Integrity: Your rights as a buyer of my energy products

Your rights as a buyer of my energy products

You are buying a copy of my energy audio for your personal use. You can use it yourself, you can even make energy remedies for other people, but you are not allowed to duplicate the audio and give it to anyone else, including your family.

Is this enforceable? No, not by me. But…
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Why You Still Need God. But where do you find God?

looking-for-godSome people are like grasshoppers, others like butterflies, some bees, bumble bees. I seem to be the kind of person who sticks with one “plant” until its juices become tasteless, or until it’s time to move on.

neal-stephensonMy current fascination is with Neal Stephenson, whose novels I would call historical fiction.

I have read the Cryptonomicon, and I am 60% into Quicksilver (The Baroque Cycle No. 1). The main characters of this book are the same family as in Cryptonomicon, only 300 years earlier. In addition to the main characters, Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Now, you can do your reading on these two giants of science, mathematics, geometry, astrology, if you want, I won’t do it. I am not into that. I am into catching glimpses of heaven in everything I do, everything I watch, everything I read.
Continue reading “Why You Still Need God. But where do you find God?”

On Insomnia and My Sleep Rescue Remedy to help you sleep

On Insomnia and My Sleep Rescue Remedy to help you sleep

I can't sleepInsomnia, 14 million pages on google… big issue.

from wikipedia: Insomnia, or sleeplessness, is a sleep disorder in which there is an inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep as long as desired. Continue reading “On Insomnia and My Sleep Rescue Remedy to help you sleep”

New Age Myth Busting: Abundance, Manifesting, and other positive stuff

tikkunNew Age teachers say that we live in a world of abundance. Law of Attraction people say the same.

Now, it may be true, to some degree, but it is not necessarily a good thing for a normal human 1

We live in the physical world. We have physical bodies, and our survival is physical, depending on physical resources that other humans, other physical bodies are in competition for.

Now, is that a good thing? Is the sky a good thing? Is the earth a good thing? It’s a stupid question: it is neither good, nor bad, it is just what’s so.
Continue reading “New Age Myth Busting: Abundance, Manifesting, and other positive stuff”

Talk back to me: why is my vibration so low? I meditate, I try to be heart-centered…

Here is an actual conversation in email, over time.

Me, after measuring the person’s vibration

Your vibration is 150.


Thank you Sophie. I think maybe I have been drinking too much wine lately. Would that affect it? I also have had a bit of sad news about a family member. I will consider the HOE when I have a better chance to look at the website later.

Am I ready for the DNA upgrade?

Continue reading “Talk back to me: why is my vibration so low? I meditate, I try to be heart-centered…”

The Capacity Of Having: The Most Important Capacity Of All

buddha had the capacity of having, the capacity of allowingThis article will leave you disbelieving that I know you at all… after all you think you know yourself.

But if you allow me to crack the dense bubble you live in, just a little bit, and show you how exercising this capacity will change your life to the better, maybe, and just maybe, you will allow me to get the work done with you…

Why would you resist? Because we all think of having stuff, having love, having capacities, having everything, but we have no idea what having is. But having is possessing, and not doing… and therein lies the mischief.
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Can you love and hate, have compassion/contempt?

Can you love and hate, have compassion/contempt?

Choosing, caring, designer energies…

On Sunday we went back to Standard Time, and it’s Tuesday. The time change always whacks me out, it takes me weeks to get back my bearings.

I slept in today. I missed the garbage pickup. I have a sore throat. …but had a dream that brought up some issues that are worth talking about.

Caring is not a feeling. Caring is choosing

Continue reading “Can you love and hate, have compassion/contempt?”

Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths

Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths

There is no light without darkness and there is no darkness without light. If darkness ever takes over for a moment, in that moment light will be reborn. Continue reading “Witches, Sorcerers, Dark Side Practitioners, Sociopaths”

The energy of insistence: will it make you successful?

The energy of insistence: will it make you successful?

In one of the posts from last week I asked people to put in the comment box the three characteristics they are most proud of having.

One of them, persistently shows up repeatedly. Yet, the people that are persistent are not successful, not by a long shot. Why? After all it seems like a desirable characteristic, doesn’t it? Continue reading “The energy of insistence: will it make you successful?”

Opportunity Seeker? Fixer? Looking for instant something? Or maybe know someone like that?

I have been thinking of approaching some of my friends and ask them to introduce me to their customers.

Most of my friends are in internet marketing, given that I have been studying internet marketing since 2004.

I need to be able to figure out what it is that is relevant, in what I teach, for opportunity seekers.

Opportunity seekers are hellbent in finding something that will make them instantly and effortlessly rich, smart, a winner, a stud… pick your poison. Opportunity seeking is like a drug, really, seeking is like a drug. It is like chasing the blue bird of happiness: it appears just within reach only to fly away once you get close to it. The more you are engaged the more addicted you become.

Opportunity seeking is addictive and it is an addiction.
Continue reading “Opportunity Seeker? Fixer? Looking for instant something? Or maybe know someone like that?”