Takeover of the planet through taking over your mind

Takeover of the planet through taking over your mind

gibberThe general public, including writers, can’t fathom anything less crude for mind-control than the affirmations in the Brave New World, or the microchip in Interface. A little bit more subtle is the method in Snow Crash, but not much.

The general public, including writers, cannot perceive, cannot conceive, cannot believe in the idea that mind-control is much more subtle, and it is going on all the time.

Or maybe how it is done in reality would not sell books? That is possible too.

Who is controlling your mind and to what end? What do they want that they are doing it… and they have been doing it for about seven thousand years… maybe even more.
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Who You Are, What You Are? What is your Essence?

Who You Are, What You Are? What is your Essence?

your attitudeAttitude… what is it? What is the difference between your feelings, your emotions, and your attitude?

Who you are is your essence. It is not a reaction to some circumstance, like it’s late in the day. Your essence doesn’t change because you are tired.

Your who is created. Your who responds well to verbal command, just like you responded well when someone said: your name is Joseph, or whatever they said. You said: “OK, I am Joseph.” And then it never changed, It may have been shortened to Joe, but it didn’t change that you were Joe. The who. But that who was just a label.
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Are you my ideal customer? How did you find my site?

Are you my ideal customer? How did you find my site?

confrontingSummary: Now that I have lost my main source of income, I am back to the planning stage. I am back to finding out how to reach people who want what I have to offer: Energy remedies for peace of mind, freedom, power, and are willing to work for it at the same time, instead of waiting for a miracle or a pill or a magic bullet.

I am not often confronted. Being confronted always means that something or someone has breached the separation between your hidden self and your fake self.

You hide the stuff that you don’t think will work in the world, that will not buy you the image or goodies you want, the affection, appreciation, the job, the friends, the money.
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You want to raise your vibration. You want to become an Expanding Human Being. You want abundance. You want fun, joy, and love.


Summary: this article started out to be short and sweet and, because it is so important, became really big. The most important things are said in the footnotes, so don’t miss them. The article reveals what it is you need and probably don’t have, will never have, to become an Expanding Human Being. But it is good to know, at least you will know what you can and what you can’t… and stop deluding yourself, and others.

To celebrate that amazon kicked me out, I am offering a 2 for 1 on all my remedies… until further notice. Go to the special site I made….

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Low vibration? Here are some clues why that is… Updated

Low vibration? Here are some clues why that is… Updated

Summary: people don’t understand why their vibration is so low… in spite of all the work they have done on themselves, or the positive outlook they have on life, a life of making a difference, meditation, etc. Here are some of my answers…

  1. You live in and through your mind. You are curious, you ask a lot of questions, you amassed a lot of Tree of Knowledge type knowledge, and you feel secure in the world. You may have even achieved some success… But you are out of touch. Out of touch with your body, out of touch with your emotions, out of touch with reality. You don’t have the capacities of an Expanding Human Being, and you are not interested in becoming one. The price (all that “knowledge) is too much for you.
  2. Everybody is surprised to hear that Canada’s vibration is not friendly to my products, and that people from Canada have lower vibration on average than the rest of the world.Canadians themselves are offended… From their point of view, they are the highest vibrating, most friendly, most moral, highly socially conscious people on the planet.
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We all have filters. Should we get rid of them? Are they all bad?

Know what filter you are wearingWe all want to remove the filters, at least those of us that even know about them.

But what you need to understand is this: filters are necessary. Without filters reality cannot get through to you, without filters you are not able to interact with reality at all.

What is a filter, really? Filter is a predefined translator. Partially it is words. If and when you cannot name something, it doesn’t exist for you, or you don’t have any power to interact with it.

I remember my first encounter with “there is no filter/words for this thing” some 30-40 years ago in a book of short stories. There was this thing, heavy, big, silent, and it was threatening as hell… and the whole town was in fear of it. They didn’t know what it was, and therefore they had no way to interact with it.
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Power, powerful… another word that has been misused, misunderstood, emasculated…

Back Pose_1What is the definition of powerful? Or power?

Powerful is a Creator’s word, or a word about creation.

Power is the speed at which your word is made reality

A president is considered powerful, but if you look, the real decisions aren’t made by the president, the president is a mere figurehead. They seem to be the person who declares war and such, but if you knew how things happen in the “administration” you would be surprised how little power the president has, and how much power the “administration” has. I myself was stunned to learn about that in The Cobwebbed, the book I am now reading for the second time.
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Think and grow rich, number one distributor of mind virus… Jesus Juice is just close second.

Jesus+JuiceTruth repeated is a lie.

These is one of those sentences that don’t make sense when you read it from the mind.

Napoleon Hill interviewed lots of successful people. He repeated their words. The words became a lie. 1

Let’s see all the reasons why truth repeated is a lie, ok?
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The invisibles, the secret to taking charge of your life

Air to a bird; water to a fish; and man to himselWhat are the invisibles?

A student of mine emailed me a few seconds ago.

She says: I grieve the loss of the camaraderie. And the affectionate joking that was so much fun. Is it dead, or does it have a chance of returning some day?

My answer to that was short, cryptic: “look at yourself first… always”

I am certain that she received it as an insult. But what was my answer? It was coaching.

When the saying says: There are three mysteries of life: Air to a bird; water to a fish; and man to himself.
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