Why and how the hit-bottom method works? Works well…

Why and how the hit-bottom method works? Works well…

hitting bottom is a good thingIn numerology, each number has a special meaning… and even the components of your final destiny number…

My main number is 7, my secondary number is 4.

I like 4. Four symbolizes a chimney: there is only one way to go: up.

Most numbers have sideways moves… and that is what most people do to avoid growing. To avoid what it takes, work, pain, telling the truth… avoiding these at all cost… even if the cost is everything and anything they ever wanted…

So as a coach, I have to take them to a magical turning point: I need to force them to hit bottom. If they let me… 🙁

I had two workshops yesterday… And in the second, two of my participants volunteered to declare that they hit bottom. Continue reading “Why and how the hit-bottom method works? Works well…”

Your deserving factor, your earning factor… How much do you deserve? How much have you earned? Are you worth a damn?

I am listening to step 1 of the 67 steps again. The seventh time? Eighth time? I have lost track.

And as is usual for me, I am seeing something that Tai is not saying, and I kind of have been seeing, but not really. In the corner of my eyes.

Debunking the myth of fast… fast and in a hurry

Debunking the myth of fast… fast and in a hurry
going nowhere fastEverything that is valuable is invisible… when things are fast

In my  Playground program (Playground: it is never too late to have a happy childhood) some people are in a hurry to get through…

How you do anything is how you do everything… they are in a hurry to get through life to get to the good stuff.

They are missing life, they are missing the partner call and benefits it can give them: getting present to the invisible.

What is invisible for you now becomes visible when you slow down.

Unfortunately to all of us, today’s lifestyle with the movies that have quick cuts, with social media, with fast cars, slowing down feels counter intuitive, so we take pride in being fast… and faster.

But being fast makes you miss everything.

The psychologist, Paul Ekman. who discovered micro expressions slowed down the film to see the emotion that gave the suicidal woman’s hidden despair away.

Slowing down your reactions will show you your real emotions… so you know, so you know what you are running away from.

The envy, the glee, the hate, the despair, the ugly… that you are not willing to share on the partner call because you have an image to uphold.

People who are putting makeup on their fake persona… prettying it up… but never show, never touch their real persona… and therefore they continue living an unreal, fake life… with the unavoidable consequences in the hidden regions of health… More about that later…

slow downSlowing down you may be able to find your strait and narrow… your path to your own happiness and fulfillment… your soul correction.

Fast isn’t going to cut it.

The fence that is built fast will fall down fast… This is a principle, it is true for everything.

And everyone is looking for fast, push button, rapid… and everyone is unhappy. No accidents there.

f8d7460f36309949349c9ea9e8b22ff8The most important turning point for me was losing my privilege to drive. Not having a car completely eliminated the previously normal reaction to anything that was confronting, unpleasant, challenging, or hard: running away. Going shopping… lol. I am still reacting… but staying put.

I  am still confronted a lot, but because there is no place to run, I am more and more choosing to look at what seems to be unconfrontable… and look at it. Look at it and going deeper, at the root issue.

For example, I have a real issue with violence, both in movies and in books. And of course in life.

I am deadly afraid of physical pain. I feel it in my groin. And I lose out on a lot of things that most everyone in my place could have, because I am reacting to that fear… I have even built a life on that: instead of having to ask people to do something for me, I have learned to do many many things, so I don’t have to.

I have an originating incident of asking and accepting help and being hurt, badly hurt. Pain so strong I passed out.

I am working on learning to ask… it is not going well… The fear is still a whole lot stronger.

Stare the tiger in the face.

I am also catching and taming a lot of knee-jerk reactions. As a company owner, I used to be the Firing Queen… hired fast and fired even faster. No prosperity as a result never knocked me conscious. Only slowing down has.

sidebar-largeIt’s uncharted territory to be patient, to give the benefit of the doubt, to allow all the answers to come to me, to emerge, as if from deep water. It is more alien from my personality and my persona as anything I do or have ever done… I am looking at myself with amazement as I am changing.

All movies are fast nowadays, so the only way for me to slow them down is to stop them to give myself time to catch up, and to take a contemplation break… sometimes longer than the movie itself.

quote-63Anything you do “in order to” is too fast. Life is not about speeding through it… it’s about living it. Living it in the moment you are living it.

