How To Be A Sacred Lotus: Unfrazzled And Happy?

How To Be A Sacred Lotus: Unfrazzled And Happy?

How to be a sacred Lotus, untouched by the rain, the suffering of others, the noise of others: what’s the secret of people that stay on the path and are happy?

Untouched by hunger, cold, lack of food… anything.

What is the reason you are pulled into everything, that you are trying to help everyone, that you are a do-gooder? Continue reading “How To Be A Sacred Lotus: Unfrazzled And Happy?”

The Anna Karenina Principle: seeing the forest for the trees

The Anna Karenina Principle: seeing the forest for the trees

The main principle of life: The Anna Karenina Principle… the invisible thread that ties it all together

Here is another illustration of the main principle of life: The Anna Karenina Principle… the strait and narrow

I have been using Freecell as a self training tool. Continue reading “The Anna Karenina Principle: seeing the forest for the trees”

Life is a system of seesaws, little hinges swing big doors

Life is a system of seesaws, little hinges swing big doors

a system of seesawsWhat is the real meaning of little hinges swing big doors? What glorious thing can it mean to you and your entrepreneurial aspirations?

Without understanding that life is a collection of interactive systems, without understanding the seesaw principle, without being able to create, manage, and tweak systems. your life will work as it has always worked. just barely… Continue reading “Life is a system of seesaws, little hinges swing big doors”

An upset 3 year old is running your life?

An upset 3 year old is running your life?

The drama triangle… switch up the roles!

The drama triangle is a useful model inside which you can examine, re-live, and heal any conflict.

Conflict is a nice name where what one person/ one company/    one group/ one country’s point of view, self-interest doesn’t agree with some other person’s or group’s self-interest.

It’s normal. But it is doubly normal for children. Small children. A conflict with the parents. Continue reading “An upset 3 year old is running your life?”

The purpose of the Reality Challenge is to find your Self

The purpose of the Reality Challenge is to find your Self

If you ever tried to meditate. If you are a ‘meditator’. And if the idea of meditation brings up bile to your throat… like for me.

OK who else? Oh, those who couldn’t give a shriveled nut for the idea of mediation… so all people…

The only thing meditation wants you to do is to look within. You spend almost all your life looking outward, and have no idea about what is inside. Continue reading “The purpose of the Reality Challenge is to find your Self”

Part 3: Create a turning point by commitment

Part 3: Create a turning point by commitment
driving with your attention in the rear view mirrorTurning Points Part 3: Control your attention

You can adapt declarations that you find… and you see that living consistent with that declaration would be consistent with living according to the Original Design.

What aspect of the Original Design? The aspect that says: you are made of the same thinking substance as Source itself is made of. You have the same kind of will Source has. Continue reading “Part 3: Create a turning point by commitment”

How do you think of yourself less? your about-me score

How do you think of yourself less? your about-me score
How do you think of yourself less?

What does that mean? Thinking of others? By becoming a do-gooder?

OK, I am going to clarify something. Something that myself don’t quite know how it works, and why it works that way.

So it may come out incomprehensible, botched up, and useless. But, in my view, it is worth to try…

Note: if you only read one example, make it #5!

OK, the issue: one of the measurements is to what degree your life is about you and your life… the words I use I borrowed from someone else… True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less. and the words are ‘to what degree you think of yourself’… as a measure of humility i.e. how much room you have to learn and grow, how much room you have for the world, for work, for life… for others. Continue reading “How do you think of yourself less? your about-me score”

Want to get the most? focus on one thing at a time

Want to get the most? focus on one thing at a time

If you want to get the most: focus on one thing in a program

In my Friday Podcast with Bonnie this past Friday it became clear that the methodology of using courses, coaching calls, programs is not taught anywhere, so each person feels that they need to make up their own method. Each coach, each participant.

By methodology I mean: how to get the most out of a course, a coaching call, a program.

In this article I’ll teach the most effective way to get the most out of anything. Literally anything you do. Continue reading “Want to get the most? focus on one thing at a time”

The undertow… why you don’t, why can’t get ahead, until…

The undertow… why you don’t, why can’t get ahead, until…

The undertow is an apt analogy to what is going on in humans… why they do or don’t do things. It’s invisible. So you can’t fix it… And it’s not wrong… and yet it destroys, and kills lives.

Yesterday I bought an ebook for the third time.

The same ebook. Why would I buy it again? Because I’ve never actually read it.

Now, that ebook cost twice as much as what I charge for a 3-hour workshop. And my hand was quite hesitant when I clicked the buy button… I was spending my weekly food allowance on a measly ebook. For the third time.

But if I eventually read it (lol) I may profit from it that much or more a week… so it is worth it.

But why on earth did I buy it three times? Continue reading “The undertow… why you don’t, why can’t get ahead, until…”

The uncatchable ball… did you just let it slip away?

The uncatchable ball… did you just let it slip away?

uncatchable ballWe are definitely dealing with something that feels like an uncatchable ball.

We find something and it turns out not to be THE BALL… and we need to go and find another ball to catch… but instead of being able to catch it, it slips out of our grasp.

Why are we even trying?

Because unless and until we catch it and have it in our grasp, firmly, our lives cannot change, our performance cannot change, we cannot really get to where we love ourselves, love our lives, and live it powerfully.

This uncatchable ball is small, slippery, and evasive.

And we want to catch it… If nothing else, I am tenacious… And so help me god, I’ll catch it. Identify it, if it takes me a hundred articles… I will. For you, and for me.

This article is an attempt to catch it… The next article is already written and will come out later today…
Continue reading “The uncatchable ball… did you just let it slip away?”