Models of reality: which one is true?


Reality is vast, vast beyond human comprehension.

The human brain may be vast, the human consciousness may be vast, but neither of them compares to the vastness of reality.

So no matter how much human consciousness grows, it will never be able to grasp all of reality.

It’s OK… it is just what is so.

Human consciousness, in its ambition, in its desire to comprehend reality, to reduce the risk that life is, to make life predictable and manageable, has been using models of reality: a model is a tool to simplify something complicated, and to make it comprehensible through generalization, imagination.
Continue reading “Models of reality: which one is true?”

Can an idiotic sounding sentence alter your life? Forever?

gatekeeperHere is the idiotic sounding sentence: “For you Everything is the same as everything else … except not always” Let’s begin… Ok, Sophie, but how do I start to see that everything is not the same as everything else?

First let me explain what that weird statement means… It is a koan, and understanding is just the booby prize, meaning consolation prize, meaning that understanding has no value.

The value in the koan is when you can actually catch that you misjudged something. If and when you even just catch (yourself!) something that you were wrong about, you have just stepped on the path to become a person with eyes to see and ears to hear.
Continue reading “Can an idiotic sounding sentence alter your life? Forever?”

What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?

What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?

EPSON scanner imageMany people ask what Einstein’s saying means: You can’t solve a problem on the same level of consciousness that created it…

This article should clue you in. You see a problem differently on different levels. On the level where you see it “as a problem” is the level of consciousness that created it. Continue reading “What is consciousness? Vibration? What am I measuring?”

No Problem Can Be Solved From The Same Level …

No Problem Can Be Solved From The Same Level …

No Problem Can Be Solved From The Same Level Of Consciousness That Created ItNo Problem Can Be Solved From The Same Level Of Consciousness That Created It

Einstein supposedly said that, and supposedly he knew what he was supposedly talking about…

But what did he mean? What could you mean? How could this famous statement be useful to you?
Continue reading “No Problem Can Be Solved From The Same Level …”

Vibrational Review: Grabovoi, Arcady Petrov, Pranic Healing

A reader asks: Can you give a vibrational review on Arcady Petrov (personal: 170, 4% truth) and Grigori Grabovoi (personal: 190, teaching: 220, 20% truth level.). They are both Russian Authors. You can find their work in Amazon. They supposedly have learned how to regenerate body organs like teeth and in fact are teaching people how to do it.

I have done research on the internet and after I was sure I was connecting to the right person, my vibrational measures are in parentheses next to the person’s name. Read my review of Pranic healing on the bottom

Although 220 vibration is respectable (Grigori) he was about 80% off, and made sweeping generalizations… He is in prison now, if I understand it correctly.

Our usual “scheme” is being repeated here: a relatively competent person with relatively high level of consciousness tries to teach an ambitious lower consciousness person, no success, and then that person will teach other people of what he can’t do… Brilliant scheme to dupe millions of people who want to get well, or have children, parents, spouses, siblings… the devastation is terrible.

Of course, there is always the inevitable few percentile that just because they have “hope” they pull themselves out of the self-perpetuated illness and have a turnaround. The is a predictable side-effect of any healing modality, good or bad.

Between you and me, you get more results from my innocent audios infused in your drinking water, the Heaven on Earth, the Unconditional Love Activator, or even “just” the Water Energizer… Guaranteed.
Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Grabovoi, Arcady Petrov, Pranic Healing”

What is consciousness? Higher states of consciousness?

What is consciousness? Higher states of consciousness?

Experiencing higher states of consciousness… This has been the desire of millions of people. You have taken drugs, they have done seances, turned to sex, turned to racing, gambling.

Ordinary consciousness is not very attractive. Ordinary consciousness is boredom, sameness, or misery. It is also a kind of sleepwalking. Continue reading “What is consciousness? Higher states of consciousness?”

Are you a moocher, a looter, or a producer?

Are you a moocher, a looter, or a producer?

Each of these is a distinction, moocher, looter, producer. Your belonging to one of these categories can be considered a sliding scale or a pregnant/not pregnant absolute, depending on your capacity to look at existence and not feel compelled to lie.

Mooching and looting is being on the side of Death. But let us not jump ahead.

How do you find out if you are a moocher or a looter? Continue reading “Are you a moocher, a looter, or a producer?”

The Path to Enlightenment: an inside affair?

The Path to Enlightenment:  an inside affair?

I love movies where humans seem to be endowed with supernatural capabilities. They are fun, and they give hope to people. For me they show the possibility of being a human being, shows me what’s possible, what kind of being is possible for human beings.

Hope in those supernatural beings, like in all saviors, allows humanity to be wretched, to buy time, to live below its potential, to live in hate, to live in pretense, to live in unreality, to never have to take responsibility for who we are and how we are. Continue reading “The Path to Enlightenment: an inside affair?”

The Nine Phases Of Creation: The Next Phase Is The Phase Of Being One

Here are two videos.

Your assignment is to evaluate which is from a higher consciousness. Also, which one resonates with you more. It will provide you useful self-knowledge… that will be explained in my next post.

David Gikandi’s Nine level of consciousness:

and here is Johan Oldenkamp’s Nine Levels of Creation

Share your insight, if you would. I am really curious.

Updated: Soul Correction #28: Soul Mate…

Updated: Soul Correction #28: Soul Mate…
soul mates soaring together in a synergistic fashionSoul Correction #28: SOUL MATE

Update: Having worked with two more soul mate people, I am seeing something additional: you cannot find your soul mate if you have a preconceived notion of what that looks like.

But if this is your soul correction, then no one is good enough for you, because you have an expectation, an agenda, and everyone will fall short. Even you will fall short of your expectations of how YOU should be. Continue reading “Updated: Soul Correction #28: Soul Mate…”