What can Marco Polo’s legend teach you?

marco-polo-mosaicThis may just be a legend… Yet, legends can teach…

Marco Polo was an Italian man who arrived into the Great Khan’s court. The Great Khan asked him and his two companions about the desert they had to cross to get to his court.

The two older men had little to say. Marco Polo, on the other hand, had a lot to say.

The two older men were banished, Marco Polo was given the role of advisor.


Because Marco Polo didn’t live his live with his consciousness buried in his mind.

WTF, right? What does that mean?
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Does this ever happen to you?

Profiteer-Agency-Worker-Bait-And-SwitchYou are making all the right moves, you feel on the top of the world, smart, dashing… and then reality comes crashing down…

  • the game you were playing bottoms out: you lose
  • the person you were charming says something like: I have to go to pee
  • the product you produced, book, website, whatever, attracts no response
  • your carefully crafted story falls flat on its face… and lots of more examples I could give…
  • won the battle but lost the war… with your husband, your child, winning the argument but losing the love

What happened? What the f… happened? For the most part you are dumbfounded. After all if you could see what you did, after the fact, this would not happen as often as it does. To you, and to most people…
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More on stupid/smart

23979570Every success proves nothing. It can be luck, it can be accident, it can be smarts… you can’t be sure.

I am an architect by trade… and all my life as an architect I was wondering if I was talented. I could never say for certain. I could win contests, I could win awards, talent is not proven by them.

Finally I gave it up and sighed a sigh of freedom and relief.

You are the same way about being smart… or whatever is your issue. (Some people have an issue with being liked, loved, valued, respected, etc. But I think everyone has some issue with smarts. I could be wrong…)

My recommendation is that you consider the Forrest Gump saying: Stupid is as the stupid does… i.e. the only stupid thing you can do is not judge accurately what you need to see to make a good decision.

If you rush, or already know… the action is stupid, and that’s that.
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The lesson of Doctor Who for those who want to raise their vibration

Doctor-Who-CollageI published an article on Doctor Who a week or so ago: I did not write that article, no matter what you thought when you read it.

That article was written before the current Doctor came to the scene.

The Doctor, 1000 years old, periodically dies and regenerates into a whole different look and personality “new” Doctor.

It is jarring for everyone involved, especially to the previous companions of The Doctor. The doctor looks dramatically different, and is a dramatically different personality.

As I can tell, one aspect of The Doctor needed to be made obvious: his vulnerability.

There is a great video compilation at the end of this article… worth watching, even if you have never seen the show.
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Neutralize being ineffective and unhappy…

Neutralize being ineffective and unhappy…
looking about, multitasking, overwhelmThe ONLY way to be happy is to accept what is.

Accept how it is. And also accept how it isn’t.

Now, this second statement, accept reality how it isn’t is the topic of this article, the essence of this spiritual practice. Accept that it is what it is, not something else, that may look better, faster, easier…

One of the symptoms of not accepting reality the way it isn’t, is overwhelm… another one is misery… Want to know more?

Now, before I continue, I want to explain something:
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Historical novels, reading about famous people: is that a good idea?

the biography of Steve JobsI know a lot of people who love to read historical novels, biographies, etc. When I look at them I get that they live their lives vicariously through those novels, not in reality. All these people have boring, ordinary lives.

For the past 4-5 months, I have been reading about the Mongols, the 13-14th century innovators of the world, without whom the world would look very very different.

The founder, the father of the Mongol Empire was Genghis Khan.

Now, why am I sharing this?

Because the only reason to read historical fiction, or biographies of famous people is to get a glimpse of what caused them to become more, bigger, or special.

We are all born ordinary. Then we either stay ordinary or choose a path that leads to exceptional, whether it is in the direction of bad or good. 1

In every life, there is at least one turning point, one moment of choice when one can choose a direction towards extraordinary…
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Spirituality and the quality of your life? Part 1

holographic-universe-mainMy method of growing myself, my method of growing what can be known for humans, is running conquering-new-territories campaigns into the unknown.

It is about leading scouting and conquering military campaigns into the unknown and unknowable, and I do it on my podcast calls… the one I have been having for 8 years now. Every week, for 15 years now.

Some calls are huge campaigns, today’s was like that, and most calls are maintenance, cleaning up, clarifying… All needed for a coherent view.

In today’s call, the conversation was about the question: what does spirituality have to do with the quality of your life??
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spirituality and machines… The Computer Story

spirituality and machines… The Computer Story

Yesterday my computer started to misbehave.

It shut down without an error message, without the dreaded blue screen.

I went online and researched the potential causes for it.

I have three computers, but this is my newest, and the one I do webinars on, the one I coach on skype, and I have a call already paid for this afternoon… so it was important to make the computer work.

I started with the hardware, the physical parts of the computer, and no matter what part I changed or disconnected, the error, the computer shutting down, persisted.

I was afraid, I was anxious.
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5 stages of Consciousness Evolution by Vishen

5 stages of Consciousness Evolution by Vishen

Vishen Lakhiani becoming limitlessVishen Lakhiani is the owner of MindValley… a huge company promoting gurus and their programs.

The original article was to promote his webinar workshop on becoming limitless, on October 13. The webinar’s job is to promote their continuity, i.e. subscription to the $29 a month Mindvalley Academy.

Because so many people are interested in becoming limitless, or at least happier, I am going to review the article… I can’t review the webinar, or something I haven’t happened… but I can look at the person and his work any time, and make bold assertions to their results.

One thing that will clue me in is the truthfulness of this article… or the lack of truthfulness. I don’t mean honesty, by the way. I mean: are the principles valid? Do  the methods produce the results he claims they produce? Is the thinking correct?

This may take me days… I just hope I won’t miss the deadline.

So, here is the article by Vishen Lakhiani:

five stages of of consciousness evolution according to Vishen LakhianiThe 5 Stages Of Consciousness Evolution: Where Would You Stand Today?

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When you lose sight of the big picture of your life

When you lose sight of the big picture of your life

mahatma-gandhi-about-humanity-3This is follow-up to the Cycles of life article, aka the depression article.

The biggest picture is so big, that your whole life fits in there, with every aspect of it.

For example health: the reason to be healthy so you can accomplish YOUR big picture. No heath, no energy, no big picture.

You need to ask the question: what do I want to use my life for? Your big picture is up to you. But beware that if it is too big, or inauthentic, you will cause yourself suffering.

As I wrote in an earlier post this week, I have been depressed. I have lost the reason to live.

While I was writing the article, I managed to dispel the pitch black darkness, but I was still hovering over and above depression, so I wasn’t quite back in loving life, yet.
Continue reading “When you lose sight of the big picture of your life”