In order to removes you from the present… and makes life NOT LIVED…

I have a rich life… in spite of the fact that I only leave my house on Tuesdays… grocery shopping, chiropractor, exercise class…

2fe86edf00f3bb6dd5c1228d6c9c9cccEverything else happens in my apartment… and yet I have an experience of living fully, or maybe even fuller than before. Sometimes I have urges, like wanting to go to my 50th high school reunion… But today I wrote my 50-year story, and it feels that I now don’t have to go. I can just enjoy the 30 or so similar stories my classmates wrote, and have a full experience, probably more pleasant. I don’t have to eat what they eat. I don’t have to travel. I don’t have to worry how I look. I don’t have to feel all those feelings… that I can handle one by one, but not all at once.

When I look what I would do if a ton of money fell on me… I would not have much use for it. Money has a tendency to burn a hole in people’s pocket, demand you to deal with it.

I’m free with no money. I value my freedom. More than money.

i-caution-writers-all-the-time-to-slow-down-and-pay-more-attention-to-the-work-in-front-of-them-quote-1The world is rushing you. The world includes your parents, and your spouse… maybe even your teacher, your coach, all the courses…

There is no hurry on the creative plane. The creative plane is where meaningful life is lived. A life worth living.

I wrote this article in 2016.

direction vs going fastMuch has changed since then… the most important of all those is the price I have been paying with my health has come to the forefront.

It seems that hurry, taking pride in being fast is the number one reason people erode their health.

I am looking at myself, looking at clients.

Eating without tasting, eating without chewing. Talking without reflection, without pauses.

I have been measuring people’s biological age. And getting intensely curious what makes them age faster than they should.

I am starting to come to the conclusion that hurry is even more important than what you eat, your eating style, or your nutritional deficiencies.

That is, at least, what Source is telling me, through muscletesting. I’ll keep asking this question… and see if my current insight is accurate or not.

Get your Health Measurements

Powerful Debriefing: How to be a winner regardless

Powerful Debriefing: How to be a winner regardless

One of the major differences between winners and losers: winners have the ability to look at reality, and look long enough so all the filters get revealed and they actually see things for what they are.

Another difference between winners and losers is that winners love setbacks, love failures, maybe even more than success. Losers love success and HATE failures, or setbacks. Continue reading “Powerful Debriefing: How to be a winner regardless”

Cancer is Like A Human: desire to receive for the self alone

Cancer is Like A Human: desire to receive for the self alone

how cancer thinks like a human... desire to receive for the self aloneIf you want to understand cancer…

If you want to understand cancer watch yourself and people you know. You will understand more about the condition than through any other “information” source.

If you think you should only watch other people, it only means you are worse than others…

What is the similarity between cancer and humans?

Cancer is not part of an organization, it doesn’t even know about the organization. It knows only about itself. Cancer doesn’t care about the big picture. Cancer is driven exclusively by its mind, which tells him that he is to reproduce itself exactly the same way as its parents: all new members of the “family” need to be exactly the same, no individuality, no variations, not deviation. The new ones need to have faith, be Jewish, Christina, Hindu, Mohammedan, or whatever the “parents” were, no alterations.

The new cells are trained that it’s a competition out there, and their loyalties need to lie with the family, right or wrong, loyalties are your number one concern. The survival of the “family.”
Continue reading “Cancer is Like A Human: desire to receive for the self alone”

Cynicism, resignation, feeling your feelings…

Cynicism, resignation, feeling your feelings…

Cynicism, resignation, feeling your feelings… turn your resistance into flow

Somebody said that being in the 900s of vibration, I must be in the flow.

I felt that what she meant and what it means are very different.

Most of what is termed ‘flow’ is a feeling that everything is OK… That there is nothing to resist, because god is on your side.

But from that definition to get to flow, the real flow, you first have to make bad feelings wrong.

As if feelings were responsible and at fault…

But feelings are there for a reason, and resisting them is the stupidest thing you can do.

If we looked what prevents you from entering the flow state, I can promise we would find that you don’t want all the feelings, you only want the good ones.

