The cost of believing in the power of mind

The cost of believing in the power of mind

people don't think... and thinking is power.You are supposedly the peak of evolution… and you supposedly have a brilliant tool: your thinking brain. But when you only use it to do mind-functions, remembering and recalling, you use only 1-3% of its power… and you are a slave. Unless you have the courage to learn to use your brain correctly… you’ll remain a slave.

A famous physics professor, one day, was shaking his head.

‘I can’t teach them physics the way I learned physics’ he complained.

I interview students for my graduate program, and they are all, almost all, unable to think for themselves.

When they show up for the interview, I ask them: Why are you wearing the suit jacket you are wearing?
Continue reading “The cost of believing in the power of mind”

What is my superpower that made me a producer?

What is my superpower that made me a producer?

if I had a superpowerI have discovered my superpower that has rendered me as productive as a team of three. That has allowed me to consistently be a producer, for the past 58 years, producing way beyond what a normal person would.

Want to know my superpower?

I have three major emotional, gutter responses to things to do: Continue reading “What is my superpower that made me a producer?”

Skill? Talking about flying isn’t…

Skill? Talking about flying isn’t…

this is a skillet...Talking about flying isn’t. Everyone can talk about flying, but only flying is flying… and most people who talk about flying are giving lip service to flying. It takes real skill to fly… Bummer, eh?

Most every course, workshop, book, workbook, even one-on-one coaching, consulting, leave you with no skills. They teach you knowledge… about. Information. Having an idea about how to do something, maybe some even do it for you, but guess what? Next time you need to do something, or something changes, you are sh!t out of luck: you have to hire them again.

My goal has always been to leave you with all the power, and having the skill to do what you need to do is having all the power. Continue reading “Skill? Talking about flying isn’t…”

Self-love, self-hate… let’s dig deep on these, shall we?

Self-love, self-hate… let’s dig deep on these, shall we?

Integrity is an inside job. It is between you and yourself.

Everyone has two selves, one that is perfect, and the other that is flawed.

The perfect one is generous, loving, unconditionally. It is compassionate.

The flawed one KNOWS, i.e. assumes that it is judged, looked down upon, and is full of hatred, anger, fear, anxiety, rebellion, and expects to be loved and accepted the way it is… and even though is loved, and accepted… it can only feel its own emotions.

This is so with every emotion. You can’t feel the love that is coming towards you. You can only feel the love that you feel for the other, Your love. Your anger. Your hate.

So no matter how much the perfect self loves the flawed self, the flawed self will feel judged… hated, despised, etc.

I have been observing my clients and my students, and there is one common characteristic that only varies in intensity: and that is self-hate… and stinginess towards self… as in punishing the self for not being perfect. Continue reading “Self-love, self-hate… let’s dig deep on these, shall we?”

How do you model after a successful person? Emulate him.

How do you model after a successful person? Emulate him.

model after a successful personHow do you model after a successful person? You emulate him. But what can you emulate?

Do you do what they say? Do you do what you see?

They say if you want to become successful, you need to find a mentor and model after him. Emulate him.

I have a very successful teacher who teaches what he does: email marketing.

I am on quite a few people’s mailing list who are also his students.

I watch what they do. I read their emails. And I can see that they model after his email style, they model after his relentless work ethic, some models after his edginess, but none has seen or felt, or taken notice to what degree he cares about his customers. He says he doesn’t, but he does. Deeply. Continue reading “How do you model after a successful person? Emulate him.”

Feel powerless? What will it take to become powerful?

Feel powerless? What will it take to become powerful?

I have been observing that someone from Tallin, Estonia, a former Soviet Union country, has been spending time on my site.

And then in yesterday’s email, Vishen Lakhiani from Mind Valley announced a new masterclass: Unconditional Self-Love.

I don’t know what his wife is going to teach on that masterclass, but I know one thing: it will be, most likely, really beautiful, nice, heartwarming, and utterly ineffective. Why?

Answering that why is what this article is about… what they won’t teach you at Mindvalley. Continue reading “Feel powerless? What will it take to become powerful?”

Your godlike power awaits

Your godlike power awaits

nefilimI have been pondering, for many years, what influence has caused humanity to deviate and not develop according to the blueprint that is clear from the DNA tree.

Something must have happened…

In a child’s life it’s being introduced to something they are emotionally not prepared for, like molestation, or witnessing the death of a parent, and a slew of other ways adults can and do corrupt a child.

That child never really develops along healthy lines… their development into an adult will be, in some way, corrupted. Interestingly, their corrupted development will be almost certainly predictable by their soul correction. Why? I have no clue.

The other day I was watching a youtube video…. Continue reading “Your godlike power awaits”

What is word in ‘my word is my bond’ statement?

What is word in ‘my word is my bond’ statement?

Integrity, the bottom line, is your word. WORD.

What constitutes your word, you should ask… Why? Because if you are like most people, you babble all day, inside and outside.

Homo Sapiens lives through babbling.

The evolutionary state humans are at is Homo Sapiens. NOT Human Being. Human Being lives through BEING… not available on the level of Homo Sapiens.

So our most important aspect, babbling, is our Achilles Heel… and that we say more, much more than we are willing to commit to. Continue reading “What is word in ‘my word is my bond’ statement?”

Why your capacities will turn off, one by one

Why your capacities will turn off, one by one

Without integrity nothing works… your capacities will turn off, one by one

I got a good question from a client who can’t or won’t keep her Sight capacity on for any length of time.

She asked: How quickly is the capacity switching off after you re-activate it? Is it switching off before I get the chance to even use it?

I looked, muscletested a few ideas, and started to see what’s happening.

A good question can trigger a lot of looking and if you have The Sight capacity, a lot of seeing.

A saw that seeing what there is to see is very confronting, because now you know you are full of crap. so as soon as the ego sees the light on, it turns it off

What do I mean? Continue reading “Why your capacities will turn off, one by one”

How you fake your consciousness… Is it working?

How you fake your consciousness… Is it working?
Your level of vibration closely correlates with your level of integrity. And the vibration of humans is dropping about 10 points a year…

I am working on the integrity workshop coming up in two days, and am starting to see why someone with less than 200 vibration is focusing on the actions, instead of the context.

The hallmark of low vibration is to see only what is visible… the obvious.

Not surprisingly the level of integrity closely matches the level of vibration… and trying to change the actions is an inefficient and ineffective way to integrity. Continue reading “How you fake your consciousness… Is it working?”