The 67-step coaching, the good life and your Soul correction

The 67-step coaching, the good life and your Soul correction

revealing-the-hiddenIn my last article, I was praising Thought Experiments as a tool to get to the good life.

But: in the area of thinking you are like a human who gave up trying to walk after the first failure, and is now zipping around in a motorized wheelchair.

Alternatively, you could have been educated in the United States… the result, no thinking, is the same. Same in China…

A thinking person is dangerous “civilization”.

But I am thinking all the time! you cry…

But you are not thinking, you are having thoughts. No conscious effort.

Are any of the soul correction types fare worse off than others?

Hell yeah. Your soul correction is your cross to bear… and some are worse off than others.
Continue reading “The 67-step coaching, the good life and your Soul correction”

What do I know that you don’t, that I don’t often get upset? In spite of my peppery constitution…

you live in a world of your own designOne of the things I learned in Landmark Education, 1 is that there is physical development, and there is emotional, ethical, moral development each person needs to go through to become a fully functioning adult.

It was brand new information to me and it blew my mind.

It was new to me in spite of the fact that I was educated, having read thousands of books… even about child psychiatry, and yet, it was an earth shattering revelation to me.

I, like other people, thought that children were born with the capacity to understand why certain things are harmful, etc.

I’d thought that the inability to comprehend and appreciate responsibility for your own actions, for example, was not inability, instead it was unwillingness. Ability as programmed by the genes wasn’t becoming clear to me until about 13 years later. Continue reading “What do I know that you don’t, that I don’t often get upset? In spite of my peppery constitution…”

If nothing has worked for you… you are still as stuck as ever

If nothing has worked for you… you are still as stuck as ever

Let’s look at the role of discovery in growth… your growth… if there is no growth, there has been no discovery.

All the steps of the 67 steps program are nudges for you to discover something that you haven’t seen.

Of course, like with everything, your tendency is to go to your head for the answers, and not look at all outside of your head.

The step (Step 5) where the homework is to list what you see about poor people and rich people is a great step to show your relationship to growth.

If you think you are rich, you go and tell me how what you do, how you think, how you feel is the way to be rich. No looking, no discovery.
Continue reading “If nothing has worked for you… you are still as stuck as ever”

The path to freedom and happiness in a world where neither freedom nor happiness are supported

pleasure-principleI have gotten to a point in reading Freud’s book where I am now clear where what he says and what I know to be effective in facilitating happiness in humans.

Here is what is going on… psychologically, socially, and maybe even genetically, though that is too deep for my current understanding.

Humans are animals, with the same drives any animal has: the drive to procreate and the drive to aggression to everyone who seems to stand in their way.

Sounds simplistic, but it’s that simple.
Continue reading “The path to freedom and happiness in a world where neither freedom nor happiness are supported”

You read, you watch videos, and nothing seems to stick, nothing seems to become useful knowledge

why you can't learn anything you need to knowIf you are trying, you read, you watch videos, and nothing seems to stick, nothing seems to become useful knowledge, listen up.

This is an interaction from yesterday, with a student of mine who has this same problem.

He says: I can’t even explain how I need and want to allow more knowledge in and execute it in my life. You are right my lack of humility is preventing me from doing anything new. It is so tough when I want to learn more but I can’t get it to stick.

My answer: it may not be true now. humility is on right now.
watch a video or something while it’s still on

he asks: How do you approach reading or listening to a recording?
Continue reading “You read, you watch videos, and nothing seems to stick, nothing seems to become useful knowledge”

Innovation vs fixing… how can you have any circumstance and still be happy?


Innovate yourself out of the problem

If you are here, reading this blog, you have a complaint about life… something you’d like to fix. Even if you are pretending that you are “just” curious… all humans living on Planet Earth have something they don’t like and they’d like to fix it.

That is the first inclination of everyone. You have an itch: scratch it. Have a problem? Find a solution.

Solution is a code word for fixing.

But we all face a problem, like the dog who scratched his skin so now it is raw and is going to get infected.

The solution is the next problem, usually bigger than the original problem.

So what can you do?

If Tai Lopez is any indication, Sir Richard Branson said: “Innovate yourself out of the problem”.
Continue reading “Innovation vs fixing… how can you have any circumstance and still be happy?”

Evolution, upsetting the apple cart or staying the same

Evolution, upsetting the apple cart or staying the same

upsetting-the-standing-orderEvolution, or upsetting the apple cart. Do we have the strength in the face of ego, and society demanding that we stay the same?

Upsetting the apple cart… the standing order of things. In your case: what you can and can’t do, have and feel. The misery, the pretense, the must, and the ought to… This is what today’s article is about.

Can you feel the ego squirming? Good… keep one eye on the ego… Please.

I have just started to read the first book Tai Lopez has on his 100 book recommended list.

This one is right up my alley, because it is about the genes and their role in the evolution.

If you imagine the DNA as a 300 page book, a gene is a few lines in it.

But those few lines make you behave differently than if you didn’t have them.

Each gene that is turned on makes you choose what you eat, how you walk, who you mate with, and what you read.
Continue reading “Evolution, upsetting the apple cart or staying the same”

Another way lack of humility screws with you

To be unattached is not to renounce the world. If you renounce the world you are attached to the world; otherwise why should you renounce it? What is the point in renouncing it if you are not attached to it? Only attachment renounces. If you are really non-attached there is no question of any renunciation.The Detached/Unattached 2 capacity workshop evolved into a major tranformational process course… which I didn’t know it was going to do. 3

Lots of insights, but here is one I want to share:

In your life, beginning with your life in the womb, you made up stories about how you are, how others are, how life is.

Your life, the quality of your life, whether you are worth a damn, whether you have knowledge, strategy, whether you do something worth doing or not, are given by the stories you made up.
Continue reading “Another way lack of humility screws with you”

Happiness is a rope dance, walking a thin line

Happiness is a rope dance, walking a thin line

Happiness is a rope dance, walking a thin line. No wonder you are not happy… or how lack of humility is the big issue

Little more about humility… the cog in the wheel

One detrimental functions of ‘lack of humility’ as a capacity, is that you can’t change your mind about your past. Continue reading “Happiness is a rope dance, walking a thin line”

I got knocked conscious, I got knocked aware, and it hurts what I saw

I got knocked conscious by the 67 stepsWhen people start working with me, the first thing they learn is that they are not as “good” as they thought. That who they are being is directly responsible for the quality of their lives, not circumstances, not “the other”.

Must sting.

I also have people who only want to chat, and leave the call unscathed… unchanged, and I grieve for them.


Because the first step to getting anywhere in life is to get, exactly, precisely, where you are at.

Without delusion. Without regrets. With sober eyes.

So, today I had a lot of my own medicine: session #3 of the 67 steps: I found out where I stand with Humility.
Continue reading “I got knocked conscious, I got knocked aware, and it hurts what I saw”