Activator Downloads… Activate The Original Design’s Circuits, The Divine Blueprint

Originally posted 2011-07-17 13:26:04.

circuits activated light up I saw another episode of Star Trek last night. The issue was if Lt. Data, an android, had the right for self-determination, or free will, like a human being. In the trial, the prosecutor studied Lt. Data’s design, and circuits, and to demonstrate that Lt. Data was a machine, he turned him off. It was like he killed Data, heart wrenching.

It occurred to me that human being is a superior machine, but its superiority depends on the number of active circuits…

Mr. Data illustrate that to have respect, self-respect, to honor, to be honest, to be courageous, and the list of these characteristics and abilities is long, is either active in a human being or not. But… it is there by design and the circuit can be activated.

Continue reading “Activator Downloads… Activate The Original Design’s Circuits, The Divine Blueprint”

Tr. Foundation: Follow Up

Originally posted 2011-07-04 16:10:02.

man hit by lightning tr. foundation Vibrational Review:

One of my commitments to you, is to give you a complete and thorough picture on the state of self-actualization/raising your vibration, self-improvement industry, as truthfully, as honestly as I possibly can. One of the tools I have in my arsenal is muscletesting (kinesiology), and another one is my principle in life: Question Everything. Especially when I have a vested interest in being right… lol

To be able to deliver the truth about Tr.’s programs, I signed up to his monthly enhancement program. One energy submission per month, fifty dollars a pop. Not a bad deal — if it delivers…

Delivers what?
Continue reading “Tr. Foundation: Follow Up”

You create your own personal reality. is that a good thing?

you create your own reality
you create your own realityDoes it serve you to have a personal reality?

You may know that I have been talkingĀ  a lot about flexibility. And how important flexibility is. How essential flexibility is for you to be able to change your mind. To get out of the rut your mind has taken you and is keeping you in.

Without you knowing why you can’t grow. Why you can’t be happy. Why you don’t feel successful, productive. and why you don’t have ease and grace in life. Continue reading “You create your own personal reality. is that a good thing?”

Watching Netflix, Plugged Up Toilet, Higher Vibration

If you know me, you know that I love movies. There was a time in my life when I thought that meant that I should, somehow, work in or with movies.

Today I know better. Movies is Source’s way to talk to me, to open my mind, help make me an Expanding Human Being.

So, what about movies… are you going to talk about movies now? Continue reading “Watching Netflix, Plugged Up Toilet, Higher Vibration”

Free will is a how not a what. It’s a who not a what.

I am not religious, so this article will be a thought experiment.

In any universe there needs to be a fixed point around which the universe can unfold.

In our universe that is the untouchable rule of human free will. Continue reading “Free will is a how not a what. It’s a who not a what.”

Have you bidded yet on the tiny audio to adjust your DNA?

Yesterday’s article and the idea of letting people bid on the DNA adjusting tiny audio has been very interesting.

I don’t know what I was expecting.

People bidded? bade? very consistently with how much value they lay on a life that they can love and live powerfully.

Isn’t the life you love invaluable? Maybe. Continue reading “Have you bidded yet on the tiny audio to adjust your DNA?”

Black Friday… plus what is at the root of your misery?

peeling the onion... what is the core?

peeling the onion... what is the core?I am pretty tolerant. In some ways I am really easy going… Except…

My soul correction (34) has a big issue with trusting… and I have a really big problem with trusting if and when you are trying to pull one on me… pull the wool over my eyes, try to fake me out… how many different way shall I use

I cringe. My self-concern kicks is… and as you know…

Self-concern is probably the only reason you are miserable when you are miserable.

Continue reading “Black Friday… plus what is at the root of your misery?”

I have something to say in the matter. But what do I say?

I have something to say in the matter… but what can I say?

Back in 1986 it was revolutionary. Closed circuit TV across the world.

Werner Erhard had his Saturday seminars. I lived in New Jersey at the time, but the audience was in many cities in the US, in Australia, and maybe in Europe…

I was green and my ‘est’ vocabulary was non-existent, so I probably only got 1% of what was available, but I did get something.

In one of the sessions Werner set up the question: I have something to say in the matter… and what the matter was I don’t remember, but I suspect, that he was doing what I am doing with my DNA adjusted students: Continue reading “I have something to say in the matter. But what do I say?”

Life is funny and fun when it is not all about you

what's funny

what's funnyLife is funny… Funny as in tickles your funny bone. You chuckle.

Anything is about you, says something about you beyond just being what it is and it stops being funny, and life stops being fun.

Thank you to Wendy… one of the people who got the gene adjustment.

These whole issue of checking if I did it right could have been a big ‘not funny, not fun’ experience. Or serious. Or W.O.R.K. of proof that in am conscientious, high integrity, thorough, or whatever the f… people acknowledged me for…

But it was 1. a privilege to get to visit with all those people 2. it was funny. Continue reading “Life is funny and fun when it is not all about you”

Two rules of engagement and a condition…

two rules

two rules of engagementEver since last Saturday I have been observing myself putting myself down, devaluing myself. Telling people I am not such a good coach, etc. etc. etc.

I know what happened. I know exactly.

I watched this guy’s videos, I read his testimonials, I heard his superior facility to guide people and take them where he wanted them to go. I watched his 24/7 tireless enthusiasm to turn marginally interested people into fans. And I compared.

I compared.
Continue reading “Two rules of engagement and a condition…”