What is an ability activator, what is capacity activation?

What is an ability activator, what is capacity activation?
What is an ability activator, what is capacity activation? What else can be activated? What changes when it is activated?

I wrote this article in 2015-ish. This article expressed a turning point in my work… read it fully if you can.

Some of you may wonder why I am not starting the new Second Phase Activators course… after all I have done it three years ago…

But truth be told… I have learned so much in these three years… that the new course needs a lot of work… maybe not a lot of time, but a lot of thought and technology. And now that I am working on some new activators, my understanding of activation has changed dramatically… Keep reading.

There are two kinds of activators. Continue reading “What is an ability activator, what is capacity activation?”

The DNA capacity of seeing the consequences of your actions

The DNA capacity of seeing the consequences of your actions

The new capacity, the capacity to see the consequences of your actions, The Sight, is an unconscious capacity. Unconscious meaning: you don’t necessarily notice any difference, especially if

    1. your ego keeps shouting: “it’s hopeless…”
    2. the subconscious will keep on feeding you the same nonsense it’s been feeding you to get you where you are…
    3. greed, urges, jumping, impulsiveness will have you jump without looking. The fact that you can see doesn’t guarantee that you’ll look.
The fact that you can see doesn’t guarantee that you’ll look.

All activation was successful… I am writing in the process, and I almost never write: the energy went through…

I take it for granted that you understand. I found out some people don’t… 🙁

Ego noise

here is a person who will have a hard time acting with what he sees, because of all the noise the ego makes:

this is what I wrote down while I was doing the activation Continue reading “The DNA capacity of seeing the consequences of your actions”

A life you love. Built at any age… with some simple rules

house of cards. the bottom card is the linchpinIn search of quick transformation…

This is a long article, first showing what doesn’t work, why, and then it takes you to what does…

One of the things about humans is arrogance.

Arrogance is not what you think it is… arrogance is really an attitude where you assume superiority where you have none…

Which is, in an ordered universe… EVERYWHERE. Continue reading “A life you love. Built at any age… with some simple rules”

High vibration – low vibration: what does it really signify? What does it really mean?

High vibration – low vibration: what does it really signify? What does it really mean?

the dark side of leavesEveryone wants to have their vibration measured. But they don’t know how to measure vibration, and they don’t know what the number they get means.

This is an old article that is as relevant today as it was when I wrote it. It clarifies what low vibration, high vibration is, and how to raise your vibration…

I woke up late today. I could recall my dream. It was nightmarish, but it was a guidance dream. A first in a long long time.

I was in a mental hospital, in Hungary, talking to my psychiatrist; young,innocent, pregnant, terrified of me.

I was explaining that we all have a dark side, as long as the light source is outside of ourselves. She asked: even a sheet of paper has a dark side? Yes, no matter how thin paper is it has a dark side.

Slice it even thinner… but…

No matter how thinly you slice the paper, it will still have a dark side and a light side.

That was the dream… the rest of the guidance happened while I was sitting in the cold room on the edge of my bed… the only way to have no dark side is to be the Light.

Which means…
Continue reading “High vibration – low vibration: what does it really signify? What does it really mean?”

I need your help… I am undecided

I need your help… I am undecided

a slide from the secondphase activators courseThe 67 steps coaching is a really good program, but I have a few people who bought it and it is not a good match for them. They are not doing the work.

I am looking at some options:

1. let them go
2. offer them something that has proven itself to create amazing results and transfer their subscription and coaching to that.

What am I talking about? What is the “thing” that has proven itself to create amazing results?

Four years ago I created and ran a program, called the Second Phase Activators.

It ran, if I remember correctly, for 20 weeks… Four sessions a week.

People who graduated from it have such a solid foundation, spiritual foundation, that I can count on them to bounce back from any adversity.

Why? How?
Continue reading “I need your help… I am undecided”

Don’t Pee on my Leg and Tell Me It’s Raining or how to become someone responsible

Don’t Pee on my Leg and Tell Me It’s Raining or how to become someone responsible

Judge-Judy-Sheindlin- Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's rainingI borrowed that expression from Judge Judy, because I like it. But it is also perfect, because Judge Judy calls for responsibility… to no avail… Why? Because responsibility is a capacity encoded and dormant in human DNA… only a few, the successful few have it turned on.

