How Did I Put Myself Into The Vibrational Frequency Of Money? A Case Study

Originally posted 2011-11-07 17:09:37.

How Did I Put Myself Into The Vibrational Frequency Of Money? A Case Study

How Did I Put Myself Into The Vibrational Frequency Of Money? A Case Study

I have been spending money on my own training. Not as much as before: this time I only spend money on stuff I know I can totally consume: i.e. do all the exercises, attend all the classes, without having to give up on something important.

I used to spend 5-10 times more money, but normally I would drop all the balls… and end up empty handed.

So, I am spending less money, but getting tremendous value for each dollar I spend.

Continue reading “How Did I Put Myself Into The Vibrational Frequency Of Money? A Case Study”

Fighting a train for the right of way at a railway crossing

Fighting a train for the right of way at a railway crossing

I woke up at 3 am with a start from a deep dream about principles spinning so hard that I could only follow them with full concentration…

I stared into the dark for a few minutes still seeing the images of the principles, and I got the words that go with the images: Continue reading “Fighting a train for the right of way at a railway crossing”

Raising Your Vibration: It’s a process, not an event

Raising Your Vibration: It’s a process, not an event

It’s a process, not an event

One of the issues you may deal with is the result of widespread misinformation. It’s been around for thousands of years, and it is as damaging as any mass-distributed toxin, maybe even more. Why? Because your body can’t manufacture antibodies against information.

The idea of instant healing, instant transformation, instant transfiguration is what I am talking about. Continue reading “Raising Your Vibration: It’s a process, not an event”

Spiritual pattern recognition. Why is it important?

Spiritual pattern recognition. Why is it important?

One gift my father gave me is he encouraged me to not resist. I went through several interpretations of what he meant… I thought resisting made me a person, but I was wrong. Resisting gave the power over to others, and kept me stuck… stuck, stuck stuck.

This is a spiritual pattern, a spiritual principle… Continue reading “Spiritual pattern recognition. Why is it important?”

Want to grow? Master outcome independence!

Want to grow? Master outcome independence!

outcome independenceZen: Chop wood, carry water. An outcome independent series of actions. Outcome independence .

Western Culture: What is your why? Create big audacious goals, take bold actions…

One is outcome independent with an overarching goal of inner peace. Not now, not at this moment, but for life.

The other is outcome dependent, judging every step for the result it produced or not, resulting in misery. Continue reading “Want to grow? Master outcome independence!”

The Tao of attraction, of anything. Business, love, respect, money…

The Tao of attraction, of anything. Business, love, respect, money…

I love watching movies, I love reading, I am a half introvert half extrovert person.

I have met someone (Ben Settle) with similar personality, to adopt as a teacher. I start my day with reading his email. And I always find some way to become bigger from it.

On some level, in some aspect, you need to be the same as your teacher, or you won’t let them get through to you… My parents were both so different from me, that I learned only two sentences worth from them, both from my father.

One of his teaching was a sentence that I misunderstood for at least 50 years… until I got what he meant.

He said:

let it go… it will pass that much sooner.

Continue reading “The Tao of attraction, of anything. Business, love, respect, money…”

Who creates the value? The seller or the buyer?

I had an interesting insight this morning.

Putting a price tag on any product, service, or coaching is going to be a lie. My courses. My strategy sessions. My coaching. My health consultations. My activators. My Water Energizer. My Heaven on Earth…

Really, almost any product.

For one main reason:

You, The Buyer, create the value for yourself!

Continue reading “Who creates the value? The seller or the buyer?”

updated: Kabbalistic wisdom to create a turning point in your life

cause and effect... the boomerangIf you are reading my articles, you know that about a month ago I adjusted my predatory genes.

This happened after I read a thriller on human predatory genes… wrote about it, put it aside, let it simmer, and then returned to it a few months later when the idea came up again. Re-read the book, and decided to have a heart-to-heart with Source, and decide what to do about the issue.

Conversations with Source are like a 20 questions exercise: Source doesn’t quite speak like a person… although it does speak. It has, so far, four distinct and recognizable “words”: yes, no, somewhat, and maybe. Continue reading “updated: Kabbalistic wisdom to create a turning point in your life”

Learn the art of life-altering sharing

Share your incidents, success incidents with giving the fireplace wood before you expect/receive heat

It puzzles me to no end how difficult it is for humans to grok principles.

Principles are timeless, culture-free truths… the kind that is true everywhere… and has been true forever.

Rules, hypotheses, theories are cultural, dated, and rarely even true in the environment where they are first invented.

Like democracy… or what is right and what is wrong… and 97% of what you read in “informative” articles, courses, books, on the internet.

They may even hint on the some principle, like Michael Gladwell’s books, or the Grit book, or many others… hint… hinting is not saying! They don’t quite know what the principle is, or it may not be politically correct in this day and age. Or not sexy. Or won’t sell books.

Just observe your refusal to consider any true principle… and you’ll get why those articles and those “authors” put their emphasis on sexy… because you won’t read it unless it is innocuous (not considered harmful or offensive) and in some ways tells you that you are greater than you are… Continue reading “Learn the art of life-altering sharing”

Know Thyself is a principle… but how do you do it?

Know thyself is what is one of the 147 maxims (a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct. Not the same as a principle, but there are many overlaps… Most of these maxims are virtues. My favorites are “Know what you have learned” and “Be/Know yourself”, because they are maybe the most important. Do yourself a favor, and read them, and ponder.) inscribed in Delphi… 1

In fact, it is a principle.

A principle is something to live by, something to get guidance from.

When we talk about principle driven life, any of those 147, and countless other principles will do your life justice.

When I look at people, when I observe them, their lives have no rhyme, no purpose…

Looking good is not a principle.
Wanting to be right is not a principle
I am pretty/smart/stupid is not a principle
I want to be rich is not a principle Continue reading “Know Thyself is a principle… but how do you do it?”