Raise Your Vibration: 4 Modalities That Can Work

Originally posted 2011-07-14 13:14:19.

the visual signs of higher vibration raise your vibration Please remember that this case study is concerned with one aspect: does the modality raise your vibration permanently. That is the only question I answer here, that is my only concern.

Why? Because there are tons of life-coaches, lots of ‘transformational’ programs, lots of spiritual teachers, lots of meditation, yoga, brain-entrainment, etc. programs are out there that create a feel-good effect, but the effect isn’t lasting, and you have to go back for more.

What do I mean? Continue reading “Raise Your Vibration: 4 Modalities That Can Work”

Vibrational Review: Quantum Thought Shifting With Pam Ragland

Originally posted 2011-07-01 15:03:26.

Pam Ragland Quantum Thought Shifting Update 1/14/2012

Vibrational Review: updated on 3/15/2015

Pam Ragland personal vibration: 295 re-measured on April 27, 2014: vibration is 200 3/15/2015: 170
quantum thought shifting methodology: 200
truth value of teaching: 2%

Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Quantum Thought Shifting With Pam Ragland”

Vibrational Review: Holosync

Originally posted 2011-06-30 15:03:21.

bill harris holosync meditation

Bill Harris personal vibration: 210 (3/15/15) has risen since I first measured it
Holosync free disc (efficacy): 7% (200 vibration). But it does a particular job really well… it wakes up the brain that it is not in touch with reality…
Holosync whole program truth value: 2%
Holosync as methodology and theory for self-growth: truth value: 7%

Holosync is a mechanical operation, a lot like breathing, that may leave you with permanent improvement of your machine, your brain.
Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Holosync”

Energies Part 4: Designer and Source energies

remembering all-of-itIn this article we’ll talk about the source of the many energies, and examine what they do.

  1. Energies that come from Source, from All-of-it, generate harmony.

    If you read the description of all the energies I embed in audios or in water, all of them are elimination type energies. None of them give you anything that’s not already there.

    What is between you and between being in harmony with All-of-it is man-made

    Continue reading “Energies Part 4: Designer and Source energies”

Becoming like god where you create with your word.

With regards to the title… I am not suggesting that you become like Jesus… but become like the Creator, who supposedly said: there shall be light… or whatever he said… This Creator created with his word. That is the god I mean…

The main difference between a human and a human being, the next level of human evolution, is an inner difference. Not biological, physical, physiological. Instead a difference in what tells the one and the other to do things, what attitude to have, how to do things.

Humans listen to memes, the voices. Voices that are not the human’s friends, voices that have no rhyme and reason, voices that make the human misbehave, and take actions that on the long run make him miserable.

Humans say things, but they don’t stick. They violate their own word, human word is cheap. Why? Because a random voice comes around and overwrite it. That’s why. Continue reading “Becoming like god where you create with your word.”

Can Addictions Be Cured By Energy Treatments, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Even Activation? Any Idea? Read This Post To Be Surprised…

Addiction-imageWe are all addicted. How dare you say that? Well, if you live in the 21st Century, you are addicted. How come? Because addiction is simply pleasure seeking behavior. The hunt for more endorphins.

There are two kinds of pleasure:

  1. Seeking for excitement or other dopamine releasing activity or substance
  2. seeking for the cessation of some discomfort or pain. Ask a person who is in pain and ask what they want. They won’t say: I want a shot of whiskey. They will say: I want this pain to stop. That is also pleasure seeking behavior, just like:Escape from depression.
    Escape from the noise of the world.
    Escape from your troubles.
    Escape from your pressing duties.
    Escape from your debts, worries, pain, anxiety, phobias, fears, guilt, etc. is all pleasure seeking activity.

Which makes us all addicted. To different things, to different degrees, but yet…

Continue reading “Can Addictions Be Cured By Energy Treatments, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Even Activation? Any Idea? Read This Post To Be Surprised…”

Will Hypnosis work to change your mind so you can be happy?

hypnosisMy first experience with anything working, anything successfully modifying my world was around 1977. I was 30 years old. I worked in a huge factory that manufactured steel products for construction.

I was an architect, but made a mistake, an error in judgment, and fell to the bottom of the professional pile, got terribly depressed, and had to start all over again.

The professional office occupied the whole sixth floor, no partitions, just a sea of drafting boards with lots and lots of drawings on them.

For an empath there is no worse environment. You lose touch with who you are, what you feel, and drawn in a sea of other people’s feelings, other people’s identities. I felt a descent to madness. Continue reading “Will Hypnosis work to change your mind so you can be happy?”

Why is Osho 300 and I am 990 on the consciousness scale?

Two questions are answered in this article

  1. What can you do to get out of your mind and back to the flow, so you and your life are part of the flow and start feeling like your life is worth living?
  2. Why is Osho’s vibration 300 and mine 990? (this is an interesting question, because I’ve learned from Osho, factually, more than from any other teacher.)

Continue reading “Why is Osho 300 and I am 990 on the consciousness scale?”