Who or What is calling the shot in your life?

Who or What is calling the shot in your life? Commitment – new thoughts, new experiences

This is a continuation of the c-word article… and the getting ready for a breakthrough article. Read them first or this article won’t make sense completely

Displacement of your commitment:

As I have written before, the “universe” or the aspect of you that conspires and is in cahoots with the Universe, will put up obstacles in your path, so instead of doing stuff that’s consistent with your commitment, you are now on a detour path: handling your obstacles.

Alex, a friend of mine, is dealing with his server and his websites being hacked… a moment after he made a commitment to growth. So he feels forced to deal with that, instead of following the path he set for himself.
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You have to get ready for a breakthrough? WTF? Why?

You have to get ready for a breakthrough? WTF? Why?

ugly duckling to beautiful swanOne of my students had a breakthrough on the Monday webinar.

To me it came out of the blue… nothing seemed to be building up to it.

I got intensely curious. After all, when you don’t or can’t acknowledge the “real” source of a breakthrough, then you can’t sustain the result the breakthrough. It looks like divine intervention: you are not causing it, some “entity” does… and all you can do is pray for rain…
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Don’t Let What You Can’t Do Stop You From Doing What You Can

Don’t Let What You Can’t Do Stop You From Doing What You Can

dont-let-what-you-cant-do-stop-youAnother old article revived… Oldie but goodie.

I woke up this morning with despair in my heart. No reason, just the mood. I stepped on the scale, and I put on half a pound yesterday. It was raining cats and dogs, but the temperature will be normal later today.

Must be Dark Side transmission…

I read some emails, answered them, but didn’t feel like working.

I took some Heaven on Earth Remedy.

I watched some videos. One had a comment under it: “Don’t Let What You Can’t Do Stop You From Doing What You Can”

I took some more Heaven on Earth.
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The capacity of seeing patterns…the threshold capacity

alberteinstein118979I am reading a book, Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise. I am reading it because I want to be able to teach my students better, so they can leave behind the level of ordinary school learning, the pedestrian learning that always produces pedestrian result.

Amateurish performance, amateurish life. 1

The DNA, the blueprint that heralds the evolution of humans, the inactive 160 spiritual capacities, don’t become needed, and therefore won’t turn on, or won’t stay on, in a pedestrian, amateurish life where one doesn’t go consistently beyond their limits, intellectually, spiritually.
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Can you heal yourself? Holographic universe or intelligent universe?

asimov-quote-beliefs-realityMy habit is to read one or two non-fiction books, cover to cover, the old fashioned way, and then about 600 pages worth of fiction.

My choice of fiction is historical novels, mostly. I like the short and sweet novellas 60-120 page long pieces, from the Foreworld Saga, that for me started with the book Mongoliad.

These books are perfect for me. They are fantastical. They always have heroes, and incredible odds, and the characters are larger than life.

Just like I used the Medium series to learn how to hold guidance, I am using these books to show me how guidance can be even more difficult to see ahead of time, and why it is so important to surrender one’s immediate agenda to guidance.

to your computer… Link at the end of the article

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Healing… is that a negative word? Is that a sign of negativity?

negative-positiveDid you know that if you say: I need healing, what you are saying is that you are sick?

This includes inner healing, faith healing, etc…

And when you start from something wrong… like “I am sick”, you are on your way to create a context that is misery every step of the way.

If I needed to define what negativity is, it’s that “what is is wrong, and it needs to be fixed.”

Yesterday I was leading my Theta State training webinar, and I felt horrible. Partially, because I wasn’t feeling well myself. Partially because my students didn’t feel well. And yet partially because one of my students wrote to me, and I needed to feel their feelings stronger than they felt them… because I am an empath.
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The feeling that you are insufficient for the task that is in front of you

3052758966_aff579c03d_zThis feeling can be colored by fear, dread, can feel like anxiety, but at the root of most fear is a sense that you are insufficient for the task that is in front of you.

Not big enough, not smart enough, not fast enough… Not enough = insufficient.

Now, for most people, feeling this is all they need to run for the hills.

For some people, they can hang in there, waiting for the feeling to subside.

For some people, unless they feel up to the task, they won’t even start.

For me: I know that unless I feel that and go beyond it, doing what I don’t feel I can, several times a day, I am not growing.

to your computer… Link at the end of the article

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Second Wind: Abilities or effort? The role of effort

Second Wind: Abilities or effort? The role of effort

second windEveryone can get to the good life, but not everyone will get to the good life. Why? Because not everyone is willing to do what they need to do to get to the good life.
Tai Lopez said that. What he didn’t say: you need to go beyond where you are comfortable, so you’ll need a second wind.

And it is true on certain conditions. Continue reading “Second Wind: Abilities or effort? The role of effort”

What is the bane of your existence? What kills your joy?

What is the bane of your existence? What kills your joy?

life-is-either-a-daring-adventure-or-nothing-5What is the bane of your existence? What kills your life? Your joy, your fulfillment, the love in your heart?

It is everyday arrogance.

What is everyday arrogance? It is simple, and so everywhere, all the time, that it is invisible.

You see something. You hear something. And you know what it means. Continue reading “What is the bane of your existence? What kills your joy?”

More, better, different… the wide world of what doesn’t make a difference

quote_slowWhen you ask the question why you are reading my articles, your answer will be saying what you want.

More, better, different.

You may say: you want to raise your vibration, so you can have more, better, or different. What…

You may be prepared to do different, maybe even more, but you surely aren’t thinking that it is NOT what you do, it is how you do it.

When I talk about beingness… you think it’s a what. But it’s a how.

When I say “love,” you hear “what”. but I mean “how”. When I say generous, you hear “ugh, I have to give” which is a what, while generous is a how.
Continue reading “More, better, different… the wide world of what doesn’t make a difference”