Being smart is like money: it can buy you life or junk

Being smart is like money: it can buy you life or junk
very-smartGet Rid of Frustration Once and for All?

I just pulled the energetic attachments from two guys, and I had an insight while I was doing the work.

You see, to do any work on you, I have to merge my body with yours, and only feel your emotions and feelings, none of mine.

Both guys are frustrated. Why? This is their attitude: given how smart they are, their results should be over the top. but they aren’t. Continue reading “Being smart is like money: it can buy you life or junk”

How to innovate yourself out of a bad situation

How to innovate yourself out of a bad situation
Oprah's TLB score is 10On the other side of pain, on the other side of unpleasant… How firewalking is an analogy to life… Or how to innovate yourself out of a bad situation

Firewalking is the act of walking barefoot over a bed of hot embers or stones.

Firewalking has been practiced by many people and cultures in all parts of the world, with the earliest known reference dating back to Iron Age India – c. 1200 BC. It is often used as a rite of passage, as a test of an individual’s strength and courage, or in religion as a test of one’s faith.

One of the buzz-words Tai uses in several of his steps is ‘innovate yourself out of’ the trouble you are in… the stuck states, the problem, etc. It’s Jeff Bezos’ favorite method of growth… Jeff Bezos of fame…

I have never met a person, I have never met a student who even remotely could imagine this accurately, including Tai. Continue reading “How to innovate yourself out of a bad situation”

What if two fairy tales could turn your life around?

What if two fairy tales could turn your life around?

Kabbalah teaches through stories… anecdotes, fables. Source teaches ME with fables too. So my dreams are teaching tools.

What if two fairy tales could turn your life around, so you could love yourself and love your life? Continue reading “What if two fairy tales could turn your life around?”

Coming Out Of Grief – The Process And the Problem

Coming Out Of Grief – The Process And the Problem

grief replaced angerThis article deals with the stages of healing, healing your grief. Denial, anger, fear, and so on.

The most important distinction I can add is: check your cone of vision. If your cone of vision is narrow, everything is colored or filled with your grief: the context of life becomes your grief, independent of the content of life.

In addition to that, when you are grief stricken, you start interacting with unreality, and avoid reality. Continue reading “Coming Out Of Grief – The Process And the Problem”

You Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want

You Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want
you can't get enough of what you don't wantYou Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want

Warning: this is a very advanced article. You should probably start with the easier ones if you are here for the first time. OK?

An interesting glitch in the nature of reality is that our driving desire, the answer to our dreams, the one thing that would seem to fix our complaints doesn’t fix anything.

We could say that you can’t fix what’s not broken. and actually it would be a very astute remark.

But if that is the case, that the thing we are trying to fix isn’t broken, why does it seem that, what we most complain about not having, would fix it?
Continue reading “You Can’t Get Enough Of What You Don’t Want”

Like a White Peacock. do things for the love of doing things

Like a White Peacock. do things for the love of doing things

side-peacockI love reading. My favorite books tear down the proverbial curtain of the Wizard of Oz.

And my favorite activities… you could guess, are when I can tear down the curtain… and actually show the naked reality of things…

I find delight in it. Continue reading “Like a White Peacock. do things for the love of doing things”

Part 3: Create a turning point by commitment

Part 3: Create a turning point by commitment
driving with your attention in the rear view mirrorTurning Points Part 3: Control your attention

You can adapt declarations that you find… and you see that living consistent with that declaration would be consistent with living according to the Original Design.

What aspect of the Original Design? The aspect that says: you are made of the same thinking substance as Source itself is made of. You have the same kind of will Source has. Continue reading “Part 3: Create a turning point by commitment”

Begin where you are. But begin with the end in mind

Begin where you are. But begin with the end in mind

I have been observing people for about 33 years. Before that I had my head entirely up my ass… I wouldn’t have seen anything had I looked: I was too eager trying to get to a place where I can stand on my two feet and look.

Growth is not a gradual and straight path, no matter what anybody says. It’s not like a school…

Continue reading “Begin where you are. But begin with the end in mind”

Can The Dark Side Get To Me? What the Dark Side talks to…

Can The Dark Side Get To Me? What the Dark Side talks to…

This article is from 2012… but it connects to self-image, so it is evergreen and timely.

I know, I know, I haven’t been writing as many articles as before.

Have I dried up? I don’t think so.

So why have I been so quiet?

You deserve to know.

In the beginning of May (2012) I asked for and was given the tool to give people a tool to energize their water.

When you drink water that energizes your body, when you drink water that returns, each time you drink it, some of your cells to their normal state, your life becomes more consistent with life than with death. Continue reading “Can The Dark Side Get To Me? What the Dark Side talks to…”

Friction is the ladder for growth. Chafing, conflict are too

Friction is the ladder for growth. Chafing, conflict are too

Chafing, strife, conflict is the condition inside which spiritual growth can be attained. Peace, quiet, silence is exactly the opposite condition, therefore no spiritual growth happens.

Just like a fire won’t become big fire unless it is bothered by winds threatening to extinguish it. just like love will be a tepid business unless there is opposing energies. you won’t become the best you can be, unless you allow that to thrive, chafing, conflict, pain and suffering is the path.

You may not know it, but people in the business of spirituality do.
Continue reading “Friction is the ladder for growth. Chafing, conflict are too”