But most, maybe all gold is in the unpleasant feelings.

I finally got response to my private message to the author of the book ‘Feelings.’ Continue reading “Cynicism, resignation, feeling your feelings…”

Why do you want to connect to Source? What would it do?

Why do you want to connect to Source? What would it do?
Let me start with the story of a famous thief…

Arthur Barry was described by Time as ‘The slickest second-story man in the East,’ truly one of the most famous jewel thieves of all times.

In his years of crime, he committed as many as 150 burglaries and stole jewels valued between $5 and $10 million.

He seldom robbed from anyone not listed in the Social Register and often did his work in… get this…

A tuxedo!

On an occasion or two, when caught in the act of a crime by a victim, he charmed his way out of being reported to the police.

Like most people who engage in a life of crime, he was eventually caught, convicted and served 25 years in prison.

Following his release, he worked as a counterman in a roadside restaurant on the East Coast for $50 a week.

A newspaper reporter found him and interviewed him about his life.

After telling about the thrilling episodes of his life he came to the conclusion of the interview saying:

‘I am not good at morals. But early in my life I was intelligent and clever, and I got along well with people.

‘I think I could have made something of my life, but I didn’t.

‘So when you write the story of my life, when you tell people about all the burglaries, don’t leave out the biggest one of all… Don’t just tell them I robbed Jesse Livermore, the Wall Street baron or the cousin of the King of England. You tell them Arthur Barry robbed… Arthur Barry.

Arthur Barry realized — too late –that he’d robbed himself of time.

We all only have so much time to achieve our dreams and aspirations.

I don’t know what your dreams and aspirations are — but I do know that for you to achieve them you’ll likely need to get the cooperation and help of your vertical self. Your higher self.

This means that you are going to need to know how get out of your horizontal self, get into your vertical self, and get the cooperation and supportive help of your vertical self…

…and the EASIEST way to do that is to connect to Source… that is on the same vertical as your ‘inner coach’, the Observing Self. And no, it is not your mind. Your mind is NOT your inner coach, though it pretends to be one. Your mind is the one that tells you that you are entitled… or that you are stupid… that you will never amount to anything, no matter what you do.

Your inner coach is your vertical self, and to locate it, you need to be able to use the Tangerine Method to connect to Source. (Alternatively, I think, you can do it while you are connected to the Big Bundle… but I am not sure. I can’t test it because I am always connected.)

It doesn’t have to be hard either. You just need the right tool and training to teach you how to do it.

You see, most things that are out there (I say most, because I haven’t seen everything yet. But for all the courses that I have seen, what I am saying here is true), most teachers, most training, most coaching, most meditation, most guru stuff, operate on and strengthen your horizontal self.

They operate on your desire to have more, to feel better, to be special, to hoard, to control, to ‘lead’, to have more fun, and all that comes from your horizontal self, and firmly entrenches you there.

Why do they do it? Because that kind of desire breeds more desire.

Because you want fulfillment, satisfaction, the freedom to be, feel connected, have self-expression fully, be all you can be.

And the horizontal desires don’t give it to you.

The horizontal self will just keep yearning, and spend your time and money on trying to get what those gurus promised…

Or, alternatively, your horizontal self hears that you can. And it may be true. You may have the potential to do it.

One of the winning ideas T. Harv Eker had was to call his company Peak Potentials… and potentials the participants remained.

Even in programs  like The Millionaire Mind Intensive where he had a step-by-step method of climbing closer to your potential, people didn’t act on it.

In the Millionaire Mind Intensive they give you two tools that actually are quite brilliant, even though I have stopped using them long time ago.
  1. the jars
  2. the 90-day Wealth Conditioning Program.

When I did the course, back in 2002, if I remember the year correctly, I went home and started doing those two. I bought the 6 jars, and did the daily exercises from the 90-day program… daily. Diligently.

After 30 days I had a reunion with a lot of people from the class. I asked if they did the exercises, and could not find even one who did.

I, myself, increased my net worth by 30 grands in 30 days.

I felt like a two headed monster… too different to be comfortable. So I quickly retreated to my former self: no jars, no exercises, no money.

Why did I do that, you ask?

Because my horizontal self took over, and I became like everyone else: a potential.