Responsibility is access to power, access to personal power. And most people are powerless, feel powerless, act powerless. Force is not power. And that is what passes for personal power nowadays: forcing, manipulating, controlling, coercing, etc.

This article is not about that. This article is about how to turn on and live with and through personal power.

As I have shared before, back in November I signed up to a money making scam program.

It hasn’t delivered, but I am OK. I haven’t abandoned ship. Now, that is very interesting, because most people that stay are in hope.

Hope is living in a future denying what is… because you don’t like it.

So the people are in hope, hope of some money they didn’t work for, because they don’t like how the world is: you have to have skills, you have to have knowledge, you have to work… f… that! So they gamble. And hope. 1
Continue reading “Don’t Pee on my Leg and Tell Me It’s Raining or how to become someone responsible”

Does declaring a possibility turn a capacity on?

Does declaring a possibility turn a capacity on?

possibility-of-being-lovingPossibilities in Landmark Education equal DNA capacities… but does declaring a possibility turn a capacity on?

The Landmark Education shortcut that doesn’t work:
“the possibility I declare for myself and my life”
“the possibility I invent for myself and my life”

the words that follow are: the possibility of being prosperous, happy, powerful, free, happy, passionately happy, blah blah blah… inspiring for a moment. A moment. Not even a day. I checked google and a grand total of 4 pages had the exact words… don’t you think it’s telling? I do… Continue reading “Does declaring a possibility turn a capacity on?”

Does your Third Eye sit on our forehead?

Does your Third Eye sit on our forehead?

Third-Eye-2Like with all things spiritual, humans in all ages, reversed the statement “god created man to his own image” and created gods to their own image. Ugh…

I am not familiar with all religions, and religions is not what I want to talk about in this post, but it is worth looking how Moses, angry abandoned Hebrew prince, forced to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, saw god as he was, angry, jealous, possessive, vengeful, inhumane, murderous, punishing, etc. Nasty piece of work… lol, not funny.

The Indians with their thousands of gods, their dancing Krishna drinking, eating and having sex with thousands of young girls.

One of the symptoms of this reverse modeling is the chakras: utter nonsense.7% truth value… huh?

One of the chakras is the Third Eye… the video I put up the other day shows what people think it is… seeing what is visible… useless. Why would you want to have third eye capacity if all you are interested in is physical stuff you can see normally.
Continue reading “Does your Third Eye sit on our forehead?”

No concerns… the technology to become free from concerns

No concerns… the technology to become free from concerns

o-orphaned-foal-teddy-bear-facebookIt’s 2 pm, and by this time, on a normal day, I have written three articles. But until about 10 minutes ago, I had nothing to say today.

Was I worried? Was I concerned?

I wasn’t. How come?

When you observe yourself, you can see that you are concerned with one thing or another all the time.

You should be this or that. You have to this, you need to that… and you definitely should whatever.

I have severed that connection between myself and “obligations” or concerns years ago when I finally got for myself the Unconditional Love Activator, and “not concerned” was born, a drastic change from who I used to be, always in a knot about stuff that should be.

Now, there is an aspect of this concern, and that is what I really want to write about, and how to set yourself free, able to roam the wide world, instead of being locked into a narrow ditch pattern of life.
Continue reading “No concerns… the technology to become free from concerns”

The b.i.t.c.h. about life: what goes up must come down

The b.i.t.c.h. about life: what goes up must come down

F-Roller-Coaster-at-Top-of-Hill-4Nothing is EVER in the bag!

That’s what is a “bitch” about life, that nothing is EVER in the bag. You have to keep your eyes on it, push it, make the right choices, do it, and then, maybe, it gets into the bag, for a moment.

I am talking about projects. Big or small, it is never in the bag until it is in the bag.

They say it is not over until the fat lady sings… but that is for spectators. Spectators who don’t enjoy the show.

For a participant, it is never over until it is done…

No matter how good it looks now, no matter how good it feels now, in the next moment it can tumble, go south, the whole beautiful thing can go to s-h-i-t. And more often than not it does.

Now, why am I writing this article? Because it is my experience, that we all, myself included, behave as if this nature of projects weren’t true.
Continue reading “The b.i.t.c.h. about life: what goes up must come down”