Are you good? Are you bad?

15_im a good girl bibOur last Playground, earlier today, was on the topic of “good/bad.”

It’s a great topic. Why? Because you are limited by that, good and bad, more than most any other adjective: you want to be good, you need to be good, you pretend to be good, you fancy yourself as a good person, you sell your soul to be thought of as good. God will let you into heaven if you are good… you go to hell if you are bad… blah, blah, blah. Lots of greed, lots of suffering around good and bad.

As a foreigner I watch it with fascination. Good and bad is worn like a uniform, covering up a ton of anxiety.
Continue reading “Are you good? Are you bad?”

Pick your battles…

pick-your-battles-feelingsPick your battles… have an organizing principle

A good 20 years ago I had lunch with a famous seminar leader from Landmark Education. We had a long history, and she shared with me how unhappy she was, and how ready she was to quit leading seminars for Landmark Education.

I was quite dumbfounded… she was the best in the country, the most effective…

She said: “We teach people to be more effective, and many use the technology to be more effectively dupe people, abuse people, exploit people, make the world a worse place than it would be if they were not equipped with what we teach them.”

I didn’t have an answer for her… but I was pondering that myself for the past 20 years.

And this morning I am as close to having an answer as ever…
Continue reading “Pick your battles…”

12 steps toward becoming truly who you are: the Playground program

12-step programThe Playground program: the history

Back in 1988 when I first created the Playground: It is never too late to have a happy childhood, I’d just come out from participating in a 12-step program, similar to AA, but for people who suffered from the behavior of the alcoholic.

It turns out, that a troubled household with troubled parents creates the same symptoms as one with an alcoholic parent: a lack of safety. My parents weren’t alcoholic, but their behavior was erratic. One day I was beaten up for a behavior, the next it was ignored… Nerve wrecking. There was nothing I could count on to be quasi permanent and reliable. It’s a miracle that I didn’t withdraw into schizophrenia.

What’s good about 12-step programs?

Anyway, I liked the environment of a 12-step meeting: the meeting had principles, but it had no coaching, no rebuttal, no arguments, it was a very adult and equals program, as opposed to any other place in the world.
Continue reading “12 steps toward becoming truly who you are: the Playground program”

You want to raise your vibration. You want to become an Expanding Human Being. You want abundance. You want fun, joy, and love.


Summary: this article started out to be short and sweet and, because it is so important, became really big. The most important things are said in the footnotes, so don’t miss them. The article reveals what it is you need and probably don’t have, will never have, to become an Expanding Human Being. But it is good to know, at least you will know what you can and what you can’t… and stop deluding yourself, and others.

To celebrate that amazon kicked me out, I am offering a 2 for 1 on all my remedies… until further notice. Go to the special site I made….

Continue reading “You want to raise your vibration. You want to become an Expanding Human Being. You want abundance. You want fun, joy, and love.”

Listening to the Unconditional Love Activator on the train

attain your freedom through the use of the Unconditional Love ActivatorBe Happy again: Does, listening to the Unconditional Love Activator on the train, activate Unconditional Love?

Thank you Sophie
my usage after hearing the first 40 mins of the sleepy time audio yesterday night and today on the train: I felt very energized and also, my “need” and “desperation” of seeking validation or that clingy-ness to be liked is drastically reduced, it’s still there the approval syndrome, but i feel better about myself.
Best Regards

Hi Kate. your email teaches me that you don’t understand how activators work, so here is a little refresher:

There are five generations of activators. Out of those we still use three.
Continue reading “Listening to the Unconditional Love Activator on the train”

Some Kabbalistic Wisdom From my KabbalahChick blog

Seeds of Agenda: What’s In It For You?
Rav Ashlag, founder of The Kabbalah Centre, said that ego-less sharing is almost impossible.

When a person wants to change and transform themselves, they will never do it unless they get something out of it.

The energy needed for the sharing and caring must come from their ego.

There is a paradox, no doubt. On one hand giving and sharing and caring sounds like it’s not selfish. On the other hand, without a selfish motive, no one will ever share. Mother Teresa, or anyone! But if the giving is selfish, the rewards are all ego-rewards, short term high, long term low…

But here is a move that will surprise you:

When you acknowledge your initial selfish motives, the rewards of your giving are longer lasting. But when you think you are doing it out of the goodness of your hearts, there will be a short-circuit at some point in the process.

