4 principles for a fulfilling, financially rewarding life

4 principles for a fulfilling, financially rewarding life

I look at my dreams as guidance.

Now, you need to know that I almost never dream a whole story… I dream moods. Some situations.

Last night I dreamed about going back to Israel, meeting people I had known, experiencing their attitude towards me. Wasn’t pleasant.

And just before I woke up I was shown the theme I am going to write about. Continue reading “4 principles for a fulfilling, financially rewarding life”

Equality, racist, collusion, big words you throw around

Equality, racist, collusion, big words you throw around

The other day I used the free community van to get to stores I cannot get to easily on my own.

Note: in the illustrations I am not taking sides. I am illustrating that there is confusion and disagreement in what race. what is racist. what is racism, and what it does is it makes people rigid, lie about what they think, and vote for Trump… ugh.

The driver of the van has a PhD in sociology He asked me if it bothered me if he continued to listen to NPR radio, National Public Radio. There was a public debate on Trump and on the question whether he was a racist or not. Continue reading “Equality, racist, collusion, big words you throw around”

Soul Correction: Speak Your Mind. Instead of pretending

Soul Correction: Speak Your Mind. Instead of pretending

soul correction: speak your mindSoul Correction: Speak Your Mind aka reveal your secret agenda

Update 6/30/2021: upon reflecting on all the #25, that is the numerology number for this soul correction, I am finding that the most dominant aspect is: self hate… and that is what is, maybe, underneath the lying, pretending, making airs, etc.

…Update on 2/15/2014: I had an interesting conversation with a friend, where we were looking for politicians with this soul correction. And as we were working on finding them, I had an insight: the fundamental issue of this soul correction is DUPLICITY.

The inside and the outside are disconnected.
Continue reading “Soul Correction: Speak Your Mind. Instead of pretending”

Because of great love one is courageous.

Because of great love one is courageous.

no love no courageI have written about it, I have even quoted Lao Tsu: Because of great love one is courageous. Lao Tsu taught effortless action, which is in line with Life, he calls Tao.

But if the fundamental understanding of life is missing, if life is fundamentally misunderstood, then that quote is misunderstood.

We, humans, have that ‘love is something you feel for another person’. Or for ice cream, or a puppy… more often, lol.

But what if the love Lao Tsu is talking about is something entirely different?
Continue reading “Because of great love one is courageous.”

Where did evolution take a wrong turn? fixable?

Where did evolution take a wrong turn? fixable?

Lots of questions are coming up… Is it possible to be happy, to have ikigai, purpose, and joy if you live in your imagination?

What is the main difference between animals and homo sapiens?

The only differences I can see are

1. homo sapiens (modern humans) live in the mind… thinking it’s reality
2. homo sapiens have conscience
3. homo sapiens live like anything different from what they want is wrong.
4. homo sapiens have usury relationships, win-lose, zero sum. Continue reading “Where did evolution take a wrong turn? fixable?”

What you say and what you do when it comes to your children

What you say and what you do when it comes to your children

What you say and what you do… when it comes to your children becoming educated, productive people

One of the signs of the overwhelming inauthenticity and low level of integrity is the gap between what people say and what people do.

My definition of authenticity is that there is nothing in the unsaid. Nothing in the unsaid that isn’t consistent with what is visible…

In essence, no lying by omission.

Authenticity is one of those big words that no one knows what it really means… so they go by feeling. The simplest way to define authenticity is that there is no pretense, no façade, no game playing. The person is the same through and through. When they are seen and when they are not.

Most people smile a lot in their pictures, but I can feel their anxiety, their fear, their inner trembling. An inauthentic smile.

One more thing that I haven’t said before, but given that we are working with memes and affirmations: if you obey memes, if you repeat memes, if you try to fit in with memes, you cannot be authentic.

Because your inner you, whether you know who it is or what it is, knows that what you are saying, what you are doing is not you… you are trying to fit in. Fitting in is not authentic.

Werner has a saying about authenticity: he says we are always inauthentic, so we can only be authentic (tell the truth) about our inauthenticity.

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One of the measures in the Starting Point Measurements is the inauthenticity measure.

Get your Starting Point Measurements

Inauthenticity… examples

I have been surveying mothers and fathers of children to find out to what degree they care about their children’s future.

Life wants more life… so one would assume that both men and women will want their children to become all they can become.

And when it comes to lip-service, this is often what they say.

But when it comes to putting their money where their mouth is… the truth is vastly different.

  • Less than one percent of women spend money on their children’s future. Education, skill building, music lessons, language lessons, educational toys, etc.
  • 30% of men do.

If you listen to memes, you are now surprised.

Memes tout women as more caring, but these numbers talk against the memes.

Actually, in my experience, what women see as caring makes their children dependent on them, and makes their children a TLB-1…

Having barely any chance of making it in life.

TLB 1 people want me to be nice to them, to protect them, to be like a mother. But the whole field of mother-child is bankrupt when it comes to helping children become strong adults.

The words ‘caring’ and ‘love’ mean different things to different people: there is barely any agreement about any of it.

But we can agree to disagree… how women hear the words love and caring, I am guessing from their behavior, is being loved and being cared for.

To women it means Receiving. Desire to receive for the self alone.

While men hear it, maybe, as a giving, as an earning, as something that allows them to function in the world better, given that their sexual needs, and maybe some other needs can be taken care of.

