading “Anger, Resentment, Disappointment: How To Liberate Yourself?”

When you make a mistake: Are you a Screw-Up?

When you make a mistake: Are you a Screw-Up?

bad newsWhat If You Make A Mistake And Now Your Mind Knows That You Are A Screw-Up, A Knucklehead, A Failure, Or Dumb? How Do You Clear Your Rap-Sheet With Your Mind?

I am fully in this whole question: how do you enroll your mind that you can? That you are capable. That you can deal with it. That you can win at it?

And I just had an insight. Continue reading “When you make a mistake: Are you a Screw-Up?”