Depression: What Are The Signs Of Depression?

Originally posted 2011-12-21 13:18:14.

Depression: What Are The Signs Of Depression?

the opposite of enthusiastic is called depressed... no soul withinDepression: What Are The Signs Of Depression? Your Purpose, Your Soul’s Purpose And How To Beat Depression

For most of my life I was depressed. My mother was depressed. I had a hard time going to bed and I had a hard time getting up. It took me a lot of coffee to get going. I felt heavy, sluggish, and life was an effort.

Depression is widespread, and hard to treat. 1

In most cases, the treatment is a tradeoff: you may get more mojo in your head but lose it down there, for example.

Looking at it as an empath, where I know more about your depression than you do, because I am not effected (especially if I can figure out that it is not mine!) and I can watch objectively what’s going on.

Now, this is not a dissertation that can cover all types of depression. Instead it will cover the most common. I am exposed to it every day, and I am getting more and more pieces of the puzzle.

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Winning an election vs running a country…

Originally posted 2008-10-31 09:44:38.

Winning an election vs running a country…

American citizens, eligible to vote, are divided.

But whether you will vote to Obama, McCain, or you stay at home and let others decide, one thing is certain, no one is looking at the real issue:

The skill it takes to win the votes of the majority, i.e. win an election is a very different skill from the skill of running a country. Unless running it to the ground qualifies as running it…. 😉  as we have experienced, time and time again.

Just like in politics, the same is true for teaching anything, including internet marketing. The skill it takes to be a successful internet marketer is a vastly different skill from the skill of causing another person’s success.

We all look to our guru to teach us what to do and how to do it, so that we can be successful like them, and we all get very frustrated and very weary, because what they say and what they do are often different, and even if and when we did exactly what they said to do, we meet with meager success.

How come? We seem all very surprised.

Well, let me ask you this: have you ever heard of a successful football or basketball coach who played real well?

Or the reverse: have you ever heard of a successful player that was also a great coach?

Most successful players play from their “other than conscious mind.”
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The Scientific Approach to Ascension. Our IQ is dropping…

The Scientific Approach to Ascension. Our IQ is dropping…

I got a comment this morning on my article about the Mind Movies. Of course I am knocking the program and its creator.

The commenter says: Stop being an asshole and a bully. Promote your products without discrediting others.

But the principle: The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing is also true about useless crap. You become part of evil when you remain silent

Why is the vibration of gurus so low? Why is their teaching ineffective?

Continue reading “The Scientific Approach to Ascension. Our IQ is dropping…”

Whenever you are not growing, you are dying…

Whenever you are not growing, you are dying…

… and unless you feel you are growing, you are not happy… The most powerful mood-remedy is growth.

Yesterday I lead my evergreen workshop, What’s the Truth About you.

It was exhausting for me. I got a lot of thank yous.

Here is a little story about truth:

According to a 19th century legend, the Truth and the Lie meet one day. The Lie says to the Truth: Continue reading “Whenever you are not growing, you are dying…”

What is the truth about the 10 dark years, 10,000 hours and 10,000 experiments

If investing 10 years in service of learning a profession, learning an art would make you a winner… then there would be a lot of winners. A lot more than there are…

There must be something more that most people don’t know or don’t do…

…and neither do or know their mentors, their trainers, their managers, their teachers. 2

Capacities, DNA capacities are invisible. They are the seed level of any ability, of any success.

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3 Techniques to expand the limited view through which you experience life

transformAs I have said before, your experience of life is limited, narrow, and quite defined by your culture, family, upbringing, education, and early experiences.

As long as your view of life stays the same, life will stay the same, or worse: it is a downward spiral.

So it makes sense to explore and employ methods that can expand your view of life and thus allow for a life that can go in a different direction, instead of the downward spiral.
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Your Dark Side is the time you spend in your mind… Amazing video

If you read my last article, you saw that I was offering a buy 1 get 1 free on my Heaven on Earth and my Mini Energizer products. Normal. Nothing special…

Except 10 minutes after I pushed the publish button I got an email from a student of mine saying that she never felt anything taking the Heaven on Earth and the Mini Energizers didn’t do anything for her either.

Really bad news. Until yesterday I never heard anyone complain, instead I have gotten a lot of raving testimonials and thank you notes.

What could be the reason nothing works for this student and what could I do to change that?

I was connecting and connecting and connecting to Source to get some answer, but I could see no clarity.

So today, instead of doing the scheduled drill on the drill call, I did a conversation with a group of ten students to get to the bottom of it.

What is being revealed on this call is amazing, creates a whole new way to look at what we are doing here.
Continue reading “Your Dark Side is the time you spend in your mind… Amazing video”