Helicopter Ride, Turning Crap To Gold, Following A Guru

Originally posted 2011-12-20 18:29:06.

Helicopter Ride, Turning Crap To Gold, Following A Guru

I have been wondering what makes someone pick a certain guru, what capacity, what characteristics… This is the transcript of an audio of a conversation I had with Nancy, my brainstorming buddy… Listening to it is like going on a scenic helicopter ride… Enjoy

I just had one of the most intriguing conversations with my friend, Nancy.

One of the things I love about Nancy is that she always delivers the results I need, even when she is off. Continue reading “Helicopter Ride, Turning Crap To Gold, Following A Guru”

Is muscletesting a good truth method to pick a diet?

Is muscletesting a good truth method to pick a diet?

web-muscletestingI am getting hate mail.

I am happy about it.

They say the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. Continue reading “Is muscletesting a good truth method to pick a diet?”

The invisible difference between a producer and you…

The invisible difference between a producer and you…

your precious i covers much of your cone of visionDon’t be mistaken. The only way to feel good about yourself, to have a life you love and a life you live powerfully is by being a producer.

The secret of producers lies in the invisible dimension. The dimension that is invisible to both to you and them. They do something differently (not different, differently!) from you… and they don’t even know it. I am an empath… and I feel what you do, and I feel what they do… I feel your how…

One area where the two how’s are strikingly different is your self-image. This is crucial… by the way. So please pay attention.

I won’t charge you a million dollars, even though it could be worth it.

Continue reading “The invisible difference between a producer and you…”

Coming from vs Going to: you’ve always been going to

Coming from vs Going to: you’ve always been going to

Summary: from the comments and email I am getting it is clear that the concept of starting with HAPPY is totally inconceivable to most of you. In my response to a comment I managed to express the essence of it: It is like the skin color you have, it is part of you.

In the ‘HAPPY’ I advocate, where you start with HAPPY, stay HAPPY, end HAPPY.

It’s not a result. It is who you are.

You do what needs to get done to grow, and you are HAPPY while doing it. You are not ‘happy’ to do it, that would be something else again. You are HAPPY, just like you don’t change your skin color according to the type of task you do in life. You stay white, or pink, or yellow, or black… whatever you started with.

It is as if you said ‘I am white’ if you were born white. And then you live according to that.’ Continue reading “Coming from vs Going to: you’ve always been going to”

Curiosity, hunger, appetite, are you killing them all?

Curiosity, hunger, appetite, are you killing them all?
Curiosity… Hunger… appetite… sexual desire…are you killing them all?

Your parents, your teachers told you: don’t eat candy, don’t eat cookies before dinner: it will kill your appetite.

The five ‘hardware-type’ needs, the need for energy supply, information, safety, reproduction and group are guided by feelings… all a lot like hunger.

Hunger can be fulfilled with empty calories or good, nourishing food.

The need, the second most vital need is the hunger for information. We also call that curiosity. You can fulfill it, just like the first one, with junk. Continue reading “Curiosity, hunger, appetite, are you killing them all?”

Equality, racist, collusion, big words you throw around

Equality, racist, collusion, big words you throw around

The other day I used the free community van to get to stores I cannot get to easily on my own.

Note: in the illustrations I am not taking sides. I am illustrating that there is confusion and disagreement in what race. what is racist. what is racism, and what it does is it makes people rigid, lie about what they think, and vote for Trump… ugh.

The driver of the van has a PhD in sociology He asked me if it bothered me if he continued to listen to NPR radio, National Public Radio. There was a public debate on Trump and on the question whether he was a racist or not. Continue reading “Equality, racist, collusion, big words you throw around”

What is your numbnut/moron score? How would you know?

What is your numbnut/moron score? How would you know?

I am sure you think you are clear. The stuff you say, the number of words you use accurately in a language gives away your level of clarity… And it’s low. I measure it as the 10th measurement in the Starting Point Measurements.

When I say clarity, I mean every area of life… including health as you’ll see later in this article.

Now, why is this important? Because your clarity is what defines whether your actions, your reactions, your emotions are going to be in line with reality or not.

Whether you’ll be astute, or a numbnut. or anything in between. Continue reading “What is your numbnut/moron score? How would you know?”

Seeing: a Metaskill that will raise your vibration

Seeing: a Metaskill that will raise your vibration

new eyes to see...I am reading theĀ  book Metaskills.

I am reading it for you and for me.

This book has given me a big insight… and ultimately a breakthrough, though we shall see… like with everything, on the long run.

OK, let me start at the beginning.

Most books are either easy or difficult to read. Why? I just found out.

This book, the Metaskills was alternating between easy to read and difficult to read.

At some point it felt like thick mud I needed to wade through.

Why? I had no idea how what he was talking about was connecting to what the book was supposedly about.

I am nearly certain that this happens to you too. The thought is ‘What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?’ or some other dismissive thought.

Continue reading “Seeing: a Metaskill that will raise your vibration”

A practical and easy method of changing your personality

A practical and easy method of changing your personality
Can you go back to the past and change it? Will YOU change with it? Your personality?

Silly sounding question, but it is not as silly as it sounds.

Because we look at life, at what is happening, through the limited perspective of the human mind, we actually don’t know what is happening, only

  1. a slice of what happened
  2. only a skewed version of what happened

Ultimately we can only experience and react to what we see, and what we see is both limited and skewed.
Continue reading “A practical and easy method of changing your personality”

2 ‘Getting Things Done’ systems, and what people really do

2 ‘Getting Things Done’ systems, and what people really do
getting things done. get rid of the ball and chainI have always liked getting things done.

I like getting things done. Why? Because everything that doesn’t get done is like an energetic attachment, like a ball and chain on your ankle, slows you down, and prevents you from soaring… having a good time, feeling free and unencumbered.

I don’t like feeling heavy, burdened, or guilty, so I learn, test, experiment with methods that allow me to be free.

I even like to be lighter in weight because I don’t like to be heavy in any way, including physically.

I handle problems, issues, doubts, the same way… handle them so the weights can disappear.
Continue reading “2 ‘Getting Things Done’ systems, and what people really do”