Connecting To Source: Removing The Limited Perspective Of The Human Mind

Originally posted 2011-10-29 19:35:15.

from the limited perspective of the human mind Connecting To Source: Removing The Limited Perspective Of The Human Mind

In this article I’d like to share about one benefit that you see when you connect, and you connect regularly.

In the 6,000 years that we’ve been voluntarily disconnected from our Source, we have been limited to the vantage point being ground-bound, physical existence-bound, mind-bound, past-bound.

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Addicted to The Law of Attraction? Manifestation? The Law of Attraction teachers and their vibration

Originally posted 2011-08-17 10:02:38.

The Tree of Life says that the law of attraction is a lie Law of Attraction, manifestation, and other voodoo stuff has been around for about 10 years, or at least that’s when I first heard about it.

The teachers of this voodoo stuff share one thing in common: their vibration is low and their vibrational shift as a result of the Activation of the Original Design is slower.

Wow, how does that make sense?

Well, it is not very intuitive, but I trust that you will understand. And maybe some of these teachers will read this article and change some of their ways.

It seems that this Human Game is all centered around The Deal. The Deal? yes, from now that’s what I will be calling this ground rule agreement that we didn’t know we made.

The Deal:

You can get anything you want from Source on the condition that

Continue reading “Addicted to The Law of Attraction? Manifestation? The Law of Attraction teachers and their vibration”

Activator Downloads… Activate The Original Design’s Circuits, The Divine Blueprint

Originally posted 2011-07-17 13:26:04.

circuits activated light up I saw another episode of Star Trek last night. The issue was if Lt. Data, an android, had the right for self-determination, or free will, like a human being. In the trial, the prosecutor studied Lt. Data’s design, and circuits, and to demonstrate that Lt. Data was a machine, he turned him off. It was like he killed Data, heart wrenching.

It occurred to me that human being is a superior machine, but its superiority depends on the number of active circuits…

Mr. Data illustrate that to have respect, self-respect, to honor, to be honest, to be courageous, and the list of these characteristics and abilities is long, is either active in a human being or not. But… it is there by design and the circuit can be activated.

Continue reading “Activator Downloads… Activate The Original Design’s Circuits, The Divine Blueprint”

The Sight Consciousness can take the game over at any point

The Sight Consciousness can take the game over at any point

When The Sight capacity is working, ‘knowing’ hands over the reign to ‘seeing’…

Mind hands over the reign to Consciousness.

I consider and play Life as a game.

Of course when the game can’t be saved, then the game can’t be saved.

But even if I, with my physical eyes, and my ‘brilliant intellect’ cannot see that the game can be saved, cannot be taken to winning, cannot be turned around, cannot be saved… when it CAN be, regardless, Consciousness will see it. And it will see how… through what steps.

Consciousness will see it. That  is the meaning of The Sight

I am very grateful that consciousness is not judgmental, consciousness doesn’t badger me when I mess games up. Games, like my health, games like my diet, games like my marketing, games like my income, games like my relationships.

From the limited perspective of the human mind, I take those games, often, to dead-end-looking places, where I surely don’t think the game can be saved, turned around, and become a winning game again.

I am, originally, very emotional, very jumpy, very willing to burn bridges, very keen on keeping things neat, and none of those behaviors are good for any of the games a person can play… Those behaviors all lead to disasters. Unless you can turn the game over to Consciousness, and watch the wrinkles smooth out, watch the bridges rebuilt, watch as from chaos flowers sprout.
Continue reading “The Sight Consciousness can take the game over at any point”

Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Everyone is looking for the lost key under the lamppost…

The current state of humanity is: no one is looking…

Instead, if they do anything, they try to think it out.

It is like trying to think out soup… no ingredients, none.

The only way to be effective in life is through looking IN REALITY, where the ingredients are… and not just for soup, but for everything.

The Streetlight Effect Continue reading “Look for it where it is, not where the light is on”

Is ‘talking about’ a type of mental illness?

Is ‘talking about’ a type of mental illness?

This morning something pulled me back to bed after I got up.

I considered it guidance, and I got back to bed.

What came next was amazing: trips down memory lane, all centering around mental illness, mental stability, your TLB, and what was in common among the many people I remember so clearly, people I spent time with in mental institutions.

As an empath, other people’s feelings, emotions tend to tug at me. today 99% of what I feel is not mine… But before I became conscious, before I started to climb the consciousness tree, 30% of the feelings I felt were mine. I also had a lot more voices in my head… all talking at the same time.

The only reason I know, with 20/20 hindsight, that I was hospitalized not for what I felt, is that none of the medication worked… I wasn’t the person who was crazy, I just felt the craziness of others.

My theory of mental illness has always been that it is an escape… a hiding place.

Continue reading “Is ‘talking about’ a type of mental illness?”

Learn to dance with Life! Death or immortality?

Learn to dance with Life! Death or immortality?

choose to dance with lifeTree of Knowledge or Tree of Life? Death or Immortality? Choose! Learn to dance with Life…

Had we received the knowledge of good and evil from God, our discernment would include God’s perspective – but Adam chose to TAKE the knowledge rather than receive it.

I copied the above sentence from a very insightful interpretation of what happened in the Garden of Eden. Continue reading “Learn to dance with Life! Death or immortality?”

Thou Shall Prosper: Money is Spiritual

Thou Shall Prosper: Money is Spiritual

Thou Shall Prosper: The Ten Commandments For Prosperity: The Spiritual Laws of Money That You Have Not Known Or Ignored And You have been Paying The Price

Is Money Spiritual? If it is spiritual then Only Spiritual Laws Apply to it, and only by spiritual means it can be attracted.

This is a long article. It is by no means a complete exploration of the topic, but it has enough useful information for you to start overhauling your whole concept of money. When you get successful at the overhaul, you’ll start increasing your wealth. Even if you just manage in one area, the results will start to show, almost instantly.

That is: When you understand the commandments correctly. Continue reading “Thou Shall Prosper: Money is Spiritual”

The curse of understanding… It adds nothing…

The curse of understanding… It adds nothing…

If I know you well, your relationship to life is mainly through understanding. Which you either have or not.

When you do, you are happy, even though you are just as unsuccessful at living well, being fulfilled as you were before. Continue reading “The curse of understanding… It adds nothing…”

What is life about? I mean life for a human? Your life…

What is life about? I mean life for a human? Your life…
meaning-of-life2What is life about?

What is the purpose of life? I mean life for a human being? Not Life, but life…

What is life about? I mean life for a human being? Not Life, but life…

There are two schools of preference. Two schools of priorities. The main difference between the two schools is how they consider your size, and how they define what is your “job” in life, what should be your aspiration. Continue reading “What is life about? I mean life for a human? Your life…”