What do I mean when I say ‘human design’ or ‘the design’?

What do I mean when I say ‘human design’ or ‘the design’?

What am I saying when I say ‘the design of human being’, or when I say ‘humans are designed to be…’?

Where do I look?

The Old Testament, the Five Books of Moses says that God created Adam to his own image.

Trying to reconstruct god from humans is a tricky proposition.

What we would get is a passive, combative, argumentative avoider… who has more common characteristics with sheep than with someone or something that created worlds.

So that direction of thinking is not going to lead us to what the design must be. Continue reading “What do I mean when I say ‘human design’ or ‘the design’?”

How is the human DNA is like a Christmas tree

How is the human DNA is like a Christmas tree
activate dna capacitiesThe Human DNA is like a Christmas tree

It has lots of light on, the active genes, and even more lights off, the inactive genes.

Some genes are supposed to turn off at a certain level of individual development, others are supposed to turn on, but most genes need to be needed by the person’s activity to turn on or even to stay on.

A light on is a human capacity that is active. It signifies that the organism considers it worthwhile and needed to keep it on… Because it produces a benefit commensurate with the energy expenditure the body needs to put out to keep it on.

A light off is a human capacity that is not active. Continue reading “How is the human DNA is like a Christmas tree”

The capacity to see the consequences of your actions

The capacity to see the consequences of your actions

The capacity to see one’s way through, without the need to muddle through is possessed by about 1% of humanity.

It is the same capacity that can clearly see what your current actions will result in if you continue them.

It is the same capacity that can see what changes you need to make in your attitude and in your behavior to effect lasting change.

It is the rarest capacity… but it is also the hardest capacity to make work for you if you don’t have the habit of looking.

In a Landmark Education seminar, Inventing Yourself, there was a session where you were asked to stand in front of what you have never seen, what you can’t recognize from memory, and keep standing there until you see it. Continue reading “The capacity to see the consequences of your actions”