The Evil Eye and the soul correction workshop

The Evil Eye and the soul correction workshop

Why the soul correction workshop isn’t for you?

The workshop is starting today.

As I am preparing, emotionally, for the course, and the challenge to crack some hard nuts, difficult issues on the call, I have amped up my awareness, and I am starting to see stuff that I could not see before.

Now, in every interaction, the background intention I have: can I take someone all the way to SEEING soberly and clearly what the correction is, based on what I see in that conversation? Continue reading “The Evil Eye and the soul correction workshop”

Remembering the future… or how to cause self-trust?

Remembering the future… or how to cause self-trust?
self-trustRemembering the Future…

This methodology is revolutionary… but let’s not get ahead of ourselves…

What future? What remembering? What can it do? What is self-trust? Is it the same as self-esteem?

Continue reading “Remembering the future… or how to cause self-trust?”

Powerful Debriefing: How to be a winner regardless

Powerful Debriefing: How to be a winner regardless

One of the major differences between winners and losers: winners have the ability to look at reality, and look long enough so all the filters get revealed and they actually see things for what they are.

Another difference between winners and losers is that winners love setbacks, love failures, maybe even more than success. Losers love success and HATE failures, or setbacks. Continue reading “Powerful Debriefing: How to be a winner regardless”

Why do some people get fantastic results from the activators or the remedies and others get nothing or not much?

the monsters lurking in the deep sea of your beingMaxwell Maltz, the creator of the program and methodology Psycho Cybernetics, was a plastic surgeon. Plastic surgery, as a rule, is to make someone more beautiful.

Many of his patients, though, didn’t get what they hoped for. Everyone said that they were beautiful, but they could not see their new you, only the ugly that they wanted to get rid of.

We could say that they had a filter that allowed only the imperfections through. I think that this “theory” is more accurate than Maxwell Maltz’s theory of self-image.
Continue reading “Why do some people get fantastic results from the activators or the remedies and others get nothing or not much?”