In my occasional conversations, women behave like this 80% of the time, or maybe it is 80% of women 100% of the time?

I don’t know.

But the number of women who don’t recognize what ‘deal’ they entered when they got married is staggering. The deal the man thought was made, what the man thought the deal was is that the woman will help their spouse make a living. That the will become mothers to the future generation so the man’s genes will get expression.

This is not only true about talented, high earning women: this is true for women who are not high earning, not learned, not highly skilled.

And of course between parties who didn’t spell out the ‘deal’, and now they are at odds, the children are a burden, or mere negotiating chips.

I do see exceptions, when the woman is exceptional.

And occasionally I do see role reversals as well.

This is not genetic. This is meme based.

  • The genes know what is important.
  • The memes say what is profitable for the meme creators.

Don’t be mistaken: memes, the meme creators have a profit motive, and they may also have an overwhelming desire to create a zombie consumer society where they can sway popular opinion at will.

All you need to do to create a zombie consumer society is to keep people be interested in some vague ideal that they need to fill, be pretty, thin, crave sex, and to harass the men so they can never feel at peace and in balance.

Or be a career woman who fights for equal income, even if she can’t focus at work with sick children at home. To have the children be a burden.

No matter which direction the memes sway you, you are not on the side of life.
All the shoulds and all the should nots are memes. All of them. With one agenda: to keep you out of balance, to keep you buying stuff… to be needy and wanty.

For many centuries it was only religion with its memes. But today… with the social sites… ugh.

With more and more memes every generation of humans is less sturdy, less hardy, less willing to be a self-starter when it comes to educating themselves… because there is hardly anyone who cares about it… other than caring to give lip-service.

The Reality Challenge will be ongoing… so you can sign up if you are at all interested in weeding out the memes… so you can start being the driver of your life.

Reality Challenge

What is the technology of personal evolution…

What is the technology of personal evolution…

I have said, in another article, that what is “normal” for a vehicle for the selfish gene (a human), is to move to and then stay in an ess.

Evolutionary stable strategy. Where life works relatively smoothly.

If you listen to the genes, you’ll live that way, you live in an ess.

Your job, your family, your health, your thinking are all in an ess… You don’t grow, you survive. You get up in the morning because you didn’t die the night before. It is probably boring, and you are probably sick, dumb, and poor. Or maybe not. It pretty much depends on what you start with.

That is how most people live, and it has a pull that is very strong.

You don’t rock the boat. You make do. You may do stupid things, and they likely take you downwards, towards gravity.

Now, it is obvious that this is not the path of creating epigenetic shifts toward living a life worth living. Not for me, not for the spirit, not for the soul. It is the ideal life for the selfish gene.

But Life wants more life, and the ess way of living results in less life. Continue reading “What is the technology of personal evolution…”

It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth

It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth.

This has been one of the principles I live by.

Now, that finally the harmful effects of the milk protein wore off… and I am returning to being normal.

So my Sunday Rants call was more productive than maybe ever. Not less ranty… mind you, but more insights.

It is very easy to think in a tiny box, and most people live that way. It is even possible for most to stay in that tiny box when they listen to someone, or read something. They never leave, never enlarge the box, never go anywhere.

Because what gives you your world, what you see, your actions, your words, your feelings… that is what is in the box.

I realized that some 29 years ago. It was New Year’s Eve, and I spent it on the phone with a Landmark Education staff member from Detroit.

We took turns to speak the New Year into existence.
Continue reading “It’s hard to be silently brilliant. Lots of thoughts occur when you open your mouth”

You see only what the mind allows you to see

You see only what the mind allows you to see

perspective-3This is a four years old article. I am rewriting it to include fixed mindset, the distinction from Carol Dweck’s book, Mindset.

When the mind takes over your perception you see what your mind wants to see.

We have all experienced how the mind tricks us into believing that something other than what’s happening is happening.

When you are dizzy, sea-sick or drunk: the room seems to be spinning. When someone tells you skinny is good, you start liking skinny. When someone tells you you are ugly, you start seeing ugly.

Here are some examples:

1. You are not allowed to see what your mind doesn’t allow you to see…

…this is why Japanese soldiers could not see, till the end, that they were beaten.

drowned-japanese-soldiersMore than that: Japanese soldiers enlisted into the Japanese navy, but never considered that they should learn to swim: the option that their vessel would sink never occurred to them: after all their emperor was invincible. They would not even make any moves to get a life preserver when they were under attack: their mind told them that nothing can, nothing could happen to them… and they died by drowning… victims of the mind hiding reality from them.

You are that Japanese soldier, you just don’t know it.
Continue reading “You see only what the mind allows you to see”

When we talk about fields of communication…

When we talk about fields of communication…

When we talk about fields of communication, we actually talk about energy fields.

They look innocent, but they are energy fields… and some things can happen in an energy field, and others can’t.

You have a “homepage”, that, in my experience, is predictable by your soul correction plus your Zodiac sign.

Why? I don’t know. My guess is that those are energy fields too.

What is an energy field? I’ll repeat what I have said three lines above: some things can happen in an energy field, and others can’t.

I know this is way beyond rational, and way beyond what any sane person would be willing to see… but lots of evidence points to the fact that fields are energy fields, and they are obvious from what can and what cannot happen inside them. Continue reading “When we talk about fields of communication…”