Your world is dominated by the invisible. And the invisible is like muddy water, every shyster has their hand in it, stirring it. 1
But this article will be about you. About your chances of being able to live a life worth living. Largely. I mean worth living most of the time.
Why not all the time? And why not gloriously?
It is too much to ask. But compared to the tasteless, joyless, have-to life you now live, a life worth living, for most of the time, is an amazing thing…
So what is the invisible part, the muddy water, that dominates your life? That makes you not enjoy life, that makes you want to go to sleepwalk, to not feel, to not be present?
It is the memes, partially, and it is you, partially.
You have no distinctions…
Let me give you an example that will shed light to what distinctions are, and why they are important.
Let’s imagine that you prepare for heart surgery. Continue reading “Your world is dominated by the invisible. Get to know it… or else…”