If you manage to take away the ITCH what is left?

If you manage to take away the ITCH what is left?

Some of my students are starting to see that if they didn’t have the self-concern: The ITCH, they would react to life differently, they would be less upset, they would have a life, maybe, worth living.

So how does this work?

When you are in reality, things are as they are. A is A.It is what it is. Continue reading “If you manage to take away the ITCH what is left?”

The inelegant success of going down the rapids of Life

The inelegant success of going down the rapids of Life

As a Virgo and as a soul correction ‘Forget Thyself’ there has been one pattern that has and still holds me back for decades: I’ve wanted things to be neat, elegant, fast… and I’ve had very little room for messy, inelegant, and slow.

Neat, elegant and fast are against Nature, against Life. Nature, Life are neither neat, nor elegant, and when it’s fast… it’s always a tragedy of some sort, like a volcanic eruption or a tsunami, not what you pray for.


Continue reading “The inelegant success of going down the rapids of Life”

Whole and complete… and neediness. Completion

Whole and complete… and neediness. Completion

I just had an insight. I saw something I had never seen, even though it was right in front of my eyes.

The source of neediness.

First let’s look at what is a need and what is not…

We need food and shelter and clothes to cover our need. We may need a community, and air and water. Not much more.

Margoczi says we also need to fulfill our own expectations of ourselves and other people’s expectations of us… Maybe. I am not sure. Maybe to the extent that we can carry our own weight… but not more.

But there are certain things we, as children, thought we should have gotten, and we didn’t, and now we pursue it, relentlessly, at our own detriment.

What kind of things? Continue reading “Whole and complete… and neediness. Completion”

If you don’t know what you want you end up with…

If you don’t know what you want you end up with…

One of the things people have a difficulty with, in my experience, is creating a vision for their lives.

When I ask what they want, what they are up to, they draw a blank.

And even when and if they have some answer, it is not something that even if they got it, would make them happy, fulfilled, joyful, connected, loved, etc.

Every aspect of you has a different ‘agenda’…

  • The Selfish Gene
  • The ego
  • the soul/spirit or whatever you want to call it, the high minded aspect of you
  • the body
  • the mind
  • the Witness/Consciousness

these all want something different… and you, who you consider yourself to be: you are like the person in the middle of the ball game where the ball is thrown in a circle, past you… and you are always left without a ball. Continue reading “If you don’t know what you want you end up with…”

Why changing your circumstances won’t change anything

Why changing your circumstances won’t change anything

I woke up with the question: if circumstances changed, would I be happier? Would YOU be happier?

I asked Source, and the answer was a surprising no.

How come, you ask? Isn’t that I am not happy because of things in my life, in the world? things that frustrate me, anger me, drive me crazy?

My health, for example. My neighbors. Workmen that cause almost as much damage as service.

And every question Source answers with a resounding no.

WTF?! Continue reading “Why changing your circumstances won’t change anything”

Scientists are trying to keep you on the 15th floor

Scientists are trying to keep you on the 15th floor

Once you distinguish something, you start seeing it everywhere… not only where you expect it, but really everywhere. This is done by something called the reticular activator or reticular activating system.

I teach distinctions, distinguishing, and my students are reluctant to learn and start seeing… Until you see it everywhere, everything is still about you… and no transformation can take place.

The new distinction I have learned from a set of books by Hungarian engineer, Gyozo Margóczi, is that all emotions are created by words, even though feelings are not… Feelings are a little pressure here, tightness there… no meaning. There is a feeling and then you add a word, and you get emotion. Depending on the word you add, the emotion changes.

Here is the map-of-feelings-translated-to-emotions2020 with the corresponding feelings… Continue reading “Scientists are trying to keep you on the 15th floor”

It’s normal to be miserable: the itch to scratch

It’s normal to be miserable: the itch to scratch
itch: The consolation prize you get, instead of a rich and fulfilling life

We all have it… unnoticed, unidentified, undistinguished, sneaking past your conscious awareness, the strings that make you a puppet on a string, robbing you of your life, using it for its own purposes… laughing at you. I can hear the laugh.

The racket. The insidious, ubiquitous racket.

It is a machine… and it is powered by an unfulfilled and unfulfillable desire, I call The Itch… the itch that cannot be scratched.

The desire for attention, for significance, for winning every transaction, for love, for filling your gaping hole inside. Continue reading “It’s normal to be miserable: the itch to scratch”

Define what is success for you, to become successful

Define what is success for you, to become successful

I sleep poorly the night before every Playground session. It takes me hours to fall asleep, and I have trouble-filled dreams.

So when I got up this past Saturday, it was freezing cold, in the single digits outside… single digits in Fahrenheit is very cold… double digits in the minus in Celsius.

So I pondered what I had to look forward that day. Continue reading “Define what is success for you, to become successful”

Shoot holes into it… make it like a Swiss Cheese

Shoot holes into it… make it like a Swiss Cheese

shoot-holes-into-itDo what’s difficult when it’s easy.

This principle comes from Seneca, the elder, but it seems that it has another way to say it: do what you see, when you see it.

I am, in some way, still a child and crack up when I hear bathroom humor. I can’t talk about passing gas without laughing. Yours truly is about five years old in this regard.

One of my favorite such jokes is about the dude who goes to the doctor, and asks him to do something about his farting: it is silent and doesn’t smell… but it still bothers him.

The doctor scratches his head and gives him some pills… and tells him to come back a week later. The dude is back, enraged: your pills made my gas smell like hell, he says.

To which the doctor answers: good, we have cleared your sinuses, so you can smell. Now we’ll work on your hearing.

Now, why am I telling you bathroom jokes? To entertain you?

No, this is education.

Your body, your brain, Consciousness works the same “shoot holes in it before you can tackle it” way. Continue reading “Shoot holes into it… make it like a Swiss Cheese”

Why, in spite of a good process you are taught, you don’t live a transformed life?

So I am listening to the “itch” calls from 2014, and I am mortified at the level of transformation… It is near zero.

Sometimes I put the cart in front of the horse…

The insight (the horse) on the two selves that unless they become a team, no transformation can happen, came since I did those amazing Itch calls in 2014… so no wonder that the results are missing…

What am I talking about?

Your machine, your particular machine, was built based on an incident. Or better said: a decision you made by you (or accepted about yourself) as a child. 1

So far so good… but the process doesn’t stop there.

There is a series of “therefores”… behaviors, that come from that early decision, and all of them are ugly. Fake. Pretentious. All try to fix what wasn’t true to begin with. Continue reading “Why, in spite of a good process you are taught, you don’t live a transformed life?”