So, how do you do it?
Continue reading “Some Kabbalistic Wisdom From my KabbalahChick blog”

More Water Energizer Reviews. more are on the way

More Water Energizer Reviews. more are on the way

Awesome, matchless taste! When you drink it, the water slides down the throat easily and leaves a sweetish after-taste in the mouth. And you want more and more of it… My husband tasted it too and said: It’s pure water!

Also, I feel light, tiny tingling along my spine and in the fingertips each time I drink it. I used it for everything: tea, coffee, soup, washing the vegetables, even for rinsing my hair – it gets nice shine.

Did an experiment with a cabbage: I cut slightly its root, put it in a zip-lock bag, poured some of the energized water on it, put it in the fridge and after a while it became more crispy and less stringy…

Great work, teacher!

Thank you,
Matsa Continue reading “More Water Energizer Reviews. more are on the way”

Duality: is that the trouble with the Universe?

Duality: is that the trouble with the Universe?
Duality: is that the trouble with the Universe, or the nature of the Universe?

I have been attracting new people, a new breed of people, people that have been on the spiritual path. They litter their emails and their speakings with generalities and rules that they learned from their teachers and gurus, one-ness, duality, acceptance, etc.

The teaching that I want to talk about in this article is the concept that duality is wrong, and we are all one. Continue reading “Duality: is that the trouble with the Universe?”

Dark Side Report, June 2012

Dark Side Eating Up The Light Like a Pak-man

How And With What Methods And Vehicles Does The Dark Side Spread And Gain Ground? Mind-share and heart-share…

Don’t be mistaken: the Dark Side is growing, and in spite of self-professed do-gooders, light-workers, etc. the Dark Side is back to 40%. 1

Last year in June I spent six week downloading the First Phase Activators into every human inhabitant of the planet.

In the process I accidentally trapped the Dark Side and eliminated it.

For two straight months after that the Dark Side didn’t exist. Then slowly it started to creep up.

I measured it yesterday, and it’s up to 40%.

How come in less than a year it managed to grow itself back? It’s because the Light has almost no support.

I am reading book 5 of the Ringing Cedar Series. It’s by now degraded itself into a dogmatic piece of “party line” literature.

It has exhausted all its Source inspiration, and the 5th book’s vibration is now 200, down from 600 the first and the second volume.

Why is that?

Because the agenda: 100% Tree of Knowledge interpretation of what is good has taken completely over the book.

It is now growing the Dark Side… in spite of its original declared intent.

I see the same tendency at other places as well…

One of the TV shows that I watched over and over on Netflix, “Lie To Me” was really useful to me by distinguishing the look of certain impossible-to-hide emotions.

The second reason it was really useful, because it held up a mirror to me: I recognized disloyalty as a behavior I had. Seeing it on the monitor allowed me to change that behavior, consciously, and for good.

For reasons not quite clear to me, I am sitting in front of my computer, and scenes from that TV show are moving back and forth in my head, pausing and showing details of tone of voice, word usage, facial expressions that betray disloyalty in the series episodes.

Millions of people watched that show, and they are much less discerning than me. I bet if I started to talk about disloyalty, betrayal on that show, people would not know what I am talking about.

Crime movies, action flicks are a great vehicle for the Dark Side.

We learn about the world and about values from what we watch. Unconsciously. Our parents, our peers, our teachers, our co-workers, our bosses, our movies.

One of my teachers does underhanded things. Why? Because he can.

What put me into this out-of-balance state, I just see it now, something that happened two days ago.

They invited former and current students of an expensive course, promising further training.
Continue reading “Dark Side Report, June 2012”

Energize Your Water, Energize Your Body. Source Energize

Energize Your Water, Energize Your Body. Source Energize

energize your water... life giving. 70% of all is waterEnergize Your Water, Energize Your Body. About the Source Energized Water… 70% of your body is water. Are you energized?

Energize your Water: About the Source Energized Water… 70% of your body is water

Most of what we know, or think we know is Tree of Knowledge.

Tree of Knowledge means that we didn’t have a direct experience of what we are talking about. We guessed, or someone else guessed and sold it to us as the truth.

That is the case with most of history, the Bible, and most of science.

Now, let’s get back to direct experience: it is a tricky area.

I need to add something important: direct experience of something that is not open to interpretation.

Continue reading “Energize Your Water, Energize Your Body. Source Energize”