Vibrational Review: Star Seed, Walk-in, Indigo children, lightworkers,, Lavandar, dr Belva, Arielle

star seed lavandar dr A Sacred Circle of Psychic Seers, Metaphysicians, and Master Astrologers specializing in answers and galactic/spiritual guidance for Star Seed, Walk-Ins, etc. Vibration: 200. Why so low? Because truth is simple, this construct of entities is complicated and a human imagination explanation of how it is. It is all drama drama drama with shining celebrities and that is not how it is really. It’s simple. It’s plain. And each have the same chance…

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You Wake Up In The Morning Only Because You Didn’t…

You Wake Up In The Morning Only Because You Didn’t…

I woke up this morning because I didn't die the night before. I need coffee to face the day You Wake Up In The Morning Only Because You Didn’t Die The Night Before

There is a core group of people that come to every class, every meditation, read most of what I write.

You would expect them to rise steadily on the vibrational scale, wouldn’t you? I did.

To my dismay they aren’t. Why not? They are doing the work, right? You say. Maybe even they say that.

No. They don’t. They may pretend to do the work, but the work they do, is not the work to do.

Let me explain: The work to do is to restore the Original Design in your own life, and live it.
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How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension?

heaven on earth energy bundle infused in water

How To Get Your “Heaven On Earth” Energy, the 5th Phase of ascension?

The Heaven on Earth energy bundle (the homeopathic energies of the 40 bad feelings) infused in water contains the antidote for all the bad feelings, all the character flaws, all the selfishness you can have. It is a one-command energy download, coming straight from Source.

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When should you get the Unconditional Love Activator?

When should you get the Unconditional Love Activator?

timing is everything How things work: when should you get the Unconditional Love Activator and why?

When you first get your Unconditional Love Activator, the results will vary.

Why is that? Why isn’t an activator doing the same thing for everybody?

The answer is not as simple as you would like it to be.
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What will happen when the new healing modality and the self-improvement, behavior improvement, mood improvement, life improvement method gets out and big?

Burned at the stake for connecting people to Source What will happen when the new healing modality and the self-improvement, behavior improvement, mood improvement, life improvement method gets out and big?

Will it get squashed? Will I get crucified? Burned at the stake?

What will all the injured parties do?

Who are the injured parties, you ask?
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True empaths, Mahan Tantric, Llamed Vov and other tales

True empaths, Mahan Tantric, Llamed Vov and other tales

True empaths, Mahan Tantric, Llamed Vov and other tales of the past and what is so unless ego got the best of me… lol

As I am doing my empath training, both in the Sunday afternoon empath training classes, and in my private sessions with my friend Matsa, I am finding out that not all empaths are created equal.

At least not in the arena of the empath curse/blessing.

I once saw, ok, I admit, twice, lol, a movie where a father could touch someone and could see the mortal sin the touched person had committed. I was fascinated. One of the sons of that father was the same way.
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From My Correspondence: Awakening: Will It Feel Good?

From My Correspondence: Awakening: Will It Feel Good?

This is a student’s email to me.

“I’ve been reading your emails and doing the Unconditional Love Activator and taken the Bach Flower Remedy and I have felt things that I haven’t felt in a while, such as getting angry, wishing others wouldn’t win, etc.
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Barbara Marx Hubbard, Dr. David Hawkins, Dr. Sun Myung Moon

Vibrational Reviews: Barbara Marx Hubbard, native american wisdom, Dr. David Hawkins, Dr. Sun Myung Moon
Barbara Marx Hubbard

Soul correction: 17 Great Escape
personal vibration: 400;
her theories, her teachings’s truth value: 10%;
Does she connect to Source? no.;
Is her teaching Tree of Life or Tree of Knowledge? 91% Tree of Knowledge.
Is her teaching actionable and take you to where she says you should go? no.
Is there anything useful in what she teaches? yes.
Teaching that humanity needs to change something fundamental, that humanity needs to become inner-directed is useful, although not actionable

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Update: What’s happening on How is the ascension project going? Successes, setbacks…

in the beginning there was the Source, it was everything and it was nothing What’s happening on How is the ascension project going? Successes, setbacks…

You deserve to know. After all the rest of your life depends on this.

Obviously you don’t have to believe it, it is enough that I am certain… for the time being, anyway.

For those of you that don’t know, about a year ago I volunteered to turn my life over to the task of teaming up with Source and cause some kind of movement in the right direction.
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Vibrational Reviews: lots of people… readers’ request

anita moorjani: is her story true? no. her personal vibration: 170.

Jack Canfield 299

Nan Hui-Chib 195

Ole Gabrielsen Personal Vibration: 500
Modality: 280

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