Insisting on your personal reality leads to misery

Insisting on your personal reality leads to misery
Your personal reality and reality… misaligned, misconstrued, faulty, no wonder you are miserable

We could safely say that your vibration number faithfully expresses the degree of alignment between your personal reality and actual reality.

Your personal reality is your map of reality.

You built your map of reality, what you think is out there, what you see out there, what you hear, taste, touch… filtered through your map of reality… you built that map through what you were told, and what you took from what you were told.

The average vibration on the planet, at this time, is 128. That is a 1% truth value, a 1% match between your personal reality and reality. It means that you don’t see 70% of what is out there. And what you see, the remaining 30%, you see it 70% wrong.

It’s sad but true in every area of your life. Emotional, spiritual, physical. Health, wealth, love and happiness.

But what is even worse, your heroes, your teachers, your scientists, your politicians have only a slightly higher vibration, and a slightly more accurate map of reality.
Continue reading “Insisting on your personal reality leads to misery”

If you don’t take feedback well, you need to grow up and get cracking.

If you don’t take feedback well, you need to grow up and get cracking.

You need to get better, maybe even good at it. 1

So here are a few “memes” I picked today.

When you distinguish something, the whole world seems to rotate around the thing you just distinguished, so feedback showed up everywhere.

And I got acknowledged by two people on the trip to the grocery store… so I am getting better too… lol.

OK, here are the pictures…. almost…

Continue reading “If you don’t take feedback well, you need to grow up and get cracking.”

The cold fireplace syndrome: Is it worth feeding the fire?

The cold fireplace syndrome: Is it worth feeding the fire?

fire-burningIt’s not worth it… you moan…

Is it worth it to invest your energy in something that is uncertain? It’s not worth it, or is it?… It is all about whether it is worth it for YOU or not…

If you are supposed to have it already, then working for it doesn’t look like it’s worth it.

Continue reading “The cold fireplace syndrome: Is it worth feeding the fire?”

Never practice surgery on your family and other lessons

Never practice surgery on your family and other lessons
662311125cd60dbfa86171ea8e68a6b3Developing the habit of looking before you leap

You have habits, thought patterns, beliefs, practices that guarantee that your life will not change, especially won’t change for the better.

When you do a course, read a book, or talk to a coach, you want to do and change the most important thing about your life: drop 30 pounds, start a new business, or leave your husband. Continue reading “Never practice surgery on your family and other lessons”

Want to find your self? Express it? Be true to it? Be motivated by it?

Want to find your self? Express it? Be true to it? Be motivated by it?

brett-wilson-find-yourself-and-be-thatI started to read the book by Edward Deci, “Why we do what we do. Understanding self-motivation”.

This is the first book, that I know, that defines self the way, or similarly the way I do…

To become a person, to have autonomy, self-determination, self-expression, integrity, self-motivation, the most important job is to find the self, by distinguishing what is the driver of all your actions, whether it is inner or outer.

And if it is inner… is it the self, or is it the “not-self”?

Greed, narcissism, hate… area inner motivators, but they are all the not-self. So are all the “negative” emotions, like frustration, haste, the desire to fix, to punish, to suffer… etc. Continue reading “Want to find your self? Express it? Be true to it? Be motivated by it?”

Are mind movies, vision boards mental representation?

Are mind movies, vision boards mental representation?

movie-mind-controlAre mind movies, vision boards mental representation?

Yes and no. Mind movies and vision boards are a mental representation of the end point of some fancy that you have… creative visualization or not so creative visualization. Low vibration, low consciousness, wishful thinking stuff. Continue reading “Are mind movies, vision boards mental representation?”

As important as a yes… is a no. Actually, you’ll be left with the authentic yes

on-saying-noI own a business… This blog is part of it.

I am on hundreds of marketers’ mailing list, and I get hundreds of emails about new software, new tricks and strategies to increase traffic, visibility, and ultimately revenue.

I buy some of them. I use 20% of what I buy.

And then I get the whales. That promise to train me to become a super marketer, a money magnet.

It’s that time of the year, there are three such offers going on at the same time.

Tons of stuff. If I put them into boxes… they would fill many.

The allure is tremendous. I can barely breathe…

And then I do the unexpected… I ask a relevant question. I act as my own coach…

I ask: Do I want my life to be about marketing? Do I want to become a marketer?
Continue reading “As important as a yes… is a no. Actually, you’ll be left with the authentic yes”

The path leads through 90% elimination,d 10% addition

The path leads through 90% elimination,d 10% addition

If you are able to catch the point, have the power of distilling essence… aka called distinguishing, you have seen in all my work, and all of Tai Lopez’s 69 steps, that every single session, every single article, every single video is about stuff you do, be, see, believe, think, feel, that keep you stuck.

So, in essence, all spiritual work, and all transformational work is getting you unstuck.

And all fake programs, all fake gurus are about getting you stuck… filling your head with useless crap.

One of my students sent me a laundry (long) list of what she should do…

It was her 67-steps answers… answer to one of the steps… I don’t know what number.

It is not possible to do 100 things, especially in the thick of life. When you are in a hurry, upset, troubled, etc.

But it is possible to remember one or maybe two things you shouldn’t do in that same situation. Continue reading “The path leads through 90% elimination,d 10% addition”

Are you pushing the door that says: pull?

this-is-how-you-waste-your-lifeFinally I managed to tame this new computer 80%. It is one of the things I don’t like to do… I’d rather just coach, or write articles, read, watch Netflix… but I have the capacity of the Sight, I have the capacity to be the cause… so I did what I needed to do.

It seems that I am quite alone with this, at least among us… But why?

Then it hit me: All the movies I watch, happiness, joy are sporadic. And grunting, grim faces, are all over.

And yet, if you look inside, you think that you can be the exception, and you can have a life all about sunshine, all about smiling, all about joy. That is the fallacy, generously spread by the Dark Side, by positive thinkers, by gurus. 2

I wonder what drug you are on… because, if you look around, other than on Facebook and other medium for pretense, life is not an event full of smiles, and laughter.

Life is 99% struggle, and 1% of that smiley laughter filled joy.
Continue reading “Are you pushing the door that says: pull?”

Why do I use harsh language, why do I provoke you all the time? Or how do you grow a self?

provocation18One of my jobs in causing transformation is to be an agent provocateur… to provoke people in my articles, on my webinars… keep on provoking.

Everything that upsets you drives up some way that you are off… off from the Tree of Life.

One recent occurrence was provoking Canadians about Canada.

Canadians are very sensitive about their country… just like a fat woman is sensitive about being called fat.

When you are offended… you can be sure that you identified with something outside of you… and don’t have a self.

In order to do this work, you need a crystallized self… as Gurjieff said.

I have no idea what that means, but no self is definitely not that… lol.

The slightest wind upsets you… you have no core, you have no toughness… you’ll never grow, until you grow a self.

How do you grow a self?
Continue reading “Why do I use harsh language, why do I provoke you all the time? Or how do you grow a self?”