Why would feeling your face raise your vibration?

Why would feeling your face raise your vibration?

emotional intelligenceWhy are all the measures in the Starting Point Measurements important?

Why would, for example, someone with more words have an advantage over someone who has fewer words?

I am going to explain it here… But judging from my core group’s response, I am warning you, it will sound Greek to you. Unless, of course, you are Greek… lol.

Incomprehensible. Continue reading “Why would feeling your face raise your vibration?”

What’s a fundamental difference between a 1000 and you?

What’s a fundamental difference between a 1000 and you?

Alex Hormozi is a 1000.

I started to write this post yesterday while I was listening to Alex’s video on youtube. And of course it is the next day, and I have no idea what is the one thing I saw yesterday.

So lesson #1… when you have an insight, write it all down, don’t count on your memory.

Moreover: don’t count on your memory for anything… In fact have no use for your memory.

People whom I found unteachable all do everything in their memory and thus they are unteachable. Continue reading “What’s a fundamental difference between a 1000 and you?”

What is the opposite of courage? It’s not fear, it is…

What is the opposite of courage? It’s not fear, it is…

There are two main ways to live. It is the closest to black or white I have found in nature.

Living things that have their eyes in the front… the predators that go ahead and discover, that live through risk. And prey animals, that are hunted and killed for food.

Of course humans want to be very smart, so they added the categories: philanthropist and supporter, but in this b/w categorization philanthropists and supporters are also prey animals.

So what? you could ask, but there is something important to know here: Continue reading “What is the opposite of courage? It’s not fear, it is…”

Is it luck, is it talent, the result of something else?

Is it luck, is it talent, the result of something else?

The difference between a wild animal and the ‘modern man‘ and his domesticated animals is how they see their role in what they have.

Modern man is more like his domesticated partners: they feel they depend on something or other to have sustenance, roof over their head, and someone to take care of them.

So from this vantage point wild animals are higher in consciousness than ‘modern man‘. They know that unless they seek out sustenance, roof, etc. it won’t happen. Continue reading “Is it luck, is it talent, the result of something else?”

How to increase your elbow room so you can dance

How to increase your elbow room so you can dance

In this article I take you through a whole range of emotions to get to a clearing. Just like taking you through a dense forest… But there is a pot of gold in the forest’s clearing… so it is worth wading your way through, I promise.

If you play by the rules you lose

Very interesting observation: British writers, also British films are honest about corruption, about people talking about the rules but not keeping them.

So today I am going to talk about something I have never talked about… In fact I have never thought.

People really don’t know that they are next.

Continue reading “How to increase your elbow room so you can dance”

The filter of expectation… what should be there but isn’t

The filter of expectation… what should be there but isn’t

I woke up unhappy. I woke up from a dream where I was framed and was struggling for my life.

Even though waking up freed me from the struggle, the unhappy state hung out for a few minutes after awakening.

I went to bed last night, and didn’t fall asleep for two and a half hours. I wasn’t unhappy then… Instead I was musing. About worlds. About humanity. And about history and alternate history. I was fascinated and enjoyed it. Continue reading “The filter of expectation… what should be there but isn’t”

Your level of your consciousness vs that of your culture

Your level of your consciousness vs that of your culture

Your birth is accidental. You are born into a family, into a culture and unless the culture is very conducive to a happy life, you may want to emulate a different culture. (Emulate: match by imitation.)

It is one thing to emulate a person… but unfortunately it is all guessing. You’ll see what someone does, even hear what they say through a filter. And because of your filter you’ll pick and choose what to emulate. You probably will emulate what you agree with, what YOUR culture agrees with. And consequently your results will not be what you were aiming for when you picked who you wanted to emulate. Continue reading “Your level of your consciousness vs that of your culture”

When it comes to words, slow is better…

When it comes to words, slow is better…

There are very few emails I actually read unless they are from readers or clients.

I go by subject line… and today I opened an email that was talking about reading, saying that being a slow reader AND being a picky reader is a good thing.

I don’t like the dude who sent it. Why? I don’t think you have any control over who you like and who you don’t.

Just because you should like someone… please don’t try to like them. It is like trying to have a bowel movement when you have nothing to give… really. Continue reading “When it comes to words, slow is better…”

Greg Abbott hires buses to transport immigrants to New York

Greg Abbott hires buses to transport immigrants to New York

Greg Abbott and his prankish methods made me think.

I was curious what the good looking Texas governor’s vibration would be so that he finds it OK to play with people, be prankish, and deposit real people through the letter chute.

I could not find a good picture, so you have to see the poop on a car windshield… yeah. That is a perfect illustration to Texas governor and his intent. His age. His vibration… You’ll see. Continue reading “Greg Abbott hires buses to transport immigrants to New York”

The most important questions: what, how, why, when, who not

The most important questions: what, how, why, when, who not

The most important questions to  ask: what, how, why, when, who not… What not to do, how not to do/be, why not, when not, who not, what not to pay attention to. What’s not important. Which teachings are b.s. and a good idea to invalidate or just ignore. The no-list.

Without those questions asked in that particular way, that unusual way, your life cannot be like an arrow, cannot have a punch, cannot have a purpose. Continue reading “The most important questions: what, how, why, when, who not”