And went back to living a potential life. With the sad reality that my life didn’t amount to much.

But it is not too late to change. I changed, and I can teach you the steps.

The Brilliance at Will course was always about connecting to the Vertical Self.

In the beginning I hoped that I can give it to you, just give it to you while you are connected to Source with the Tangerine Method.

Then I started to teach you the principles of the machine we all live in, the machine that was created by our reptilian brain with its thinking part, the Mind.

I have been at it for years.

My job is to get you to live in your Vertical Self, even when you interact with the horizontal world… television, internet, Facebook, texting, other people, work, traffic, shopping, housekeeping, children, exercising, your body, your pain, your emotions, your thoughts.

It is a job that can’t succeed without you saying NO to everything you know, at least some of the time.

The clients and students who are successful, have found one major sticking point and its remedy.

More often than not, it is the Itch and its remedy. That is why I push the Itch workshop, because finding the Itch is the magic looking glass for most.

And having awareness of that one sticking point is enough to turn your life, turn your results, turn your whole life-experience around.

In an upcoming article I will talk about urges. The urge to avoid, the urge to do the same as always. The urge is like a sudden jerk of the machine: near irresistible. And what goes hand in hand with the issue is its remedy: self-discipline.

I have found that the level of self-discipline you have corresponds very well with your vibration, with your level of well being, and with your ability to produce results. The average level of self-discipline in the world is 3%. You need at least a level of 20% to do the work of becoming an Expanding Human Being. Lincoln was at 76%, Edison was at 85%. Where are you with that? You can send me a donation and I’ll measure it for you. In the meantime I am looking for a good course where you could get trained to increase your level of self-discipline.

It seems that I have the biggest issue with that, my own self-discipline. It’s only 30%.

In the meantime just hang in there, come to the Itch, sign up for coaching… all synergistic together.

Oh, and of course, learning to connect to Source with the Tangerine Method can make it all easier…

…after all the most important element of becoming an expanding Human Being is moving the Self into the Observer position.

I have a hunch that the Big Bundle can be an instigator in you being able to be connected and do all the stuff a connected person can do… while the audio is playing you your ears.


PS: The 7 greatest master thieves you’ve never heard of

We hear more about big time art and jewel heists in the movies than in the news simply for the fact that the main objective of any good burglar is to not get caught. Masters of disguise and often smooth talkers with a knack for getting in and out of even the tightest security environments, these master thieves were the best in the business.

Vincenzo Perguia, the Mona Lisa Thief. 1913

Vincenzo Peruggia: Vincenzo’s life of burglary was pretty short lived and really only had one highlight – the guy stole the Mona Lisa. Yea, the Mona Lisa, which is a pretty big deal, considering it’s probably the most recognizable painting in the world. In 1911, the former museum worker hid inside the Louvre over the weekend and slipped the painting under his painter’s smock and strolled out with it. Yep, it was that easy. Vincenzo kept the painting in his apartment for two years before being busted when trying to sell it to a gallery owner in Italy. Still, the guy had a pretty cool centerpiece for his bachelor pad for a while.

Frank William Abagnale, Jr

Frank William Abagnale, Jr.: Maybe the only living thief today who has had nearly as much success post his life of crime as he did while on the run. While he didn’t steal any priceless works of art, Frank used his cunningness to scam millions of dollars from banks through check fraud across 26 countries in a period of only five years starting at the tender age of 16. While other kids were working a paper route, Frank was jet setting across the Atlantic taking on the false identities of successful doctors and lawyers. After his FBI bust, Frank took up the honest profession of running a financial fraud consulting biz. Not all his glory was lost however; he guy still got Steven Spielberg to make a movie about him.

François Villon

François Villon: Francois Villon was a 15th century French poet who supported his himself through a life of crime (surprise – not much $$ in the poetry biz). Spending part of his childhood as an orphan before being adopted by a wealthy clerk, Francois was actually a good student. It didn’t last though and he turned to crime, joining a gang of thieves called “Gang des Coquillards” and began robbing churches and public offices. After his arrest in 1462 he was to be tortured and hanged, but had his sentenced was reduced to banishment. After that not much is known about Francois, but his poems continue to puzzle French lit majors to this day.

