Epigenetics… the path of human evolution or devolution

Epigenetics… the path of human evolution or devolution
How I use the energy that I download during the Days of Power

After I moved out of my parents’ home into my own place, I met this guy who became my boy friend. My very first boy friend.

He was a philosophy student, son of a well known philosopher.

I didn’t understand a word they were speaking. When I typed up his thesis I bastardized some of the words, because I had no idea they weren’t typos. They didn’t look like regular words.

Here I am 53 years later. If you asked me what profession I have, I would say that I am closest to being a philosopher. Boggles the mind. Doesn’t it? lol Continue reading “Epigenetics… the path of human evolution or devolution”

Is this Universe with you in it is a hologram?

Is this Universe with you in it is a hologram?

Does it matter whether this Universe with you in it is a hologram or not?

Great question, isn’t it? I am very proud of myself for asking it.

But if I get an answer, and I go “yes”, unless I find out what exactly I asked that was answered, I am as dumb and assuming as I was before I asked the question.

So, what way can it matter whether this/you are a hologram or not?

  • Emotionally
  • Physically
  • As a context… inside which we live this life of struggle…

Continue reading “Is this Universe with you in it is a hologram?”

Religion, smart Jews, and being a good person… what do spiritual capacities have to do with it?

ZSvideoMEMRIEgyptianClerics1-viThis article is politically incorrect, and somewhat philosophical…

Not up for it? Spare yourself frustration, and don’t read it.

OK… now that only the eleven or so readers that are up for it remain reading, I can be blunt, and use some six letter words… lol.

Of course, this is, at least partially tongue in cheek…

OK, I am going to, first talk about a new insight I have on religion, then about Jews, capacities, genetically smarter… and other politically incorrect subjects that are keeping me busy pondering today.

Continue reading “Religion, smart Jews, and being a good person… what do spiritual capacities have to do with it?”

Ask WHY five times to stimulate consciousness

nutrition-supplementWhen I read stuff, I don’t resist. When I notice I do, I let go…

I allow the stuff to flow through me without blocking it. I consider everything I read a theory… not the truth.

Once I think I “got” all the stuff… I stop and allow consciousness to poke around. I need consciousness to look, because I am going to muscletest truth value, and I am going to ask questions.

I feel when consciousness is done looking. Then I muscletest the truth value. I normally start at 10%, and then I go up or down, until the answer is “no”.

Once I know the number, I am interested why the number is so low.
Continue reading “Ask WHY five times to stimulate consciousness”