Originally posted 2011-11-08 18:13:28.
Sweep The Floor, Wash The Windows, Vs. Move To A New House Or A New Country… Or The Different Modalities Of Self-Improvement, Self-Development And Transformation
I have been looking at some of my personal sticking points.
Addicted to milk, addicted to sugar, avoiding doing the laundry… these are just the tip of the ice berg.
Oh, you thought that I was beyond that? Oh, sorry to disappoint, you are never beyond that. Besides, if I were, I would not be writing these posts, it would be painfully boring.
Life is about growing, life is about being an advancing personality, not about comfortably teaching something that is a non-issue for me. Even if writing about it would potentially cause your growth: life is about each person becoming an advancing personality, not some teaching others to be that, so they can be off the hook…
Anyway, returning to my top of the iceberg imperfections: I am wondering what is the payoff.