“need to meet others’ expectation” is important, but why?

“need to meet others’ expectation” is important,  but why?

And how it doesn’t mean to please everybody, or even one person. You’ll see…

Our language is so corrupt, it is hard to find a person who means what they say… I mean the words. You’ll see what meeting others’ expectation is… Not what’s on the illustrations… 🙁

The most willfully ignored need, in my experience, is the need to meet others’ expectation.

What prevents you from honoring that need is a misunderstanding. Or we could say: the mis-weighing bias. All biases are misunderstanding how things work, shortcuts that give you a different result than what you expected.

In not honoring but ignoring this need, your chances for success, your chances for love, for self-expression, for happiness are so greatly diminished, it’s not even funny. Continue reading ““need to meet others’ expectation” is important, but why?”

Everything is connected… ok, maybe, but what does that mean to you?!

Everything is connected… ok, maybe, but what does that mean to you?!

Everything is connected. The connection is in the invisible realm, but it is not less real than the visible, it is just either below the surface or its wave length is not in the visible range of light.

The connection can be

  • chemical in nature.
  • It can be vibrational in nature
  • Electric in nature

I’ll give you some examples I am suddenly seeing now that my vibration jumped to 950.
Continue reading “Everything is connected… ok, maybe, but what does that mean to you?!”

Working on the thing you want, directly, is a mistake…

Working on the thing you want, directly, is a mistake…

you are a liarThe same faulty thinking, the same thinking that makes you not do things that don’t directly produce money, or the results you seek, the same thinking that makes you a chef with no food in the pantry, is what keeps your relationships empty, and causes your vibration to remain low.

I was just looking at a post of mine: an Osho talk.

He says: Allow Silence to Grow

It triggered a distaste in my mouth. I published that article and I am suddenly knocking it? WTF, right?

But there is a reason… I have changed. I see things that even just a week ago could not see

I have to confess something: I am reading a book, called “Feelings” and inadvertently it has knocked my vibration up a notch. How? Why? It managed to put me in touch with some feelings I have been protecting myself from.
Continue reading “Working on the thing you want, directly, is a mistake…”

My little contest to move you into a capacity you need

My little contest to move you into a capacity you need

I am always suspicious of things, books, movies, series, that are best sellers.

Why? Because if it is likable by the masses, then it probably is full of low vibration stuff.

The other day I didn’t feel like reading heavy duty stuff, I was craving story. Stories are very important to humans: you get that as you can. Most, alas, gets it in gossip. Facebook, trash sites, click-bait and such.

The vibrational level of gossip is 70. Adjust your vibration to get closer and closer to 70.

Sitting in the living room, pretending to do your own work, while others gossip: you would be sitting in your bedroom if you would ever want to be higher vibration.
Continue reading “My little contest to move you into a capacity you need”

The habit of reading, nodding, and moving on…

The habit of reading, nodding, and moving on…

Talk about useless activity! Tree of Knowledge, mind candy, justifying self… all the bad stuff. Bad for you… keeping you exactly where you are… and if that is a bad place… then it keeps you firmly anchored to that bad place.

And it is the overwhelming habit of readers of my site.

But to make it even worse: it is the habit of some of my 67 step students.

Useless, waste of time, unless all you want is entertainment. Then I understand. Continue reading “The habit of reading, nodding, and moving on…”

Choose your life in the first hour of your day. The Backdrop

Choose your life in the first hour of your day. The Backdrop

being-firstEvery day works best if and when you have a context set in the first hour of the day.

If you prefer the imprecise New Age-y language of Esther Hicks, the original quote is here

Take the time to line up the Energy first, and action becomes inconsequential. If you don’t take the time to line up the Energy, if you don’t find the feeling place of what you’re looking for, not enough action in the world will make any difference.

She is trying to say the same thing. Trying. Continue reading “Choose your life in the first hour of your day. The Backdrop”

Increasing your cell hydration is the first step I recommend you take to raise your vibration?

Increasing your cell hydration is the first step I recommend you take to raise your vibration?

lifespan-before-floodWhen people want to raise their vibration, when people want to improve their lives, ultimately I recommend that they start with increasing their cell hydration.

The cell, when it is struggling to perform the functions the cell is designed to do, has a real hard time to give you energy for life.

The life that you want to live needs you to have a lot more energy than you have, physical energy, emotional energy, intellectual energy, spiritual energy. And when your cells are dehydrated they can’t give it to you.

I don’t know if it is true that death is when enough of your cells die because of dehydration, but it makes a lot of sense.
Continue reading “Increasing your cell hydration is the first step I recommend you take to raise your vibration?”

Ignorance in health matters is killing you

Ignorance in health matters is killing you

granny with flexibilityThis is not a gimmick… This old lady can do this and a ton of other stunts…

The question you should ask not how she remained so flexible, because who cares…

Instead: ask a question that is relevant to you:

What is it that you can do to regain some of your flexibility, some of your energy, so you can enjoy life more, feel younger, look younger.

That is exactly what I did. Continue reading “Ignorance in health matters is killing you”

The Wise, the Foolish, and the Evil test

The Wise, the Foolish, and the Evil test

necessary-endingsThe personality test that tells you if you can grow, and if you can benefit from working with me.

I have been at my wits’ end for years now.

Today I found out what was missing…

Remember the wise saying: when something is not working, there is something you don’t know.

More often than not, what you don’t know is a distinction… and it was definitely true in my case.

I have been making the mistake of coaching and dealing with my people as if they were me… like me… similar to me.

Continue reading “The Wise, the Foolish, and the Evil test”

Metabolic Prime review. exercise make you lose weight?

Metabolic Prime review. exercise make you lose weight?

metabolic-primeOK. I just spent about an hour destroying my vibration…

What I am willing to do for you?!

OK, what the f… happened, right?

Well, easy.

I got an email from Bill Harris of Holosync fame. The email is about a system that promises to activate your youngifying genes… your metabolically active tissues (????) and it takes only 60 minutes a week… short bursts of workout.

I don’t like Bill Harris. I don’t trust Bill Harris. 1Here is Bill’s email…

Here’s something for you if you’re struggling to lose weight, based on some quite interesting new research.

I keep up on the latest information regarding diet, health, and exercise, mainly because…

…I want to stay healthy.
Continue reading “Metabolic Prime review. exercise make you lose weight?”