Do you have, do you create drama in your life? Excitement?… or how to become a producer instead
This article may bring some pointers how you can have a life of producing results instead of drama.
Why isn’t everyone breaking a path to my door to participate in the Playground, my groundbreaking program?
When I look at my new buyer list, and the products they buy, I get a clearer sense of who I am reaching. I make no effort to reach anyone specific, anyone particular… by the way. I don’t know how to reach the person who would be able and willing to even consider taking the long road to where they want to get to. People want instant of near-instant results. Titillating results.
Just like art house movies are deemed boring, because the cuts are longer than a few seconds long… paths are deemed boring, tedious, and undesirable, if they take longer than 2-3 days, or alternatively a short exciting class with magical stuff in it. Continue reading “Do you have, do you create drama in your life?”