Reader questions about archetypes, manifestation, blockages

Reader questions about archetypes, manifestation, blockages

Reader-Questions1I was thinking of making this an article, but I think, as a question and answer type of post it will work better…

I am sure after reading this, you will have plenty of questions. Please post them in the comment section of this post: that way I can answer many readers all at once. Thank you.

PS: Important: Read the summary at the end about the bug free mind, the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Question #1:

So, I have been observing my thoughts and emotions as they come up just like you mentioned and I am learning to surrender to everything, including negativity.

I have heard that surrendering to negativity involves feeling the emotion in its full form instead of trying to suppress them.

When you feel an emotion of sadness and start to have some tears instead of suppressing them, are you doing it right?

Because at the same time, I do not want to be giving energy to this negativity and hence manifesting them so yeah…

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Are you using your adult capacities?

babies capacities match their ageThe first Osho book I have ever read, was Maturity. I started to read it in the store, and fell in love with it.

It echoed one of my favorite Landmark Education courses, the Wisdom Course.

In that course, maturity was a state (they call it possibility, just a Landmark Education word!): where you were using adult capacities to live your life.

One would think that when you are an adult you use your adult capacities, but that is not the case.
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I have created a separate blog for Andy Shaw’s A Bug Free Mind

I have created a separate blog for Andy Shaw’s A Bug Free Mind

Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in event of successTo answer the question in the title: I am not sure. I am guided…

In addition, a site where you can find all the “mind bugs” as Andy Shaw calls them, can be really useful.

My Playground program is the program where most of these “mind bugs” get driven up, but unless I write, in an organized fashion, our findings, it will be lost for humanity… and given the direction humanity is heading, that is really bad news.

By the way, I have been offering my special bonus for people who buy the Bug Free program through my link: a free month in my Playground program. It is a $40 program, and you can take it any time, just send me your receipt from Andy, and tell me when you want your month.

My experience has been, that removing even just one bug makes a huge difference, but removing 3-5 starts creating some elbow room for real change.

Continue reading “I have created a separate blog for Andy Shaw’s A Bug Free Mind”

Humans are vibrational beings

The internet is full of crap, and the so called gurus talk most of it. All second-hand crap.

This phrase: humans are vibrational beings, on the surface is truth… but if you scratch it, it is unscientific, nonsensical, pretentious, and misleading. And misleading is the main tool of fakes, frauds, and impostors.

In quantum physics, the current state of knowledge in physics, everything depends on the observer: and a “thing” can be physical, or matter, or a wave… depending on the observer’s expectation.

I guess this is the basis of this stupid statement. If you look at yourself as a vibrational being, then you are… now what?
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Do you want to change? Do you want to change your life? Great! Now you can!

do you want to change? Warning: this is a long article! don’t start to read it if you have short attention span.

Do you want to change? Do you want to change your life? Great! Now you can!

Change is the only permanent thing in the Universe

But do you know that there are many kinds of changes, and some are more desirable than others?

This article is about the types of change you will encounter while doing the work to raise your vibration.
Continue reading “Do you want to change? Do you want to change your life? Great! Now you can!”

What is the fundamental and profound difference between a human and a human being?

Being IS the difference between human and human being

The level of evolution where you are is called human. The next level is called human being.

I know, I know, everyone says, even the dictionary, that you are a human being, but it’s a misnomer.
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Levels of consciousness, like a staircase, harder on the top

Levels of consciousness, like a staircase, harder on the top

the-spiral-staircase-that-has-age-limits-3If we continue with the analogy of climbing a circular staircase, in each paradigm you can be at the bottom of the steps on the top, or anywhere in between.

Look at the picture on the left: on the bottom there is crowding, competition… towards the top less and less people are on the steps… that is exactly how it is in raising your consciousness… people give up.

Let’s consider that it takes 100 rotations to get to the top of the staircase inside your current paradigm. Wherever you are, you’ll find yourself somewhere on that 1 to 100 scale. Most likely closer to the bottom… Sorry.
Continue reading “Levels of consciousness, like a staircase, harder on the top”

Rose Colored Glasses, Hope, and other stuff that take you out of the present moment

Hope-2-570x379The purveyors of hope

When “picking” a state of being, an attitude, a mindset, conventional wisdom can be detrimental to our well-being.

Unless you are a prisoner in a concentration camp, and what’s predictable is that you will not make it out alive, hope is a very bad-for-you state to pick. But even there, unless it gives you actions that keep you alive longer, that make you take care of yourself, hope as a being, hopeful is the right word, will be just a feeling… and you know how it is with feelings: they come and go at their own accord: you can’t control feelings. Hope and hopeless are the two sides of the same coin. Being doesn’t have a flip side. Continue reading “Rose Colored Glasses, Hope, and other stuff that take you out of the present moment”

I Am Quite Comfortable In My Home Away From Home. My Life Isn’t Working. My Soul Is Shrinking. Our Planet Is Dying, Our Livelihood Is Threatened, But Go Home?

the prodigal son is welcomed home. you can never lose homeCapacities are like skills:

  • you either use them or you don’t
  • You either recognize them or you don’t
  • You either develop them or you don’t… but the rest of your life depends on it.
The capacity to tell truth from illusion, reality from unreality

…is one such capacity is at the root of developing beliefs that will support you and what you are up to. The enemy is introduced below:

Reality? Collective hunch at best.
Continue reading “I Am Quite Comfortable In My Home Away From Home. My Life Isn’t Working. My Soul Is Shrinking. Our Planet Is Dying, Our Livelihood Is Threatened, But Go Home?”

The evolutionary approach to your inner stress, lack, misery

The evolutionary approach to your inner stress, lack, misery

This article stands the current culture and the current approach to spirituality, consciousness, self-growth on its head… If you are happy to be miserable, please don’t read it!

Watch this short movie. If it doesn’t bring tears in your eyes, pain in your heart, then probably this article isn’t for you Continue reading “The evolutionary approach to your inner stress, lack, misery”