What nobody told you about changing what you get…

What nobody told you about changing what you get…

can you change your life with self-talk?Is it really true that no amount of talk therapy, self-talk, mindfulness, meditation, no amount of tapping, hypnosis, shock therapy can change what you get? That Landmark Education produces the same meager results as Tony Robbins, or any other known or unknown entity, claiming to transform your life?

Can you do what Gandhi taught? BE the change you want in the world? He couldn’t either! Continue reading “What nobody told you about changing what you get…”

Two rules of engagement and a condition…

Two rules of engagement and a condition…

two rules of engagementEver since last Saturday I have been observing myself putting myself down, devaluing myself. Telling people I am not such a good coach, etc. etc. etc.

I know what happened. I know exactly.

I watched this guy’s videos, I read his testimonials, I heard his superior facility to guide people and take them where he wanted them to go. I watched his 24/7 tireless enthusiasm to turn marginally interested people into fans. And I compared.

I compared.
Continue reading “Two rules of engagement and a condition…”

Jordan Peterson: needy pathetic figure or a genius?

Jordan Peterson: needy pathetic figure or a genius?

jordan peterson needy and brilliantI watched Jordan Peterson interviews for hours the other day.

On one hand he was brilliant, on the other hand he was pathetic.

The occasion for the lots of interviews is: he just published yet another book, another 12 laws… I haven’t read.

This was, from my vantage point, his first interview after his crash, so I was curious.

What is this brilliant/pathetic combination?

Continue reading “Jordan Peterson: needy pathetic figure or a genius?”

Fear keeps you alive, panic gets you killed…

Fear keeps you alive, panic gets you killed…

60% of people opt to think of the best, the best outcome, that it will, somehow, work out. Whatever ‘it’ is. they tend to panic.

10% of people opt to think of the worst… and they do whatever they can to prevent it. They use fear to be prepared.

30% of people sleepwalk. They never look to the outcome or the future or the consequences of their actions. They are not present. For the most part they are in their heads, that are, the heads, either in the clouds or in the sewer, but not in the present moment.

I don’t like panic. It paralyzes me, so instead I look and see what’s coming down the pike, and do what is in my power to make it the best possible outcome. I am a 10%-er Continue reading “Fear keeps you alive, panic gets you killed…”

What is my superpower that made me a producer?

What is my superpower that made me a producer?

if I had a superpowerI have discovered my superpower that has rendered me as productive as a team of three. That has allowed me to consistently be a producer, for the past 58 years, producing way beyond what a normal person would.

Want to know my superpower?

I have three major emotional, gutter responses to things to do: Continue reading “What is my superpower that made me a producer?”

Celebrate Misery! Celebrate sadness! Celebration is the ultimate embrace

Celebrate Misery! Celebrate sadness! Celebration is the ultimate embrace

celebrateOne of the people I learned a lot from is Osho… I learned to celebrate, I learn to embrace from him. I read twenty of his books: each book is a collection of his live talks… he had hundreds of talks during the about 30 years of being a guru.

Osho’s vibration was about 300… which is much higher than most people, much lower than people believe he was. Yet, I learned a lot from him while my vibration was higher than his.

Your vibrational number has nothing to do with actual vibration, or frequency: it is more like a measure of how close you are to the Original Design of a Human Being AND how close what you believe and what you see as truth is to reality.
Continue reading “Celebrate Misery! Celebrate sadness! Celebration is the ultimate embrace”

A cool dog story or what the heck is motive power?

A cool dog story or what the heck is motive power?

Missy... a should motive power dogThis dog story illustrates something profound and new in this article: motive power.

This story is about two dogs.

The female is Missy. The other a male, Jojo.

Missy is a medium-sized… I am not good at dog breeds. She is friendly, reserved and weighs 15 pounds.

Now, Jojo, the male, is a real character. He’s a dachshund. Jet-Black/yellow in color, and weighs just 7 pounds.

Guess who’s the boss in this relationship?

Well, it ain’t Missy.

Jojo is only 7 pounds, but his small stature doesn’t inhibit him in any way.

He strides right up to the biggest dogs ( including Pit Bulls ) and extends a friendly greeting. Continue reading “A cool dog story or what the heck is motive power?”

Use fear, use hate as fuel… they can take you to the moon

Use fear, use hate as fuel… they can take you to the moon

use hate as fuelUse fear, use hate as fuel. This WILL Mean The Difference Between Success And Failure…

Gurus, teachers, everyone and their brother say: you have to get a big why to become successful at anything.

Relationships, slimming down, getting healthy, or raising your vibration, your IQ, your emotional intelligence… anything.

I dare to differ.

In my experience, 35 years in the trenches, watching, observing like a hawk, and going through it myself, I have come to the conclusion that your WHY is a flimsy thing… Continue reading “Use fear, use hate as fuel… they can take you to the moon”

Frustrated? You are not in sync with Life

What does it mean to be in sync with Life? to fall in step with life? In harmony with life?

frustratedThe first fish that left the water realized that moving about with what it had. That first fish didn’t make itself wrong, didn’t make life wrong, wasn’t frustrated… instead it realized  walking with fins was too slow… so it started to realize it needed something that was more suitable for land… legs.  That is how it was in sync…

The fish used its fins until eventually they became legs… of course, over time… but you’ll get the lesson, how this applies to you, I hope.

This is how Life works, that is how evolution works. Until you introduce humans… that is. Continue reading “Frustrated? You are not in sync with Life”

Without seasons intelligent life wouldn’t be possible

Without seasons intelligent life wouldn’t be possible

It’s fall again. My favorite season. I like the colors, the contrast, the smells. I also like winter. Spring and summer are not my favorites.

But… and this is a big but… without seasons there would be no life on Planet Earth… of, according to the National Geographic, only in the area of the Equator… no agriculture, no science, no evolution… and lots of bugs.

When I ask Source it says: there would be no intelligent life.

So the seasons have something to do with the livability of this planet… and the seasons come from the tilt and wobble of the planet.

This is not meant to be a scientific article

Continue reading “Without seasons intelligent life wouldn’t be possible”