Bill Mason

Bill Mason: Bill Mason lived the life of a lot of American men, regular job, wife and kids, but on the weekends instead of going on fishing trips he preferred to steal millions of dollars in jewels from the high rise penthouses of the rich and famous. For 25 years, he lived a double life and became addicted to stealing valuables from celebrities like Bob Hope before being busted and serving five years behind bars. Which really doesn’t sound bad, considering estimates of his plunders are around $70 million. Instead of heading back to his cat burglar activities after prison the guy decided to write the bestselling book, Nine Lives. Not a bad way to capitalize on your follies.

doris payne jewel thiefDoris Payne

Doris Payne: The youngest of six, Doris Payne is the only female on our list and came from humble beginnings of a WV coal miner father – not exactly the classic makings of a 50-yr career jewel thief. Doris didn’t rely on fancy tools or gymnast skills to get the goods, but confusing the store clerks and causing them to forget while she slipped out the store. A master at sweet talking sales clerks, she’d try on multiple items before sneaking out with one or two pieces of bling, often selling them before she left town. Now 80 yrs-old, Doris spends her time in the pen, while talks of a bio pic with Halle Berry float around Tinsel town.

Alan Golder

Alan Golder: Besides the riches, international intrigue and possible movie deals one of the cool things about being a master thief is the nickname. Take Alan Golder “The Dinnertime Bandit” for example. Alan started his life of crime at just 6 yrs-old and by 21 was selling stolen jewels on the NYC black market. Often working for the Genovese crime family, Alan would sneak into the homes of such notables as Johnny Carson and rob them blind during their dinner parties. Spending much the 1990s behind bars, upon his release Alan went back to what he knew best, crashing dinner parties and leaving with a doggy bag of bling.

Charles Peace

Charles Peace: Quite possibly the most famous cat burglar in history, Charles Peace stood at just 5’4 and used his gymnast skills and elaborate set of tools to raid the homes and stores of London’s rich before finally being tried and hung for his crimes in 1879. Many knew his name, but few knew what the man looked like as a result of the thief’s masterful disguises. Wanted posters issued by Scotland Yard listed his age somewhere between 40-70 yrs old. His unusual life of crime has been the inspiration for dozens of books and films, so in a strange way crime does pay. Peace just wasn’t around to see the benefits.[/efn_note]

Do you meet others’ expectations? There is a price to pay

Do you meet others’ expectations? There is a price to pay

If you are on this site, you will find yourself, more or less, in this article. And it may change your life.

A student writes

Hi Sophie, I think I take trivial and superficial things too seriously. How can I let go of these immaterial incidents or people and focus on important things that truly matter to me?

this was my answer

“This is the sign of two things: 1. your map of reality isn’t very similar to reality. 2. you have too much importance attached to nice words about you… i.e. you want to be defined by words not by your actions.
Continue reading “Do you meet others’ expectations? There is a price to pay”

Signs, God, Revelations, Numerology, Astrology. are ALL BS?

Signs, God, Revelations, Numerology, Astrology. are ALL BS?

Signs, God, revelations, numerology, astrology, dreams, magical thinking

It’s all invented, it is all some rules or some laws to make sense of what cannot make sense… life, the Universe, this whole thing we were born into. Continue reading “Signs, God, Revelations, Numerology, Astrology. are ALL BS?”

How Humanity Fell Out Of Harmony With The Universe

How Humanity Fell Out Of Harmony With The Universe
the tree of knowledge is the rulebook of right and wrong in the eyes of others. it is the precise breaking point between god and humanityThe Harmony of the Universe… and the human race that blocks the flow

The Universe, as we call it, (all existence, all-of-it, are other possible names for it) is an incredible harmonious flow, from the tiniest part to the largest part, all flowing, all moving, ever changing.

Originally this included the species we call humans. Until something went wrong, and instead of consciousness, humans started demonstrating self-consciousness.

My story is, my interpretation of the biblical story of the Original Sin, sounds slightly different from the current Christian, or even Jewish interpretation.

The question that no one has debated until now, I think, is:

What did the serpent say to Eve?

Continue reading “How Humanity Fell Out Of Harmony With The Universe”