Why those successful people became successful and not you?

Why those successful people became successful and not you?

You are Stuck…

Stuck without a solution, stuck in a tight spot, stuck in a relationship, stuck with an irrevocable promise, stuck in a job, stuck behind… Stuck. And stuck is stuck.

This is the landscape of our life. NORMAL.

Whether we verbalize it or not, we feel stuck. life seems to work against us, and we feel we are a poor match to deal with what we need to deal with. Continue reading “Why those successful people became successful and not you?”

What do you like about me? What don’t you like about me?

What do you like about me? What don’t you like about me?

Today is December 18, 2016…

I went to my chiropractor today: my neck was stuck.

I took a ride with the community center van. On the way back the driver of the van gave me feedback on myself: eager. As in eager beaver… busybody, annoying, rushing people.

I was already waiting outside when he came to pick me up, and I was waiting for him outside the chiropractor’s off ice when he came to pick me up. I meant to make it easier and faster for him, but that is not how it landed… obviously.

Ugh. That hurts…
Continue reading “What do you like about me? What don’t you like about me?”

There is no such thing as enlightenment… is there?

There is no such thing as enlightenment… is there?

There is no such THING as enlightenment.

There is moving to and living on the Tree of Life, raising your vibration. But enlightenment?

It is a concept to dupe the gullible billions into striving for enlightenment. Into believing in instant and permanent salvation. Into giving up personal growth and learning… These are ways of thinking, ways of being all OK on the Tree of Knowledge. Continue reading “There is no such thing as enlightenment… is there?”

Because of great love one is courageous.

Because of great love one is courageous.

no love no courageI have written about it, I have even quoted Lao Tsu: Because of great love one is courageous. Lao Tsu taught effortless action, which is in line with Life, he calls Tao.

But if the fundamental understanding of life is missing, if life is fundamentally misunderstood, then that quote is misunderstood.

We, humans, have that ‘love is something you feel for another person’. Or for ice cream, or a puppy… more often, lol.

But what if the love Lao Tsu is talking about is something entirely different?
Continue reading “Because of great love one is courageous.”

Find the Growth Method That Matches Your Personality

Find the Growth Method That Matches Your Personality

There are two big categories of humans from the aspect of personal growth.

  1. sheep, victim, the effect… not in action, hoping, praying, visualizing, etc.
  2. the climber

Climber can be someone who climbs the Tree of Life… and can be the type of person I want to talk about in this article. The politician. The ruthless user. The win-lose type of person. The either/or person who cannot even imagine, tolerate, or stomach the you AND me model of thinking.

Why do you want to know them? Because you need to know evil intimately to fight evil. Both outside and inside.
Continue reading “Find the Growth Method That Matches Your Personality”

You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive

You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive

lying-to-continueYou can’t fix being human

..that is one of the disappointing things you learn when you do work with me. I won’t feed you baloney like “you are a spiritual being having a human experience…” and other garden variety horse manure.

The other half-sentence is just as disappointing: “you can’t get out of this life alive…”

These two half-sentences address 70% of the popular delusions of humanity.

When you internalize these truly, when you start to be energized by them then your vibration will jump 50 points or more. Continue reading “You can’t fix being human… you can’t get out of life alive”

Your deserving factor, your earning factor… How much do you deserve? How much have you earned? Are you worth a damn?

I am listening to step 1 of the 67 steps again. The seventh time? Eighth time? I have lost track.

And as is usual for me, I am seeing something that Tai is not saying, and I kind of have been seeing, but not really. In the corner of my eyes.

Restoring Coherence. Harness and redirect the energy

Restoring Coherence. Harness and redirect the energy

manage your attentionRestoring Coherence. Harness and redirect the energy instead of allowing it to diminish you

Not everything you feel is an emotion.

There are emotions and then there are the effects of emotions. But…

…all emotions can cause incoherence…

Continue reading “Restoring Coherence. Harness and redirect the energy”

What a nice cup of coffee has to do with having a Self?

What a nice cup of coffee has to do with having a Self?
How much voice do YOU have in the chorus of the voices that live in your head?

It’s Thursday morning, and I am starting a new experiment.

Yesterday I discovered that I have no idea what it is like to eat when you have an appetite. I observed myself, and I solely eat, have been eating, for taste. Texture. The mouthfeel.

But my physiology wants me to eat for appetite. 1 Bummer, I don’t know the first thing about appetite… 🙁
I look at different languages to get a clue… In Hungarian appetite, the word, says “the desire to eat”. Hm. In other languages there are appetizers… that grow that desire to eat, or maybe to wake up the dormant desire? Continue reading “What a nice cup of coffee has to do with having a Self?”