The empath’s guide to: How to not feel alone, isolated, abandoned, not belonging…

You look around. Everyone seems to have it better than you. They laugh, they hug, they walk hand in hand, kiss… or have friends who like them… but you? If feels like you have no one, no one cares about you, no one responds well to you… You are not getting enough “strokes”… from others.

A “stroke” (in Transactional Analysis) is a unit of social transaction. A hug. A nod. A smile. A hello, a thank you, a “how are you?”, or an f… you…. these are all social transactions. The more strokes you get the less your spine will shrivel up on you…

Continue reading “The empath’s guide to: How to not feel alone, isolated, abandoned, not belonging…”

Can you predict the future? Can you pick the next big winner?

My last article, the shotgun method has missed its target… few even understood what the heck I was talking about.

Regardless, I am continuing on the theme, because this is one of the stumbling block for most of you… so although you don’t know what is eating your lunch… although you have no idea how you are screwing up, I do, and I am here to help you till you get it. I already have a third article in the pipeline… ;-/

About a month ago I finally and suddenly got ready to pick a marketing mentor. Terry Dean is his name… and as soon as I can afford it, I’ll also book one-on-one coaching with him. It’s expensive… Continue reading “Can you predict the future? Can you pick the next big winner?”

MVP… Life’s most valuable player? Minimum viable product? What is the connection?

Confession time: I have a very small window where I experience being physically well. Or emotionally well. I am not very sturdy.

I have a tiny tolerance to heat, a small tolerance to cold, a small tolerance to running on empty.

Especially painful and unsettling for me is running on empty… while you, while most people spend their daily energy allotment on trivial things, and then run on fumes all day.

For me, that is unbearable, intolerable, hell. Continue reading “MVP… Life’s most valuable player? Minimum viable product? What is the connection?”

People don’t care how much you know until…

People don’t care how much you know until…
People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care

As you know, I am a mad scientist. Mad, because I test things other people wouldn’t. Scientist because I talk, then test, then share it.

In thousands of experiments I have developed a sixth sense. What you would call the truth sensing ability.

It is a feeling that only develops after knowing a lot…

I am exposed to a lot of books, a lot of information, and this sixth sense has helped me to read only what has the kind of truth in it that is actually useful for me and my clients. Continue reading “People don’t care how much you know until…”

It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth

It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth.

This has been one of the principles I live by.

Now, that finally the harmful effects of the milk protein wore off… and I am returning to being normal.

So my Sunday Rants call was more productive than maybe ever. Not less ranty… mind you, but more insights.

It is very easy to think in a tiny box, and most people live that way. It is even possible for most to stay in that tiny box when they listen to someone, or read something. They never leave, never enlarge the box, never go anywhere.

Because what gives you your world, what you see, your actions, your words, your feelings… that is what is in the box.

I realized that some 29 years ago. It was New Year’s Eve, and I spent it on the phone with a Landmark Education staff member from Detroit.

We took turns to speak the New Year into existence.
Continue reading “It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth”