The Binary, The Pendulum, The Tedium, The Lifeless Life…

The Binary, The Pendulum, The Tedium, The Lifeless Life…
Do you work on your mind to make it better? You are making the bars of your prison shinier…

One of the activities of the mind that takes you out of the present is comparing.

If you are new here, you probably think that I am talking about your brain… but the mind is only a limited function of the brain. The brain is like the world, and the mind is like a room in your house… much smaller, and totally insulated from the world. Continue reading “The Binary, The Pendulum, The Tedium, The Lifeless Life…”

Anxiety is spiritual. My energy audios can zap your anxiety

Anxiety is spiritual. My energy audios can zap your anxiety

here and now anxiety Being here and now has been a favorite topic of all the gurus.

What is a guru? A guru is a person who can teach. I said teach, I didn’t say just talk!

All the gurus I know are big talkers.

What is the difference between talking and teaching?

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Why and how the hit-bottom method works? Works well…

Why and how the hit-bottom method works? Works well…

hitting bottom is a good thingIn numerology, each number has a special meaning… and even the components of your final destiny number…

My main number is 7, my secondary number is 4.

I like 4. Four symbolizes a chimney: there is only one way to go: up.

Most numbers have sideways moves… and that is what most people do to avoid growing. To avoid what it takes, work, pain, telling the truth… avoiding these at all cost… even if the cost is everything and anything they ever wanted…

So as a coach, I have to take them to a magical turning point: I need to force them to hit bottom. If they let me… 🙁

I had two workshops yesterday… And in the second, two of my participants volunteered to declare that they hit bottom. Continue reading “Why and how the hit-bottom method works? Works well…”

Saxifraga vs. Flash in the pan results. The memory of transformation isn’t

the opposite of flash in the pan, the rock breakerOne of my pet peeves, one of my biggest complains, one of my unsolvable conundrums has been the issue of “flash in the pan results.” 1

Excitement, enthusiasm, motivation, the tools of the motivational speakers lasts about three days… they the humdrum days return with the disappointment, despair, and hopelessness.

Transformation and a new view of life results from transformational programs like Landmark Education. But yesterday’s transformation is today’s arrogance, or today’s despair… the results are rare and short term…

When I measure the vibration of a Landmark Education participant, including the leaders, the average vibration is lower than the general population’s.
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Human DNA, DNA upgrade… What the heck is a DNA upgrade?

Human DNA, DNA upgrade… What the heck is a DNA upgrade?

dna upgradeHuman DNA, DNA upgrade… did you get it? Did you want to get it? What the heck is DNA upgrade?

For most of my life I knew I did not care. But no matter how bad that felt, I still could not care. I thought I was the worst person alive, a bad bad bad person. I was sure everybody else could care, only I could not.

I didn’t know, that caring was not part of my DNA.

But as I was raising my vibration, at some point I experienced caring. In a way I invented caring.

Maybe I wasn’t the first person to care, but I was now part of a very small minority. The people who can care, who can love, who can respect. But I still didn’t know I was different. I thought I just became like everyone else, finally. Continue reading “Human DNA, DNA upgrade… What the heck is a DNA upgrade?”

Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths

Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths

There is no light without darkness and there is no darkness without light. If darkness ever takes over for a moment, in that moment light will be reborn. Continue reading “Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths”

Raising your vibration, begins with training your attention

Raising your vibration, begins with training your attention

path to enlightenment is mastering your attentionThe Brain That Changes Itself Needs You To Teach It First to perform the new action by doing it hundreds of times…

In his book, The Brain That Changes Itself, Norman Doidge, a medical doctor, deals with the physical activities, and problem solving abilities of your brain.

In that he says, and shows with valid examples, you find out that the brain demonstrates a certain plasticity, as far as how you can see, feel, or move your body.

What no one is talking about though is what differentiates a human being from a robot or an animal: changing your attention, changing your consciousness also depends on your brain’s ability to change itself.
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How does a spiritual practice raise your vibration?

self-awareness-2Spiritual practices are the tools we have to activate our capacities, including the new capacities just received on September 4-5.

The expression, spiritual practice, has two parts:

  1. Practice: something you do again and again, until it becomes second nature to you. Like driving. Like touch-typing, like reading. First it is chunky, you need all you got to perform the task, and you experience more failures than successes, like in learning to ride a bicycle… in learning to you rise on the levels of learning, from unconscious incompetence, to conscious incompetence, to conscious competence (you still need to think about it!) to unconscious competence, you need to pick another spiritual practice, otherwise you will be stuck with thousands of capacities not used. Still in the basement of your being.
    Continue reading “How does a spiritual practice raise your vibration?”

Why are people so low vibration? Including teachers, healers

Why are people so low vibration? Including teachers, healers

If you read one of my previous articles, your answer (most of it) is there: our upbringing is based on the interest of the “powers that be” and not on the interest of the individual, or the interest of the human race: the Original Design, evolution, being an expanding personality.

Our lives, what we are allowed to do, see and know, is not that much different from what you see in the movies “The Truman Show” or “The Matrix” and we are policed, rigorously, and incessantly.

And the policing forces are also “sheep” and have no idea about the truth, about their own status…

So, humanity, in lack of real information, to understand and make what they see easier to handle, easier to be with, invented an imaginary world of explanations, gods, spirits, angels… just to be able to make sense of what they needed to deal with.

Vibration, your vibration, your consciousness level and the ability to be with stuff that is not easy to be with are correlated: meaning: once one gets high, the other gets high as well.
Continue reading “Why are people so low vibration? Including teachers, healers”

The upgrade of the human DNA is done, and now every person on the planet has the missing 13 capacities as part of their DNA, permanently

are you a Ford with a Maserati inside?The upgrade of the human DNA is done, and now every person on the planet has the missing 13 capacities as part of their DNA, permanently.

I find myself reluctant to say anything. I find myself reluctant to write, and that feels weird after having written seven thousand pages in the past two years. After having worked on the distinguishing of these missing capacities for 10 years…

My dilemma is that just because you can, you still haven’t changed. And unless you change your behavior, unless you do what it takes to activate those new capacities, nothing will change. Nothing.

You are still listening with the old mindset. And you ARE your mindset, and no new capacity will change that. No new information will change that. Only new action will change that.

The choice, for me, is to be inspiring or truthful. It always has been the choice, I just could not see it.

Your other teachers and healers talk inspiring. 100% lie. 100% soothing. Permission for you to stay the same.
Continue reading “The upgrade of the human DNA is done, and now every person on the planet has the missing 13 capacities as part of their DNA, permanently”