You have uncomfortable feelings? The why will surprise you

You have uncomfortable feelings? The why will surprise you
This is a very important article. If you just read one article, this is it. Without getting this, what I am showing here, you can’t and won’t be able to fulfill your destiny as a human.
This morning I looked up the expression ‘eager beaver’ in Hungarian. And cried again. This time without tears. This time, not for myself. This time for humanity.
This article is what you can get when you cry with your eyes open…

To belong to the cool guys, you needed to, at least, pretend, that work, school work, reading, learning, achieving are not important to you.

It is pretending that you don’t care.

The cool guys are losers. In life. But they look good. Continue reading “You have uncomfortable feelings? The why will surprise you”

The fourth category of teachability

The fourth category of teachability

because-he-wants-to-do-itQuite a few of my students sent me a request to measure whether they are teachable, whether they are coachable.

And that is where I had an insight:

The reason the 67 steps coaching is so effective is this:

People make the changes, the tiny, near invisible changes in what they see, what they do, how they do it, because it is their choice. 1

What does this mean?

When you make a change because you saw that you needed to, then that change can become permanent. It becomes part of who you are.
Continue reading “The fourth category of teachability”

Your why… what gives you juice, what gives you the strength to stay in the game?

Your why… what gives you juice, what gives you the strength to stay in the game?

what-is-your-whyI just got an insight of what may be the most important factor in your level of vibration.

I got an email from a marketer who I have paid for a course, but slowly have lost my trust in…

But I am still on his list, so he sent me an email.

I’ll copy the email to the bottom… because it is a good email, it is moving, and yet. 2XYZ marketer’s email to me… meaning to be inspiring, no doubt.

Continue reading “Your why… what gives you juice, what gives you the strength to stay in the game?”

Dr. Mercola and his site… a vibrational review

Dr. Mercola and his site… a vibrational review

Dr._Mercola truth value, vibration, arroganceDr. Mercola:

  • his vibration 170
  • his overall IQ including his intelligence 70 (average)
  • the number of spiritual capacities he has 8. A practicing doctor needs 20 capacities… but he is a teacher instead.
  • his soul correction (his machine) DOB July 8, 1954. His soul correction is the same as mind: Forget Thyself.
  • does he have attachments? no
  • the level of his health 30%
  • the level of his cell hydration 7%

The most important thing you want to get from these numbers: he does not have the capacity and the humility to tell truth from falsehood. He is not connected to the Source of higher truth, because of his arrogance, so what you get is his personal opinion… or worse: his “considered” opinion…

Truth value of his judgments and interpretations: 7%

His website’s truth value: 4%. Very very low… What does it mean? it means that 96% of what the site says is not true.
Continue reading “Dr. Mercola and his site… a vibrational review”

Read it again: Your opportunities for breakthrough: You don’t know what you don’t know and You don’t even know there is something to know

you don't know what you are talking aboutFirst off: knowledge is grossly overrated.

Why? Because knowledge without application, without skills is useless. It won’t make you money, it won’t make you slim, good company, or a better driver.

We all grew up with the kind of education that emphasizes knowing, and we are all worse off for it.
Continue reading “Read it again: Your opportunities for breakthrough: You don’t know what you don’t know and You don’t even know there is something to know”

Frustration… or pushing on a string

bang head hereMy dominant emotion is frustration.

Of course frustration lacks humility… frustration is when you are trying to force your will on reality.

things take as long as they do, people do whatever they do, and you’ll screw up, like everybody else.

But, of course, my soul correction is Forget Thyself… meaning allow life to unfold.

That, allowing anything, is the hardest thing for a human… And allowing and yet feeling powerful is even rarer.

We want to make things happen, rush things along, push, pull… and yell in frustration.
Continue reading “Frustration… or pushing on a string”

You get back what you put in… unfortunately for most.

You get back what you put in… unfortunately for most.

sow-reapDid you notice that I said what, and not how much?

Did you also notice, that you heard: how much?

Do you notice that people seem to say the things you already know?

But you never noticed that they say what they say, but you hear what you have already heard!

When I said: you get back what you put in, I meant: you plant a corn seed, you get a corn plant.

The things you plant are mostly your attitudes. The attitudes that hide just under your conscious level, the attitudes that you lie to yourself and anyone who questions you.

You hope they stay hidden… but they come out in the result.
Continue reading “You get back what you put in… unfortunately for most.”

The 67-step coaching, the good life and your Soul correction

The 67-step coaching, the good life and your Soul correction

revealing-the-hiddenIn my last article, I was praising Thought Experiments as a tool to get to the good life.

But: in the area of thinking you are like a human who gave up trying to walk after the first failure, and is now zipping around in a motorized wheelchair.

Alternatively, you could have been educated in the United States… the result, no thinking, is the same. Same in China…

A thinking person is dangerous “civilization”.

But I am thinking all the time! you cry…

But you are not thinking, you are having thoughts. No conscious effort.

Are any of the soul correction types fare worse off than others?

Hell yeah. Your soul correction is your cross to bear… and some are worse off than others.
Continue reading “The 67-step coaching, the good life and your Soul correction”

Empathy… Life’s most important capacity to master

Empathy… Life’s most important capacity to master

empathy-lifes-most-essential-skillIn my inquiries, I find that more and more capacities that I’ve assumed we all have, it turns out, we don’t.

The question that has been puzzling me is why certain ethnic groups that were persecuted at any one time don’t recognize a similarly persecuted other ethnic group as comrades in suffering. Why one victim can’t and won’t give you a hoot about another victim’s misery.

I mostly see this in movies nowadays, but I used to participate in groups and in big seminars, so I have been seeing this forever.

But this was the first time I asked the question: why is this?

Are these bad people? And I guess that is what I have been stuck with until yesterday.

Yesterday I asked the question: is it a capacity to see the same fate in another?

The answer was yes. Hm… but then what is the capacity? Is it the seeing or is it the appreciating of it?
Continue reading “Empathy… Life’s most important capacity to master”

Your feelings are lying to you… or why to have a coach

fear is lying to youYour feelings are lying to you

Your fear says: don’t do anything… Or it may say: run… and you run.

When you look at all the people you know, the ones that listen to their feelings are mediocre at best, No winners among them.

Because winning requires you to stay in the game, regardless of your feelings.

I say: you are stupid, a lot. What do I mean? Hey, stupid as the stupid does.

Do you know how many opportunities Bill Gates had to say: Nah, too hard! or Nah, they don’t want it. or Nah, I am too afraid.
Continue reading “Your feelings are lying to you… or why to have a coach”